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UNESCO launches the platform ‘Transmedia Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Development in the Andean countries’

Intangible heritage during lockdown
Periodic reporting
On the implementation of the Convention
On Urgent Safeguarding List elements
Traditional knowledge and techniques associated with Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of Putumayo and Nariño
Colombian-Venezuelan llano work songs
Traditional Vallenato music of the Greater Magdalena region
Key references
Ratification of the Convention on
19 March 2008Read the Convention in: [name_language]
Committee Member
Committee Member
Colombia (2016 - 2020)Project
Between the Amazon and the Andes: safeguarding and transmission of the Traditional knowledge and techniques associated with Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of the Putumayo and Nariño departments of Colombia
3 August 2022 – 30 April 2024Amount (US$) 98,925
T-ICH4SD: transmedia intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador
1 June 2021 – 1 December 2021Amount (US$) 10,000
My Heritage, My Region: strategy for capacity-building in social management of the intangible cultural heritage in two departments of the Colombian Orinoco region
25 March 2019 – 8 June 2020Amount (US$) 99,950
Intangible cultural heritage as a basis for resilience, reconciliation and construction of peace environments in Colombia's post-agreements
18 July 2018 – 1 June 2020Amount (US$) 99,400
Safeguarding of the traditional knowledge for the protection of sacred natural sites in the territory of the Jaguars of Yuruparí, Vaupés Province, Colombia
1 June 2017 – 28 February 2018Amount (US$) 25,000
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Carnival of Barranquilla
1 January 2005 – 1 October 2008Amount (US$) 150,008
Public awareness campaign in Colombia on the importance of safeguarding the intangible heritage (pilot project)
1 July 2003 – 1 December 2005Amount (US$) 136,860