International Food Atlas and Digital Platform for safeguarding, promoting and transmitting foodways to future generations
- Project budget:
- US$ 2,500,000
- Source:
- Saudi Arabia Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2023 - 31/12/2026
News and activities:
- 2025-03-10 – International Food Atlas - Inception Phase Results Workshop
- 2025-01-28 – Foodways: growing recognition and reinforced safeguarding measures
Integrating living heritage into primary education in Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
- Project budget:
- US$ 75,000
- Source:
- Netherlands earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2024 - 01/12/2026
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
Implementing community-based heritage festivals in eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Benefitting country(ies): Bangladesh
Supporting the community of artists and artisans of the village of Noailles to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of metal cutting in the context of the security crisis and for resilience in Haiti
Benefitting country(ies): Haiti
Consolidating and upscaling efforts of community museums to safeguard six intangible cultural heritage elements in Uganda
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Safeguarding of ludodiversity in Malawi through formal and non-formal education
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi
Revision of the national intangible cultural heritage inventory and capacity-building on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the local communities in five provinces of Kazakhstan
Benefitting country(ies): Kazakhstan
Safeguarding plans for the transfer of three elements of Mali's intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List to the Representative List
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
Consolidating the promotion of intangible cultural heritage education in institutions of higher learning in collaboration with bearer communities
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Strengthening the capacities of La Cofradía del Espíritu Santo de Los Congos de Villa Mella and El Teatro Cocolo Danzante de Los Guloyas de San Pedro to safeguard their heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Dominican Republic
Inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of traditional and religious festivities in the municipalities of Bluefields, Diriamba, León, El Viejo and Masaya
Benefitting country(ies): Nicaragua
Practical handbook on periodic reporting with a self-learning tool on the Overall results framework for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 90,000
- Source:
- The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
Pilot inventory of intangible cultural heritage in the ten departments of the Centre Region in Cameroon
Benefitting country(ies): Cameroon
Xhubleta, skills, craftmanship and forms of usage
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 91,092 granted in 2022
- Dates of implementation:
- 28/12/2023 - 31/12/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Albania
Safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of Ukrainian displaced persons in Hungary: inclusive community practices
Benefitting country(ies): Hungary
Pilot inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of the communities of the Lobaye forest prefecture
Benefitting country(ies): Central African Republic
Digital journey to intangible cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan
Benefitting country(ies): Kyrgyzstan
Identification, capacity-building, safeguarding and promotion of traditional dances of Togo as a vector of sustainable cultural development
Benefitting country(ies): Togo
Living Heritage and The Sustainable Development Goals: Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through formal and non-formal education in the Asia and the Pacific Region and in Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 180,000
- Source:
- The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2021 - 31/07/2025
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Benin, Nepal, Thailand
Capacity building for stakeholders involved in safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in Burkina Faso
Benefitting country(ies): Burkina Faso
News and activities:
Safeguarding and inventories of children's tales and narratives in Mauritania
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania
Elaboration of an inventory of national intangible cultural heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Rwanda
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in situations of conflict and forced displacement
- Project budget:
- US$ 100,000
- Source:
- Azerbaijan earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2021 - 01/06/2025
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
News and activities:
- 2023-10-23 – Safeguarding living heritage for resilience and recovery at Minawao Refugee Camp in Cameroon
- 2023-10-09 – Training workshop for safeguarding living heritage in situations of conflict and forced displacement at Minawao Refugee Camp, Cameroon
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and contributing to sustainable development in Kenya
- Project budget:
- US$ 75,938
- Source:
- Netherlands earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2022 - 01/06/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
Strengthening capacities for preparing nomination files for the Lists of the 2003 Convention in Small Island and Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean
- Project budget:
- US$ 75,000
- Source:
- Netherlands earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2023 - 01/06/2025
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
Benefitting country(ies): Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago
Development of an inventory of intangible cultural heritage in South Sudan
Benefitting country(ies): South Sudan
News and activities:
- 2023-11-10 – Community based inventorying in South Sudan project launch
- 2020-10-08 – Nearly US$500,000 granted to support safeguarding activities in Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, Egypt, South Sudan and Uruguay
Field School for capacity-building in safeguarding living heritage of ethnic communities in Thailand
Benefitting country(ies): Thailand
Social practices and cultural elements of Toare Gulf mask festival
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 10,000 granted in 2024
- Dates of implementation:
- 20/08/2024 - 30/04/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Papua New Guinea
Imbalu ceremonies
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 7,970 granted in 2024
- Dates of implementation:
- 23/09/2024 - 30/04/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Aixan/Gana/Ob#ANS TSI //Khasigu, ancestral musical sound knowledge and skills (international assistance)
Benefitting country(ies): Namibia
Emergency response to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of Lalibela, World Heritage property, and the surrounding area endangered by conflict
Benefitting country(ies): Ethiopia
Capacity building for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in emergencies in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific and the Caribbean
- Project budget:
- US$ 500,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2022 - 01/04/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Bahamas, Belize, Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu
News and activities:
- 2022-04-11 – Launch of a three-year project for safeguarding living heritage during emergencies in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Pacific and the Caribbean
- 2022-04-07 – Inter-regional inception workshop for the project ‘Capacity-building for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in emergencies in Small Island Developing States in the Pacific and the Caribbean’
Capacity building on traditional Koryo celadon making practice
Benefitting country(ies): Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
To get together - Enhancement of the capacities of displaced communities from Ukraine living in Slovakia through living heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Slovakia
Community-based teaching and learning of Ukraine’s living heritage in Romania
Benefitting country(ies): Romania
Strengthening and promotion of the intergenerational transmission of knowledge and meanings related to the production of traditional pottery in Checca Pupuja, Puno
Benefitting country(ies): Peru
Urgent safeguarding of the making of traditional musical instrument Kobyz and its tradition of Zhyrau performance
Benefitting country(ies): Uzbekistan
Capacity-building for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and contributing to sustainable development
Benefitting country(ies): Gambia, Ghana
News and activities:
- 2024-07-25 – Ghana engages holistic approach to strengthen living heritage safeguarding
- 2022-11-23 – Inception Workshop for the project 'Strengthening capacities to safeguard intangible cultural heritage and contribute to sustainable development'
Strengthening capacities at the national and local levels for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Dominica
- Project budget:
- US$ 65,000
- Source:
- Kuwait earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2022 - 01/01/2025
- Documents:
