Artisan weaving the guard (II) Read more on the element
© Tais Estrada, 2022

The nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place in Asunción, Republic of Paraguay from Monday 2 to Saturday 7 December 2024. An opening ceremony is tentatively scheduled on Sunday, 1 December 2024. The session will be chaired by H.E. Ms Nancy Ovelar de Gorostiaga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Paraguay to UNESCO.

An information and exchange session will be held at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, on 1 October 2024 (afternoon) to present the working methods of the Committee as well as practical information concerning this session. This information and exchange session will also be broadcast live on the 19.COM webpage.
Registration of delegates will be open from September 2024. More information will be provided in due course on the present webpage.
