Consolidating and upscaling efforts of community museums to safeguard six intangible cultural heritage elements in Uganda

  • Financial assistance:
    • US$ 99,601 granted in 2024
  • Dates of implementation:
    • 12/08/2024 - 31/08/2026
  • Documents:

Benefitting country(ies): Uganda


Implemented by the Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA), an accredited NGO, this two-year project aims to increase the capacity of community museums to sustainably safeguard Uganda’s intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the Lists of the 2003 Convention. It is the second phase of the project entitled ‘Strengthening the capacity of community museums to promote inscribed intangible cultural heritage’, which was implemented from June 2020 to July 2022. It contributed to training five community museum managers and community leaders about the 2003 Convention and to raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding their intangible cultural heritage. A film and a booklet were produced addressing the role of communities, and particularly young people, in the safeguarding of living heritage. In addition, more than five hundred young people were mentored by museum managers and trained bearers. During this new phase, the five previously trained museum managers will be co-facilitating the capacity-building training courses and will share their experiences and successes in terms of safeguarding strategies with an additional seven community museum managers and other stakeholders. The project also entails planning an exhibition curated by bearer communities and producing information and education materials. Furthermore, a national conference will focus on devising safeguarding measures with community museum managers, bearers, religious leaders, government officials and youth representatives. The project will also generate interest in documenting and publicizing additional elements, while encouraging cultural institutions to devise strategies for the promotion of living heritage through community-driven development interventions. It is further expected that the project will inspire school administrators to support youth in visiting local living heritage bearers.

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