- Progress report earmarked contribution Kuwait (Dominica): English
Benefitting country(ies): Dominica
Pilot inventory of intangible cultural heritage in six provinces of Chad
Benefitting country(ies): Chad
Documentation and inventory of peu karioi (performing arts) in the Cook Islands
Benefitting country(ies): Cook Islands
Community-based inventorying and capacity building of indigenous communities for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces
Benefitting country(ies): Pakistan
Safeguarding Saint Kitts and Nevis Intangible Cultural Heritage: developing a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Policy
Benefitting country(ies): Saint Kitts and Nevis
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in disaster contexts
- Project budget:
- US$ 100,000
- Source:
- Switzerland earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2020 - 30/12/2024
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
Benefitting country(ies): Honduras, Philippines
News and activities:
- 2021-06-29 – Joint capacity-building project on ICH and disaster risk reduction kicks off in the Philippines and Honduras
Strengthening capacities at the national and local levels for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the United Republic of Tanzania and contributing to sustainable development
- Project budget:
- US$ 81,271
- Source:
- The International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2022 - 30/12/2024
- Documents:
- Progress report: English
Benefitting country(ies): United Republic of Tanzania
News and activities:
- 2022-12-15 – UNESCO launches new capacity-building project for living heritage in the United Republic of Tanzania
Inventorying of Kuyabila of the Tonga ethnic group of Zambia
Benefitting country(ies): Zambia
News and activities:
Development of a national inventory of intangible cultural heritage in Sao Tome and Principe
Benefitting country(ies): Sao Tome and Principe
Empowering communities for the safeguarding of Belize's foodways: a community-based inventory project for sustainable development and disaster resilience
Benefitting country(ies): Belize
Implementation of a plan for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Equatorial Guinea: training and pilot inventory of traditional dances
Benefitting country(ies): Equatorial Guinea
Building capacities on intangible cultural heritage inventorying, safeguarding and awareness raising activities in The Gambia
Benefitting country(ies): Gambia
Safeguarding of Okuruuo through community-based capacity building, inventorying and documentation interventions in Namibia
Benefitting country(ies): Namibia
Capacity building for community leaders and public managers to safeguard the living heritage of Afro-descendant communities in the SICA region and Cuba
Benefitting country(ies): Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
Community-Based inventory, documenting and safeguarding folklore of the Syunik region of Armenia
Benefitting country(ies): Armenia
Strengthening capacities for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 250,000
- Source:
- Saudi Arabia Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2023 - 01/07/2024
Benefitting country(ies): Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2024-04-22 – Milestone achieved as Africa participates in its first regional cycle of periodic reporting
Spring rite of Juraŭski Karahod (international assistance)
Benefitting country(ies): Belarus
Safeguarding semba by creating new levers for intergenerational transmission and income-generating opportunities
Benefitting country(ies): Angola
Exchange of experiences and cultural dialogues for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of Afro-descendant peoples through the preparation of inventories in the SICA region and Cuba
Benefitting country(ies): Belize, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in basic education in Namibia and Zimbabwe
- Project budget:
- US$ 355,860
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2022 - 01/06/2024
Benefitting country(ies): Namibia, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2024-03-19 – Namibia and Zimbabwe move onward to bridge living heritage and education
- 2023-03-10 – Namibia and Zimbabwe launch project on living heritage in education
Between the Amazon and the Andes: safeguarding and transmission of the Traditional knowledge and techniques associated with Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of the Putumayo and Nariño departments of Colombia
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
Awareness raising on the importance of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage among traditional leadership and local communities in Zimbabwe
Benefitting country(ies): Zimbabwe
Ancestral and traditional techniques for the elaboration of the 'Poncho Para'i de 60 Listas', from the city of Piribebuy, Republic of Paraguay
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 74,500 granted in 2023
- Dates of implementation:
- Approved in 12/2023 - not yet under implementation
Benefitting country(ies): Paraguay
Strengthening capacities for the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Antigua and Barbuda
Benefitting country(ies): Antigua and Barbuda
News and activities:
Inventory of intangible culture of craftsmanship in the core of Historic Cairo
Benefitting country(ies): Egypt
News and activities:
- 2022-08-12 – Inventorying living heritage practices in the heart of Historic Cairo, a World Heritage Site
- 2020-10-08 – Nearly US$500,000 granted to support safeguarding activities in Antigua and Barbuda, Burundi, Egypt, South Sudan and Uruguay
Updating of the 2009 inventory of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in Burundi with the participation of the communities
Benefitting country(ies): Burundi
News and activities:
'Proud of my Heritage': transmission and safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Grenada through inventorying and education initiatives
Benefitting country(ies): Grenada
News and activities:
Supporting the resilience of Ukrainian school children through enhancing awareness of their living heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 68,550
- Source:
- Heritage Emergency Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2022 - 01/05/2023
Benefitting country(ies): Ukraine
News and activities:
- 2024-07-05 – UNESCO launches educational resource kit for Ukraine
- 2023-04-13 – Teaching and learning with living heritage in Ukraine
Capacity-building for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through creation of community-based inventory for Luang Prabang
Benefitting country(ies): Lao People's Democratic Republic
Safeguarding and promoting intangible cultural heritage and supporting creativity of young people in the field of the music industry in the eastern region
- Project budget:
- US$ 336,480
- Source:
- Morocco Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
National Oral Traditions (NOT), additional collection component
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania
Community-based inventorying and transmission of intangible cultural heritage in the island of Tongatapu in Tonga
Benefitting country(ies): Tonga
News and activities:
Community based Inventory of ICH in Albania with a view to safeguarding and transmitting to future generations
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 213,260 granted in 2018
- Dates of implementation:
- 20/02/2020 - 30/10/2022
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Albania
News and activities:
Assessing the needs of living heritage safeguarding among displaced communities from Ukraine in five neighboring countries: Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia
- Project budget:
- US$ 57,800
- Source:
- Heritage Emergency Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2022 - 01/09/2022
Benefitting country(ies): Hungary, Poland, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine
Pilot project to create a local ICH management committee and first steps towards a national strategy for decentralized ICH management
Benefitting country(ies): Mozambique
Inventorying oral traditions, expressions, local knowledge and practices of the Korekore of Hurungwe district in Zimbabwe
Benefitting country(ies): Zimbabwe
Inventory, safeguarding and promoting knowledge of how to manufacture and play Togo’s traditional musical instruments (national phase)
Benefitting country(ies): Togo
News and activities:
Strengthening the capacity of community museums to promote inscribed intangible cultural heritage elements
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
News and activities:
Learning with intangible cultural heritage for a sustainable future in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Project budget:
- US$ 111,000
- Source:
- Netherlands earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/02/2021 - 01/06/2022
- Documents:
- Progress report earmarked contribution The Netherlands (LAC ICH ED): English
Benefitting country(ies): Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Peru
News and activities:
- 2022-12-12 – Learning with intangible cultural heritage for a sustainable future in Latin America and the Caribbean
Safeguarding ICH in Malawi through non-formal learning and transmission
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi
Development of an inventory of intangible cultural heritage for Shiselweni region in Eswatini
