Periodic reporting

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Key references

Ratification of the Convention on

19 June 2008

Listing of ICH

Arts, skills and practices associated with engraving on metals (gold, silver and copper)
Arts, skills and practices associated with engraving on metals (gold, silver and copper) (2023, RL)
On-going nomination(s)
  • 2025: Al-Jertiq: practices, rituals and expressions for preservation, protection, abundance and fertility in Sudan (RL)

Files pending priority ‘0’ treatment
  • Oud instrument: practices, skills and performing arts (RL)

  • Art et traditions de bâtir en terre (RL)

  • Al Saafiyat and plant fibers: craft and social traditions (RL)


Droit et Patrimoine en Afrique 4: du Rwanda au Zimbabwe


Charte culturelle de l'Afrique

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