Throughout the Committee session, a series of side events on the theme of living heritage safeguarding may be organized outside the plenary meetings, in coordination with the host country (Republic of Paraguay) and subject to available spaces.
These events are meant to enrich and complement the 19.COM session by providing opportunities to discuss, share experiences, celebrate achievements, while exploring collaborations to promote and safeguard cultural diversity.
Side events
Day | Time (Asunción) | Event | Place |
Sunday 1 December | 09:30 17:30 | Symposium on participatory approaches to safeguarding ICH and presentation on guidance notes and handbook on periodic reporting ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Sunday 1 December | 19:00 22:00 | Opening ceremony Host country (Paraguay) | Asunción, Port Cultural Centre |
Monday 2 December | 13:15 14:15 | Exploring connections – teaching and learning with living heritage UNESCO | Copa Libertadores da América Hall |
Monday 2 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Bolivian heritage towards Bicentennial celebration - Carnival of Oruro 2025’ Ministerio de Culturas, Descolonización y Despatriarcalización of Bolivia | Room Conmebol |
Monday 2 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Saberes Ancestrales: La Importancia de las Lenguas Indígenas para el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en el Paraguay’ Secretaría Nacional de Cultura, Paraguay | Room FIFA |
Monday 2 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ’Traces of Women’s Art from Everyday Life’ KADEM NGO, Türkiye | Room Juventud |
Monday 2 December | 17:45 18:45 | Roundtable ‘An interdisciplinary space of Higher Education Institutions in pursuit of the strengthening and preservation of the manifestations of the ICH of the region’ Interuniversity Network on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean (RIUCA PCI LAC) | Room Conmebol |
Monday 2 December | 17:45 18:45 | Film projection ’Weaving stories of Indonesia in three generations’ NGO Oral Tradition Association & Toraja Melo Foundation | Room FIFA |
Monday 2 December | 17:45 18:45 | Healing Ceremony and Umai-Sham fire ritual NGO Aigine Cultural Research Center, Kyrgyzstan | Conmebol esplanade |
Tuesday 3 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable Exploring connections – climate actions for living heritage (Part I) UNESCO, CRESPIAL and ICH NGO Forum | Room 9 de Julio |
Tuesday 3 December | 13:15 14:15 | Heritage Alive film festival ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Tuesday 3 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Between the Amazon and the Andes: Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of Putumayo and Nariño’ Mundo Espiral Foundation, Colombia | Room Conmebol |
Tuesday 3 December | 13:15 14:15 | Youth and Living Heritage. New approaches in a comparative perspective UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Comparative Law, University of Rome Unitelma Sapienza, Italy | Room FIFA |
Tuesday 3 December | 17:45 18:45 | Working Group: Legal and policy development ICH NGO Forum | Room Conmebol |
Tuesday 3 December | 17:45 18:45 | Roundtable Exploring connections – climate actions for living heritage (Part II) UNESCO, CRESPIAL and ICH NGO Forum | Room 9 de Julio |
Tuesday 3 December | 17:45 18:45 | Roundtable ‘ICH Safeguarding practices at War: Ukraine 2022-2024’ Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications, Ukraine | Room FIFA |
Tuesday 3 December | 17:45 18:45 | Celebration of the UNESCO Inscription of Reog Ponorogo performing art (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Indonesia to UNESCO | Room Juventud |
Wednesday 4 December | 09:00 09:30 | Jang-making, commemorative gifts distribution (After examination) Korea Heritage Service, Republic of Korea | Conmebol foyer |
Wednesday 4 December | 13:15 14:15 | Certificate ceremony UNESCO | Plenary room |
Wednesday 4 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Exploring connections – bringing foodways to a global platform’ UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |
Wednesday 4 December | 13:15 14:15 | General Assembly ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Wednesday 4 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Modern interpretations and ways in transmitting intangible cultural heritage to youth and children’ Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO | Room Conmebol |
Wednesday 4 December | 13:15 14:15 | Tomyum Kung Exhibition and Cooking Demonstration (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO | Conmebol foyer |
Wednesday 4 December | 16:45 20:30 | Festival of the Guarania: Sound of the Paraguayan Soul Paraguay Secretariat of Culture, National Symphony Orchestra, National Orchestra of Popular Music, and Central Bank of Paraguay | Asunción |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Certificate ceremony UNESCO | Plenary room |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Rountable ‘Exploring connections – Connecting Cultures: Regional Insights on Communities and Intangible Culture Heritage UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Heritage Alive Symposium ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Exhibition and presentation of xeer cisseh through images of objects, books and traditional dress (After examination) Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Djibouti to UNESCO | Room FIFA |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Tomyum