Benefitting country(ies): Eswatini
News and activities:
- 2020-01-19 – Capacity-buliding workshop on community-based inventory of intangible cultural heritage in Nhlangano
Identification, definition and inventory of the intangible cultural heritage in the Cuban province of Guantánamo
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 65,745 granted in 2017
- Dates of implementation:
- 06/03/2018 - 28/02/2022
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Cuba
News and activities:
- 2017-06-09 – Safeguarding female chants in Morocco and inventorying intangible cultural heritage in Cuba
Transmitting and stabilizing the folk long song performance technique of Limbe performers - circular breathing - through the old repertoire to the new generations
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Strengthening the capacities of States Parties for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Western Africa (Sahel)
- Project budget:
- US$ 59,571
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal
Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the West African Countries
- Project budget:
- US$ 59,571
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Benin, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone
News and activities:
- 2021-06-08 – Awareness Creation Workshops on 'Intangible Cultural Heritage-in-Education' for Anglophone Countries in West Africa
Safeguarding and promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage in Central Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 59,571
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon
Strengthen the capacity for the safeguarding and management of intangible cultural heritage in Zambia
Benefitting country(ies): Zambia
News and activities:
- 2018-06-11 – Workshop on University curriculum development
Enhancing the capacity of communities to safeguard traditional dance expressions as performing arts heritage in western Zimbabwe
Benefitting country(ies): Zimbabwe
Supporting natural and cultural sustainability through the revitalization and transmission of the traditional practices of worshipping the sacred sites in Mongolia
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
News and activities:
Recovery of living heritage from the COVID-19 pandemic: Ulos weavers and Gorga sculptors in the Toba region in Indonesia
- Project budget:
- US$ 20,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Indonesia
News and activities:
Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through strengthening national capacities in Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia
- Project budget:
- US$ 705,581
- Source:
- Norway earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Spain earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2013 - 01/12/2021
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia
News and activities:
- 2018-09-12 – Closing workshop for the project 'Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through strengthening national capacities in Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia'
- 2018-06-28 – Final consultation and validation meeting of the multi-year national strategy for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage
Safeguarding and valorization of knowledge and know-how linked to craftsmanship in danger of disappearing
- Project budget:
- US$ 744,845
- Source:
- Morocco Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2017 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
Support to the development of a safeguarding and valorization strategy for knowledge and know-how linked to craftsmanship in Morocco
- Project budget:
- US$ 105,732
- Source:
- Morocco Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/07/2017 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
Community-based inventorying of intangible heritage in urban areas
- Project budget:
- US$ 566,000
- Source:
- Yong Xin Hua Yun Cultural Industry Investment Co. Ltd
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2018 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Georgia, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia, Peru, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2021-10-28 – Irbid (Jordan) is the next pilot city for a project on safeguarding intangible heritage in urban areas
- 2021-06-18 – Wrap-up workshop for the project' Community-based inventorying of ICH in Tbilisi, Georgia'
A systemic approach to advancing SDGs by supporting citizenship and social protection for hard-to-reach populations in Gabon
- Project budget:
- US$ 214,000
- Source:
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2020 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Gabon
Digitization of the intangible cultural heritage elements of communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Project budget:
- US$ 10,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Bosnia and Herzegovina
News and activities:
- 2022-03-11 – Bosnia and Herzegovina successfully digitalize its living heritage after the COVID-19 pandemic
Supporting local income-generating activities with the Charles Town Maroons of Jamaica
- Project budget:
- US$ 5,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Jamaica
Living heritage, youth and COVID-19 in Sint Maarten
- Project budget:
- US$ 5,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Sint Maarten
Living heritage virtual linkup in Barbados
- Project budget:
- US$ 5,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Barbados
T-ICH4SD: transmedia intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador
- Project budget:
- US$ 10,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Colombia, Ecuador
News and activities:
Living heritage and crisis situations in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Project budget:
- US$ 10,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/12/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Strengthening the contribution of living heritage in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its integration into national initiatives for disaster risk reduction in The Gambia
- Project budget:
- US$ 15,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2021 - 01/11/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Gambia
Silk Roads Heritage Corridors in Afghanistan, Central Asia and Iran - International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 3,400,000
- Source:
- European Union
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2018 - 01/09/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
News and activities:
- 2019-06-18 – Intangible cultural heritage of the Silk Roads: Identification and Inventorying in Tajikistan
- 2019-05-14 – Intangible cultural heritage of the Silk Roads: Identification and Inventorying in Kyrgyzstan
Programme in support of the education system for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage (PASS-TPCI)
Benefitting country(ies): Haiti
Strengthening the capacities of NGOs active in the field of intangible cultural heritage in Mauritania
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania
News and activities:
Strengthening capacities for the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention of the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Lebanon
- Project budget:
- US$ 260,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 25/07/2018 - 24/07/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Lebanon
News and activities:
- 2022-07-13 – Final activity of a safeguarding project in Lebanon
- 2021-08-25 – Lebanon: UNESCO supports the safeguarding of living heritage
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Egypt for sustainable development
- Project budget:
- US$ 367,435
- Source:
- Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 30/05/2017 - 30/06/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Egypt
News and activities:
- 2019-09-08 – Workshop on preparing nominations and international assistance
- 2019-08-04 – Workshop on developing safeguarding plans for intangible cultural heritage
2018 - European Year of Cultural Heritage: Engaging youth for an inclusive and sustainable Europe
- Project budget:
- US$ 349,650
- Source:
- European Union
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2019 - 30/06/2021
Benefitting country(ies): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands (Kingdom of the), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
News and activities:
- 2021-09-24 – Teaching and learning with living heritage: Lessons learnt from the joint UNESCO/EU pilot project for Slovak and Czech speaking teachers
- 2021-09-22 – Slovak and Czech-speaking teachers are celebrating Slovakia’s 15th anniversary of the ratification of the Convention
Safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage of Niger in a situation of urgency and for the resilience of displaced populations - pilot project in Tillabéry and Diffa
Benefitting country(ies): Niger
News and activities:
- 2017-10-09 – Niger and Namibia: Bureau grants emergency International Assistance and preparatory assistance
Strengthening inventory preparation capacity for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Saint Kitts and Nevis
Benefitting country(ies): Saint Kitts and Nevis
Capacity building in community-based inventorying
Benefitting country(ies): Djibouti
News and activities:
- 2021-05-18 – News from the Republic of Djibouti: the results of the project funded by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
- 2020-07-15 – Djibouti prepares its first inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in the countries of Southern African sub-region
- Project budget:
- US$ 59,571
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 59,571
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda
News and activities:
- 2022-01-18 – UNESCO publishes case studies on living heritage and climate change in East Africa
- 2021-04-30 – Regional Online Conference on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Biodiversity Conservation, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction in Eastern Africa
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Sudan
- Project budget:
- US$ 337,338
- Source:
- Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 30/05/2017 - 31/12/2020
Benefitting country(ies): Sudan
News and activities:
- 2021-02-19 – Sudan takes steps to strengthen the safeguarding of its living heritage
- 2020-02-23 – Workshop on preparing requests for international assistance and nominations to the Lists of the 2003 Convention
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding Palestinian intangible cultural heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 273,049
- Source:
- Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 30/05/2017 - 31/12/2020
Benefitting country(ies): State of Palestine
News and activities:
- 2021-04-15 – Palestinian authorities take further steps in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- 2020-11-04 – Training on Community based inventorying and pilot inventorying exercise
Promoting intangible cultural heritage education in institutions of higher learning in Uganda
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Strengthening national capacities in the field of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding in Senegal
Benefitting country(ies): Senegal
News and activities:
- 2018-11-19 – Senegalese communities at the heart of inventories of intangible cultural heritage
- 2018-10-15 – Extensive training on community-based inventory on the ICH concept
Safeguarding of practices and rare rituals related to sacred sites in Kyrgyzstan: preparation of an inventory and safeguarding measures
Benefitting country(ies): Kyrgyzstan
News and activities:
My Heritage, My Region: strategy for capacity-building in social management of the intangible cultural heritage in two departments of the Colombian Orinoco region
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
News and activities:
Intangible cultural heritage as a basis for resilience, reconciliation and construction of peace environments in Colombia's post-agreements
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
News and activities:
- 2018-11-11 – Paris Peace Forum
- 2018-09-14 – Colombia bets on intangible cultural heritage for peacebuilding
Cultural practices and expressions linked to the ‘M’Bolon’, a traditional musical percussion instrument
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
Safeguarding of Enkipaata, Eunoto and Olng'esherr, three male rites of passage of the Maasai community
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
News and activities:
- 2018-01-28 – Community-based inventorying workshop
Community-self documentation and revitalization of ceremonies and practices associated with Empaako naming system in Uganda
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
News and activities:
- 2020-08-27 – Five communities in Western Uganda participated in documenting and revitalizing Empaako intangible cultural heritage
- 2018-08-01 – Training of trainers workshop on ICH documentation
Strengthening capacities in the Comoros for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development
- Project budget:
- US$ 249,435
- Source:
- Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2017 - 01/12/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Comoros
News and activities:
- 2020-01-16 – Comoros makes significant strides to ensure the safeguarding of living heritage
- 2019-03-19 – Training Workshop on Participatory Inventory Development with Communities
Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the West African Countries
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,114
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2018 - 01/12/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Ghana, Togo
News and activities:
- 2019-04-19 – Needs assessment for the implementation of the 2003 Convention in Togo
- 2018-12-13 – Validation workshop on needs assessment in Ghana
Strengthening the capacities of States Parties for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Western Africa (Sahel)
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,114
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2018 - 01/12/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Cabo Verde, Mali, Niger, Senegal
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Central Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,114
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2018 - 01/12/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Gabon
News and activities:
- 2019-10-29 – Capacity-building workshop to raise awareness on the 2003 Convention and the elaboration of inventories
- 2018-07-01 – Training on the 2003 Convention and ICH inventory with the participation of communities
Needs assessment for reinforcing Ukraine's national capacities in strategy development for ICH safeguarding
Benefitting country(ies): Ukraine
Revitalization of the female chants of Taroudant
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
News and activities:
Protecting Cultural Heritage and Diversity in Complex Emergencies for Stabilization and Peace
- Project budget:
- US$ 204,899
- Source:
- European Union
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2017 - 01/09/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Iraq
Strengthening National Capacities for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh
Benefitting country(ies): Bangladesh
News and activities:
- 2018-05-06 – Training for Bangladesh on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
- 2018-05-04 – Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh - Capacity-building training workshop on ICH Nomination
Strengthening the capacities of the DPR of Korea for community-based inventorying of ICH and for elaborating nomination files under the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention
Benefitting country(ies): Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
News and activities:
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Phase III)
- Project budget:
- US$ 117,467
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2018 - 01/06/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Thailand’s efforts in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through strengthening local communities' capacities
- Project budget:
- US$ 111,000
- Source:
- CRIHAP contribution (US$ 61,000)
- National resources of Thailand (US$ 50,000 in cash and in kind)
- Dates of implementation:
- 05/02/2018 - 30/04/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Thailand
Aixan (gâna/ōb ǂans tsî//khasigu), ancestral musical sound knowledge and skills
Benefitting country(ies): Namibia
National Folk Festival of Gjirokastra (NFFoGj), 50 years of best practice in safeguarding Albanian intangible heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Albania
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in eight countries in Africa and the Arab Region: assessing needs and developing project proposals
- Project budget:
- US$ 259,419
- Source:
- Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2014 - 01/03/2019
Benefitting country(ies): Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Madagascar, South Sudan, State of Palestine, Sudan, Yemen
News and activities:
- 2015-08-09 – Need assessment for strengthening national capacities in implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Egpyt
- 2015-05-04 – Progress in implementing an eight-country capacity-building project in the Arab States and Africa
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in the countries of Southern African sub-region
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,114
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,114
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan
News and activities:
- 2019-03-20 – UNESCO awareness-raising workshop in Mogadishu
- 2018-11-21 – Workshop to promote ratification, Somalia
Strengthening the capacities of Suriname and Dutch Caribbean islands for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 635,980
- Source:
- Netherlands earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2014 - 31/12/2018
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Suriname
News and activities:
- 2018-10-29 – Workshop on natural disaster and intangible cultural heritage
- 2017-10-23 – The 2003 Convention reaches 175 State Parties!
Documentation and inventory of intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of the Sudan (a pilot project in Kordufan and Blue Nile regions)
Benefitting country(ies): Sudan
News and activities:
- 2015-10-19 – The Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund supports various safeguarding measures in Africa!
