16.COM BUR Informal Exchange - 3 December 2021
- Dates
- 3 December 2021
- Agenda
- 1. Meeting modality of the sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (16.COM, 13 to 18 December 2021)
2. Other Business
16.COM 4.BUR - 14 October 2021
- Dates
- 14 October 2021
- Agenda
- 1. Opening
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Adoption of the provisional timetable of the sixteenth session of the Committee
4. Meeting venue and modality of the sixteenth session of the Committee
5. Other Business
6. Closure
- Adoption of the Agenda
LHE/21/16.COM 4.BUR/2: English|French
- Adoption of the provisional timetable of the sixteenth session of the Committee
LHE/21/16.COM 4.BUR/3: English|French
- Meeting venue and modality of the sixteenth session of the Committee
LHE/21/16.COM 4.BUR/4: English|French
16.COM 3.BUR - 4 October 2021
- Dates
- 4 October 2021
- Agenda
- 1. Opening
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
4. Adoption of the provisional timetable of the sixteenth session of the Committee
5. Other Business
6. Closure
- Adoption of the agenda
LHE/21/16.COM 3.BUR/2: English|French
- Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
See the 3 requests
LHE/21/16.COM 3.BUR/3: English|French
- Adoption of the provisional timetable of the sixteenth session of the Committee
LHE/21/16.COM 3.BUR/4: English|French
16.COM 2.BUR - 21 May 2021
- Dates
- 21 May 2021
- Agenda
- 1. Opening
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000
4. Working methods of the Committee for the distribution of amendments and ways to improve informal consultations among Committee members
5. Other Business
6. Closure
- Adoption of the agenda LHE/21/16.COM 2.BUR/2: English|French
- Examination of requests for International Assistance up to US$100,000 LHE/21/16.COM 2.BUR/3: English|French
(Consult the three requests)
- Working methods of the Committee for the distribution of amendments and ways to improve informal consultations among Committee members LHE/21/16.COM 2.BUR/4: English|French
16.COM 1.BUR - 8 March 2021
- Dates
- 8 March 2021
- Agenda
- 1. Opening
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Change of place of the sixteenth session of the Committee
4. Election of the Chairperson of the sixteenth session of the Committee
5. Other Business
6. Closure
- Adoption of the agenda: English|French
- Change of place of the sixteenth session of the Committee: English|French
- Election of the Chairperson of the sixteenth session of the Committee: English|French