Kung Exhibition and Cooking Demonstration (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Thailand to UNESCO | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Taste of Malaysian Heritage Breakfast (After examination) Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Taif rose booth (After examination) Culinary Arts Commission – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Working Group: NGOs & Research ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Roundtable ’What Can Be Done With All Those inventoried Materials - Archiving for ICH Safeguarding’ International Society for Ethnology and Folklore and International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance, Permanent Delegation of Romania to UNESCO, Permanent Delegation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to UNESCO, UNESCO Chair on Applied Studies of Intangible Cultural Heritage, University of Tartu, Estonia | Room Copa America |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Roundtable ‘Traditional knowledge in the preparation and consumption of Casabe’ CRESPIAL | Room FIFA |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Tasting Japanese SAKE! (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Banya traditional dance and music style form of the Surinamese-Creole people in Suriname NGO Cultural and Community organization NAKS, Suriname | Room Conmebol |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Parade of three heritage dances that are components of 3 declarations of Bolivian intangible cultural heritage of humanity: Diablada, Morenada and Thinkus Ministerio de Culturas, Descolonización y Despatriarcalización of Bolivia | Conmebol esplanade |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Living Picture of Galeras (After examination) Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge, Colombia | Room Sudamericana |
Friday 6 December | 08:45 09:30 | Taste of Malaysian Heritage Breakfast (After examination) Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia | Conmebol foyer |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Certificate ceremony UNESCO | Plenary room |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Roundtable ‘Exploring connections – economic development of indigenous peoples’ UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Working Group: Global results framework ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Celebration of the UNESCO Inscription of Kolintang-Balafon (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Indonesia to UNESCO | Room Juventud |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Intangible Cultural Heritage, Climate Change and Food Security: challenges and opportunities in food culture safeguarding CRESPIAL | Room FIFA |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Celebration of traditional costumes in Norway, craftsmanship and social practice (After examination) Norwegian Institute of Bunad and Folk Costume, Norway | Room Juventud |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 18:45 | Taif Rose booth (After examination) Culinary Arts Commission, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Conmebol foyer |
Friday 6 December | 17:45 18:45 | Working Group: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage for refugees and displaced persons ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Friday 6 December | 17:45 18:45 | Working Group: More Balanced Geographical Representation ICH NGO Forum | Room Conmebol |
Meetings, exhibitions and other events
Day | Time (Asunción) | Event | Place |
Sunday 1 December | 13:15 14:15 | Heritage Alive Editorial board meeting ICH NGO Forum | Copa Sudamericana |
Monday 2 to Friday 6 December | 09:00 18:45 | Book and brochures distribution - Promotion of the International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (IRCI) IRCI | Conmebol foyer |
Monday 2 December | 17:45 18:45 | Presentation of candidates for ICH NGO Forum Executive Board ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa America |
Monday 2 December | 17:45 18:45 | Meeting with UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN networks UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |
Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 December | 09:00 18:45 | Book and brochures distribution - Knowledge, believes and practice related with Jang making in the Republic of Korea Korea Heritage Agency, Republic of Korea | Conmebol foyer |
Wednesday 4 to Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Kebaya exhibition (After examination) Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia | Room Juventud |
Wednesday 4 to Thursday 5 December | 13:15 14:15 | Aleppo Soap: Safeguarding Ancient Craftsmanship (After examination) Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 13:15 18:45 | Exhibition ‘Giant kites from Santiago and Sumpango Sacatepéquez, Guatemala’ (After examination) Permanent Delegation of Guatemala to UNESCO | Conmebol foyer |
Thursday 5 December | 17:45 18:45 | Project meeting ‘LAC Region: Strengthening Capacities for Resilient Communities through Sustainable Tourism and Heritage Safeguarding’ UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |
Friday 6 December | 13:15 14:15 | Apthapi of the Latin American and Caribbean ICH NGOs ICH NGO Forum | Room Copa Sudmericana |
Friday 6 December | 17:45 18:45 | Meeting with members of the UNESCO global network of facilitators UNESCO | Room 9 de Julio |