Inventory of the intangible cultural heritage present in Côte d'Ivoire in view of its urgent safeguarding
Benefitting country(ies): Côte d'Ivoire
News and activities:
- 2020-02-10 – Inventorying intangible cultural heritage for peace in Côte d’Ivoire
- 2016-08-01 – 6 ateliers sur la mise en œuvre de la Convention organisés au niveau régional
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Guatemala
Benefitting country(ies): Guatemala
News and activities:
- 2018-11-27 – Consultation on the priorities for an Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guatemala
- 2018-04-26 – Guatemala concludes capacity-building cycle for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in its territory
Strengthening capacity in Seychelles for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development
Benefitting country(ies): Seychelles
News and activities:
- 2019-09-19 – Gabon, Kenya and the Seychelles strengthen safeguarding efforts through International Assistance projects
- 2019-02-26 – Workshop and advisory services on nomination files to the lists of the 2003 Convention
Promotion of earthen ware pottery-making skills in Kgatleng district
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana
Titajtakezakan. Speaking across time, oral tradition and use of information and communication technologies
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 24,995 granted in 2016
- Dates of implementation:
- 07/02/2017 - 31/05/2018
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): El Salvador
News and activities:
Inventory and promotion of intangible cultural heritage in Burkina Faso
Benefitting country(ies): Burkina Faso
News and activities:
- 2018-08-30 – Burkina Faso ready for safeguarding living heritage throughout the country
- 2015-02-12 – Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa
Emergency Safeguarding of the Syrian Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 140,700
- Source:
- European Union
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2014 - 01/03/2018
Benefitting country(ies): Syrian Arab Republic
Safeguarding of the traditional knowledge for the protection of sacred natural sites in the territory of the Jaguars of Yuruparí, Vaupés Province, Colombia
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
Needs assessment in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Project budget:
- US$ 9,000
- Source:
- -
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/03/2025 - 03/03/2025
Benefitting country(ies): Bosnia and Herzegovina
Safeguarding of Nkhonde, Tumbuka and Chewa proverbs and folktales
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi
Promotion of traditional pottery making practices in Eastern Kenya
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
News and activities:
- 2019-09-19 – Gabon, Kenya and the Seychelles strengthen safeguarding efforts through International Assistance projects
Inventorying of proverbs of Lala community of Luano District of Zambia
Benefitting country(ies): Zambia
Strengthening the capacities of Eritrea for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Eritrea
News and activities:
- 2018-03-21 – Eritrea to focus on communities especially youth in their national safeguarding efforts
- 2018-02-19 – Capacity-building Workshop on Preparing Nomination Files and International Assistance Request
Climate change and preservation and valorization of intangible cultural heritage linked to craftsmanship
- Project budget:
- US$ 103,623
- Source:
- Morocco Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 24/05/2016 - 31/12/2017
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
Community-based needs identification for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Nord-Kivu
Benefitting country(ies): Democratic Republic of the Congo
News and activities:
- 2017-11-28 – Local stakeholders in Goma approve the community-based needs identification exercise for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Nord-Kivu
- 2017-09-12 – Atelier de consultation des personnes ressources
Inventory and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage of the Pygmy populations of Gabon
Benefitting country(ies): Gabon
News and activities:
- 2019-09-19 – Gabon, Kenya and the Seychelles strengthen safeguarding efforts through International Assistance projects
- 2015-08-24 – Peacebuilding, natural disasters mitigation and indigenous communities supported by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Asia and the Pacific
- Project budget:
- US$ 899,835
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2015 - 31/10/2017
- Documents:
- Building National Capacities to Safeguard Asia-Pacific Intangible Cultural Heritage (2011-2017) - Project Completion Report: English
Benefitting country(ies): Fiji, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Mongolia, Samoa, Sri Lanka
News and activities:
- 2017-07-24 – Laos reflects on the linkages between intangible cultural heritage and development
- 2017-06-01 – Community based Inventorying in Mongolia
Safeguarding and promotion of Bigwala, gourd trumpet music and dance of Busoga Kingdom in Uganda
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
News and activities:
- 2017-03-20 – Basoga communities of Uganda engage in the safeguarding of the Bigwala
- 2016-06-01 – Workshop in Bigwala and drum playing and Bigwala dance
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Part II
- Project budget:
- US$ 250,000
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2016 - 31/07/2017
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2016-09-19 – Training of Trainers on Strengthening National Capacities for Implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
- 2016-07-25 – Workshop on inventorying, international assistance and nominations in Swaziland
Support to the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Nigeria
- Project budget:
- US$ 300,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2014 - 01/07/2017
- Documents:
- Project brochure: English
Benefitting country(ies): Nigeria
News and activities:
- 2017-10-26 – Stakeholders' meeting
- 2017-06-28 – Reinforcing capacities to safeguard intangible cultural heritage in Nigeria
Inventorying of the music and dance of the Lozi and Nkoya people of Kaoma District
Benefitting country(ies): Zambia
News and activities:
- 2017-10-09 – Promoting social cohesion through the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the Kaoma District of Zambia
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Ecuador
Benefitting country(ies): Ecuador
News and activities:
- 2017-10-02 – Ecuador consolidates its public policy for the safeguarding of its intangible cultural heritage
- 2016-11-09 – Workshop on elaboration of public policy tools for the ICH safeguarding national plan of Ecuador
Inventorying of intangible cultural heritage elements in Thaba-Bosiu in Lesotho
Benefitting country(ies): Lesotho
Inventory, safeguarding and promoting knowledge of how to manufacture and play Togo's traditional musical instruments (Pilot phase in the Maritime region, south Togo)
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 24,950 granted in 2015
- Dates of implementation:
- 09/12/2015 - 09/12/2016
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Togo
News and activities:
- 2017-03-11 – Young people from South Togo rediscover traditional musical instruments
- 2015-10-19 – The Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund supports various safeguarding measures in Africa!
Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage through strengthening national capacities in Niger
- Project budget:
- US$ 167,336
- Source:
- Spain earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2013 - 01/12/2016
- Documents:
Benefitting country(ies): Niger
News and activities:
- 2016-10-17 – Atelier sur l'élaboration de plans de sauvegarde
- 2016-03-09 – Niger is enhancing its legacy in ICH safeguarding!
Needs assessment in Republic of Moldova
- Project budget:
- US$ 9,000
- Source:
- -
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2016 - 01/12/2016
Benefitting country(ies): Republic of Moldova
Survey on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Displaced Syrians
- Project budget:
- US$ 15,800
- Source:
- Heritage Emergency Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 03/08/2016 - 30/11/2016
- Documents:
- Survey report on Intangible Cultural Heritage of Displaced Syrians: English
Benefitting country(ies): Syrian Arab Republic
Inventory of intangible cultural heritage in Mali with a view to its urgent safeguarding
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
News and activities:
- 2017-07-03 – 211 elements of the Malian intangible cultural heritage inventoried for their urgent safeguarding
- 2015-02-12 – Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa
Safeguarding and revitalizing the Mongolian traditional epic
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Safeguarding the oral traditions and expressions of the Dzao people of Lao Cai and Lai Chau Provinces of Viet Nam
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Documenting and inventorying intangible cultural heritage of the pastoralist Samburu community in northern Kenya: a focus on the region of Mount Kulal biosphere reserve
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
News and activities:
- 2016-04-13 – Workshop on documenting and inventorying intangible cultural heritage of the pastoralist Samburu community
- 2015-10-19 – The Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund supports various safeguarding measures in Africa!
