Latest news and events
Periodic reporting
On the implementation of the Convention
On Urgent Safeguarding List elements
Traditional knowledge and techniques associated with Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of Putumayo and Nariño
Colombian-Venezuelan llano work songs
Traditional Vallenato music of the Greater Magdalena region
Key references
Ratification of the Convention on
19 March 2008Read the Convention in: [name_language]
Committee Member
Committee Member
Colombia (2016 - 2020)Listing of ICH and Register
15 elements inscribed
Files pending priority ‘0’ treatment
Between the Amazon and the Andes: safeguarding and transmission of the Traditional knowledge and techniques associated with Pasto Varnish mopa-mopa of the Putumayo and Nariño departments of Colombia
Amount (US$) 98,925
T-ICH4SD: transmedia intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development in Bolivia, Colombia and Ecuador
Amount (US$) 10,000
My Heritage, My Region: strategy for capacity-building in social management of the intangible cultural heritage in two departments of the Colombian Orinoco region
Amount (US$) 99,950
Intangible cultural heritage as a basis for resilience, reconciliation and construction of peace environments in Colombia's post-agreements
Amount (US$) 99,400
Safeguarding of the traditional knowledge for the protection of sacred natural sites in the territory of the Jaguars of Yuruparí, Vaupés Province, Colombia
Amount (US$) 25,000
Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Carnival of Barranquilla
Amount (US$) 150,008
Public awareness campaign in Colombia on the importance of safeguarding the intangible heritage (pilot project)
Amount (US$) 136,860