Strengthening national capacities for effective intangible cultural heritage safeguarding in selected PALOP countries
- Project budget:
- US$ 1,058,905
- Source:
- Norway earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2012 - 01/05/2016
- Documents:
- Final Project Report: English
- Progress report (11-2014): English
- Progress report (12-2015): English
- This Culture that leads you to know how to be - part 1: English|French|Portuguese
- This Culture that leads you to know how to be - part 2: English|French|Portuguese
- This Culture that leads you to know how to be - part 3: English|French|Portuguese
Benefitting country(ies): Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe
News and activities:
- 2016-05-09 – Regional final workshop of the capacity building project in Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP)
- 2016-05-09 – Portuguese-speaking African countries assess project achievements
Taskiwine, Amazigh dance and songs of the western High Atlas
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Central Asia
- Project budget:
- US$ 395,362
- Source:
- Norway earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2012 - 01/01/2016
- Documents:
- Final report (01-2016): English
Benefitting country(ies): Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
News and activities:
- 2017-07-14 – Enhancing safeguarding of living heritage in Uzbekistan
- 2016-11-21 – Workshop on ICH and Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan, Implications for Policy Development and Implementation
Improving the capacities of intangible cultural heritage related NGOs in Mongolia
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Safeguarding indigenous vernacular architecture and building knowledge in Vanuatu
Benefitting country(ies): Vanuatu
News and activities:
- 2017-05-29 – Safeguarding Indigenous Architecture in Vanuatu
- 2015-08-24 – Peacebuilding, natural disasters mitigation and indigenous communities supported by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of Kallawaya communities
- Project budget:
- US$ 150,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/02/2014 - 01/12/2015
Benefitting country(ies): Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
News and activities:
- 2017-09-28 – Kallawaya communities document their traditional healing and cultural practices for safeguarding purposes
- 2015-10-17 – Transmission workshop from elderly to younger Kallawayas
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage of Belize, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago through strengthening their capacities for implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 300,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2012 - 01/12/2015
- Documents:
- Project brochure: English
Benefitting country(ies): Belize, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago
News and activities:
- 2014-06-10 – Review meeting: safeguarding intangible cultural heritage of Belize, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago
- 2014-02-01 – pilot activity on community-based inventorying in Jamaica
Safeguarding and promotion of indigenous knowledge associated with the ecological environment of the Black Ha Nhi in Lao Cai Province, Viet Nam
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Documentation, promotion and dissemination of the Candombe traditional drum calls, expressions of identity of the Sur, Palermo, and Cordón neighbourhoods in the city of Montevideo
Benefitting country(ies): Uruguay
Strengthening the capacities of Myanmar for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Benefitting country(ies): Myanmar
News and activities:
- 2015-09-14 – Training on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
- 2015-09-14 – Myanmar concludes its capacity-building project
Inventorying the intangible cultural heritage of four communities in Uganda
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
News and activities:
- 2015-02-12 – Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa
- 2013-07-02 – Four communities in Uganda commence inventory making of their intangible cultural heritage
Rituals and practices associated with Kit Mikayi Shrine of the Luo community in Kenya
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 17,668 granted in 2013
- Dates of implementation:
- 23/12/2013 - 31/03/2015
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
Madi bow lyre music, O'di
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 10,000 granted in 2013
- Dates of implementation:
- 23/12/2013 - 31/03/2015
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and national capacities in seven Southern African countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 250,000
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2013 - 01/03/2015
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2015-02-23 – Southern Africa: Enhanced national capacities and sub-regional cooperation for safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage
- 2014-03-18 – Strengthening sub-regional Cooperation and National Capacities in Seven Southern African Countries for implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Needs assessment in Albania
- Project budget:
- US$ 9,000
- Source:
- -
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2014 - 01/03/2015
Benefitting country(ies): Albania
Traditions and practices associated with the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
News and activities:
- 2015-02-12 – Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa
Inventory of traditional musics in Senegal
Benefitting country(ies): Senegal
News and activities:
- 2015-03-16 – Senegal improves the safeguarding of traditional music thanks to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
- 2015-02-12 – Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Cuba, Dominican Republic and Haiti
- Project budget:
- US$ 434,989
- Source:
- Norway earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2012 - 01/12/2014
- Documents:
- Final report (12-2015): English
Benefitting country(ies): Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti
News and activities:
- 2014-04-21 – Mission in Haiti
- 2014-03-31 – Workshop on community-based inventorying in Dominican Republic
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Lao PDR
- Project budget:
- US$ 200,000
- Source:
- Republic of Korea Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2011 - 01/06/2014
Benefitting country(ies): Lao People's Democratic Republic
News and activities:
- 2014-01-30 – The Lao People’s Democratic Republic’s national capacities reinforced
- 2014-01-20 – Training on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Lao PDR
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia and the Pacific
- Project budget:
- US$ 1,020,484
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2011 - 01/05/2014
- Documents:
- Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage through the Strengthening of National Capacities in Asia and the Pacific - 2011-2014 Project Completion Report: English
Benefitting country(ies): Bhutan, Cambodia, Mongolia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste
News and activities:
- 2015-07-06 – Second round of capacity-building activities launched in Asia and the Pacific
- 2014-03-07 – Sri Lanka and Bhutan better equipped to use the international mechanisms of the Intangible Heritage Convention
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Central America
- Project budget:
- US$ 230,770
- Source:
- Spain earmarked contribution to the Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/08/2012 - 01/03/2014
- Documents:
- Final report: English
Benefitting country(ies): El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
News and activities:
- 2014-04-07 – Increasing involvement of communities in inventorying intangible cultural heritage in Latin America
- 2014-02-25 – Community-based inventorying to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage in western Guatemala
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay
- Project budget:
- US$ 200,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2012 - 01/02/2014
Benefitting country(ies): Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay
News and activities:
- 2014-02-13 – Completion of the capacity-building programme in the Southern Cone
- 2013-10-15 – The Southern Cone concludes its capacity-building programme
Capacity building in designing, implementing and evaluating intangible cultural heritage projects in Viet Nam
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Establishing the national inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of Belarus
Benefitting country(ies): Belarus
Safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage for the Promotion of Cultural Identity and Community Resilience in Timor-Leste
- Project budget:
- US$ 177,500
- Source:
- Emergency Fund
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2013 - 01/09/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Timor-Leste
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe
- Project budget:
- US$ 399,785
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/02/2011 - 01/04/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
News and activities:
- 2012-09-03 – Capacity building review meeting in Harare on elaborating policy and legal framework for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage
- 2012-06-11 – Capacity building workshop on preparing nominations to the lists of the 2003 Convention
The male-child cleansing ceremony of the Lango people of North Central Uganda (Dwoko Atin Awobi lot)
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 8,570 granted in 2012
- Dates of implementation:
- 20/03/2012 - 31/03/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Development of an inventory of intangible heritage of Malawi
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi
News and activities:
Myths, stories and language of the Tolupan people, Montaña de la Flor, Honduras
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 10,000 granted in 2012
- Dates of implementation:
- 20/03/2012 - 30/03/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Honduras
Safeguarding traditional foodways of two communities in Kenya
- Project budget:
- US$ 68,930
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2009 - 01/03/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
MedLiHer - Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Partner Countries
- Project budget:
- US$ 1,426,317
- Source:
- European Union
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2009 - 01/01/2013
Benefitting country(ies): Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon
News and activities:
- 2012-12-17 – MedLiHer final evaluation meeting in Paris on 17 and 18 December 2012
- 2012-11-13 – MEDLIHER: four years of cooperation for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the Mediterranean
Digital preservation of folklore and traditional music archives (Phase I)
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 12,167 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/08/2012 - 15/12/2012
Benefitting country(ies): Sudan
News and activities:
Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Seychelles
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 9,863 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 31/12/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Seychelles
A series of pilot projects in community-based intangible heritage inventorying on a grassroots-level in six selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 275,000
- Source:
- Flanders Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2009 - 01/12/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia
General inventory of the intangible cultural heritage
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 24,770 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2010 - 30/09/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Togo
Implementation of proposed safeguarding measures for the Sanké mon, collective fishing rite of the Sanké
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
Strengthening national capacities for effective safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage: developing nominations for the Urgent Safeguarding List in Southern Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 65,000
- Source:
- Cyprus Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2010 - 01/06/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Lesotho, Namibia
Sub-regional capacity-building workshops in Central America and South America on safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Project budget:
- US$ 200,000
- Source:
- Italy Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2008 - 01/05/2011
Benefitting country(ies): El Salvador, Panama, Peru
An inventory of elements of intangible heritage pertaining to the indenture experience in the Republic of Mauritius
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 33,007 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 31/01/2010 - 31/03/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritius
Documentation and inventory of intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of Mauritius
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 52,461 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 31/01/2010 - 28/02/2011
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritius
The elaboration of the "Inventories of the Representative list and list in need of urgent safeguarding of Intangible Heritage in Mongolia"
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Oral traditions and expressions of Rama people
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 9,695 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Nicaragua
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of Baul Songs
- Project budget:
- US$ 67,800
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2008 - 01/10/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Bangladesh
Gbofe d’Afounkaha
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/06/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Côte d'Ivoire
Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Secret society of Korèdugaw, the rite of wisdom, in Mali
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 8,500 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
Ceremonial de la Paach
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 8,000 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Guatemala
La conservation et la mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel immatériel Imraguen
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 9,800 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania
Moorish epic T’Heydinn
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 9,800 granted in 2009
- Dates of implementation:
- 15/12/2009 - 30/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania
Safeguarding of the Ifa Divination system
- Project budget:
- US$ 86,592
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2006 - 01/04/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Nigeria
Safeguarding Albanian Folk-Iso-polyphony
- Project budget:
- US$ 91,033
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2006 - 01/03/2010
Benefitting country(ies): Albania
Action Plan for the Safeguarding and Revitalization of the Cultural Space of the Holy Spirit Brotherhood of the Villa Mella’s Congos
- Project budget:
- US$ 171,308
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2003 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Dominican Republic
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Makishi Masquerade in Zambia
- Project budget:
- US$ 90,592
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2006 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Zambia
Safeguarding of the Gulu Wamkulu, the Great Dance of the Chewa People
- Project budget:
- US$ 129,374
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia
Safeguarding the Chopi Timbila tradition in Mozambique
- Project budget:
- US$ 56,500
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Mozambique
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Vimbuza Healing Dance
- Project budget:
- US$ 90,834
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Malawi
National Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Mugam of Azerbaijan
- Project budget:
- US$ 123,283
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2006 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Azerbaijan
Safeguarding of the Sacred Songs of the Voodoo Cult of the lakou Dereal of the Community of Bizoton
- Project budget:
- US$ 40,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2008 - 01/12/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Haiti
Safeguarding of the Art of the Akyns, Kyrgyz Epic Tellers
- Project budget:
- US$ 148,493
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/02/2005 - 01/10/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Kyrgyzstan
Action plan for the Safeguarding of the Ahellil of Gourara
- Project budget:
- US$ 90,400
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2006 - 01/09/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Algeria
Action Plan for the Safeguarding and promotion of the Drametse Ngacham
- Project budget:
- US$ 56,963
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2006 - 01/08/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Bhutan
Revitalization of bark cloth making in Uganda
- Project budget:
- US$ 91,485
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2006 - 01/08/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Uganda
Safeguarding the Space of Gong Culture in Dak Nong Province
- Project budget:
- US$ 91,869
- Source:
- Norway Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2007 - 01/07/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Oruro Carnival
- Project budget:
- US$ 150,855
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2005 - 01/06/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Strengthening the Transmission of the Traditional Textile Knowledge of Taquile
- Project budget:
- US$ 79,439
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2006 - 01/06/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Peru
Safeguarding of the ICH of the Batammariba of Koutammarkou
- Project budget:
- US$ 153,726
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2007 - 01/06/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Togo
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Garifuna Language, Music and Dance
- Project budget:
- US$ 226,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2006 - 01/06/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
Preparation of the implementation of the 2003 Convention
- Project budget:
- US$ 261,177
- Source:
- Norway Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2005 - 01/06/2009
Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage and its bearers in Burundi
- Project budget:
- US$ 49,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2008 - 01/05/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Burundi
Ongota: the Language of the Biraile
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 5,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Ethiopia
Suiti Cultural Space
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Latvia
Mongolian folk dance
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,500 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Mongolian Traditional Heroic Epic
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Traditions and practices associated to the Kayas
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya
Ca Tru singing of the Viet people
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 6,000 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 19/12/2008 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Aymara Cultural Universe
- Financial assistance:
- US$ 7,500 granted in 2008
- Dates of implementation:
- 27/02/2009 - 30/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Chile, Peru
Armenian Duduk Music
- Project budget:
- US$ 91,383
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Armenia
Safeguarding action plan of Yaaral and Degal
- Project budget:
- US$ 74,470
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Mali
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Kankurang, Manding Initiatory Rite
- Project budget:
- US$ 146,962
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/04/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Gambia, Senegal
Safeguarding of Nha nhac, Vietnamese Court Music
- Project budget:
- US$ 154,900
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Viet Nam
Action Plan for the Safeguarding, Promotion and Development of the Cultural Space of the Bedu in the regions of Petra and Wadi Rum
- Project budget:
- US$ 0
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2006 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Jordan
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of El Güegüense
- Project budget:
- US$ 109,384
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2007 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Nicaragua
Safeguarding traditional games of the Afar and the Somali people in the Horn of Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 53,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2006 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Djibouti
Safeguarding the Mbende Jerusarema Dance
- Project budget:
- US$ 67,003
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2006 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Zimbabwe
Safeguarding the Songs of the Moon, traditional Swahili music from Tanzania (Unguja and Pemba) and the Comoros
- Project budget:
- US$ 51,488
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2008 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Comoros, United Republic of Tanzania
Safeguarding traditional Somali performing arts
- Project budget:
- US$ 40,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2008 - 01/03/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Kenya, Somalia
Action plan for the safeguarding of the Song of Saana
- Project budget:
- US$ 96,513
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2005 - 01/01/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Yemen
Safeguarding of traditional music in Ethiopia
- Project budget:
- US$ 343,886
- Source:
- Norway Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/01/2009
Benefitting country(ies): Ethiopia
Preservation, Revitalization and Promotion of Jemaa el-Fna Square, Marrakech
- Project budget:
- US$ 152,898
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2004 - 01/12/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Morocco
Safeguarding of Lakalaka, Sung Speeches with Choreographed Movements
- Project budget:
- US$ 120,338
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/12/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Tonga
Action plan for the safeguarding of the Royal Ballet
- Project budget:
- US$ 80,829
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/11/2005 - 01/12/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Cambodia
Organization of three sub-regional capacity-building workshops for Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 269,988
- Source:
- Norway Funds-in-Trust
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2007 - 01/12/2008
National consultation workshop
- Project budget:
- US$ 27,489
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2008 - 01/12/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Papua New Guinea
Action Plan for the Safeguarding and Promotion of the Oral Tradition of Gelede
- Project budget:
- US$ 194,925
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2003 - 01/11/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Benin, Nigeria, Togo
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Traditional Knowledge, Oral and Graphic Expressions of the Wajapi in Amapa
- Project budget:
- US$ 99,293
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2006 - 01/11/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Brazil
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Carnival of Barranquilla
- Project budget:
- US$ 150,008
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/10/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of La Tumba Francesa
- Project budget:
- US$ 122,045
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/06/2005 - 01/08/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Cuba
Action Plan for the Safeguarding and Revitalization of the Oral Tradition of the Aka Pygmies of the Central African Republic
- Project budget:
- US$ 200,348
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2004 - 01/07/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Central African Republic, Congo
Safeguarding of Vanuatu Sand Drawings
- Project budget:
- US$ 110,401
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/03/2005 - 01/07/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Vanuatu
National inventory revival of the traditional ceramics
- Project budget:
- US$ 197,323
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2003 - 01/07/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Uzbekistan
Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Sosso-Bala
- Project budget:
- US$ 122,546
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2002 - 01/06/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Guinea
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Woodcrafting Knowledge of the Zafimaniry
- Project budget:
- US$ 160,489
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2004 - 01/06/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Madagascar
Action plan for safeguarding the Maroon Heritage of Moore Town
- Project budget:
- US$ 179,960
- Source:
- Norway Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/08/2005 - 01/06/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Jamaica
Safeguarding and Transmission of the Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao
- Project budget:
- US$ 155,430
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2003 - 01/04/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Philippines
Oxherding and Oxcart Traditions in Costa Rica
- Project budget:
- US$ 80,000
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/10/2006 - 01/03/2008
Benefitting country(ies): Costa Rica
Implementation of the National Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Wayang Puppet Theatre of Indonesia
- Project budget:
- US$ 149,986
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/12/2007
Benefitting country(ies): Indonesia
Transmission of traditional Knowledge in Burundian Refugee Camps of Tanzania in view of a sustainable repatriation
- Project budget:
- US$ 0
- Source:
- UNESCO - Regular budget
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2006 - 01/12/2007
Benefitting country(ies): United Republic of Tanzania
Safeguarding and Transmission of the Kutiyattam Sanskrit Theatre
- Project budget:
- US$ 151,241
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2004 - 01/10/2007
Benefitting country(ies): India
Safeguarding Shashmaqom, the Classical Music of Central Asia
- Project budget:
- US$ 218,455
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/10/2007
Benefitting country(ies): Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Bi-national Action Plan for the Safeguarding and Revitalization of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of the Zápara Community
- Project budget:
- US$ 203,956
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/12/2005 - 01/09/2007
Benefitting country(ies): Ecuador, Peru
Implementation of the National Action Plan for the Safeguarding of Traditional Morin Khuur Music of Mongolia
- Project budget:
- US$ 150,000
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/09/2004 - 01/09/2007
Benefitting country(ies): Mongolia
Traditional Money Banks in Vanuatu
- Project budget:
- US$ 159,305
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2004 - 01/06/2007
Benefitting country(ies): Vanuatu
Enhancing Women’s Role as Custodians and Artisans of Egyptian Handicrafts
- Project budget:
- US$ 253,177
- Source:
- Italy Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/01/2005 - 01/05/2006
Benefitting country(ies): Egypt
Safeguarding and Promotion of Georgian Traditional Polyphony
- Project budget:
- US$ 166,178
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2003 - 01/02/2006
Benefitting country(ies): Georgia
Public awareness campaign in Colombia on the importance of safeguarding the intangible heritage (pilot project)
- Project budget:
- US$ 136,860
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/07/2003 - 01/12/2005
Benefitting country(ies): Colombia
Establishment of Inventory and Preparation of a Ten-Year Master Plan for Safeguarding the Traditional Culture and Folklore of the Boysun District
- Project budget:
- US$ 148,671
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2003 - 01/06/2005
Benefitting country(ies): Uzbekistan
The Safeguarding and Revitalization of Lithuanian Cross Crafting and Its Symbolism: Phase I of the Action Plan
- Project budget:
- US$ 45,834
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/04/2003 - 01/05/2005
Benefitting country(ies): Lithuania
Improved Traditional Bead Production and Marketing in West Africa
- Project budget:
- US$ 245,341
- Source:
- Italy Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/02/2002 - 01/01/2005
Benefitting country(ies): Ghana, Mali
Revitalisation of Traditional Masquerade Performing Arts and Costume Making
- Project budget:
- US$ 251,799
- Source:
- Italy Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2002 - 01/08/2004
Benefitting country(ies): Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia
Safeguarding, Revitalization and Promotion of the Kunqu Opera
- Project budget:
- US$ 49,974
- Source:
- Japan Funds-in-Trust
- Dates of implementation:
- 01/05/2002 - 01/12/2002
Benefitting country(ies): China
Community-based inventorying of the intangible cultural heritage in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Benefitting country(ies): Bahamas