This repository is an open educational resource. Most materials are available under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO) licence. Units 23, 25, 26, 28 and 29 are available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO).
Welcome to the capacity-building materials repository. On this page, you can download the training materials that support the global capacity-building programme.
UNESCO has organized the materials in a unit system. One unit corresponds to one specific topic. Most units include separate materials for facilitators or trainers (Facilitator’s notes, PowerPoints) and materials for participants (Participant’s texts, Hand-outs, Case studies).
UNESCO suggests that users should always edit and adapt the materials to the local context, which is why all materials are presented as editable Word or PowerPoint documents.
Groups of units cover broad content themes:
- Units 1-15 look at implementing the Convention at national level;
- Units 16-17 focus on ratifying the Convention;
- Units 18-37 address community-based inventorying;
- Units 39-44 cover preparing nominations (currently being updated);
- Units 45-47 are on developing safeguarding plans;
- Units 48-49 look at gender;
- Units 50-54 cover preparing international assistance requests;
- Unit 55 shares assorted resources on policy development; and
- Units 56-62 are on periodic reporting.
- Units 63-64 address disaster risk reduction.
If you have any questions or feedback, please contact:
- Unit 1: Workshop on implementing the Convention at national level: introduction
- Unit 2: Introducing the Convention
- Unit 3: Key concepts in the Convention
- Unit 4: Who can do what in implementing the Convention?
- Unit 5: Raising awareness
- Unit 6: Identification and inventorying
- Unit 7: Involving the communities concerned
- Unit 8: ICH and sustainable development
- Unit 9: Safeguarding
- Unit 10: ICH policies and institutions
- Unit 11: Nominations: overview
- Unit 12: International cooperation and assistance
- Unit 13: The Intangible Heritage Convention and the World Heritage Convention
- Unit 14: Workshop on implementing the Convention at national level: concluding session
- Unit 15: Evaluation
- Unit 16: Workshop on ratifying the Convention: introduction
- Unit 17: Ratifying the Convention
- Unit 18: Workshop on community-based inventorying: introduction
- Unit 19: Developing an inventory framework where no system exists
- Unit 20: Developing an inventory framework where a system is in place
- Unit 21: Ethics in community-based inventorying
- Unit 22: Free, prior and informed consent
- Unit 23: Methods & techniques of inventorying
- Unit 24: Audio recording in inventorying
- Unit 25: Interviewing in inventorying
- Unit 26: Photography in inventorying
- Unit 27: Participatory video in inventorying
- Unit 28: Participatory mapping in inventorying
- Unit 29: Ground preparations in inventorying
- Unit 30: Fieldwork practicum plan in inventorying
- Unit 31: Fieldwork practicum in inventorying
- Unit 32: Fieldwork debriefing in inventorying
- Unit 33: Organizing and storing information
- Unit 34: Workshop on community-based inventorying: concluding session
- Unit 35: Access & dissemination
- Unit 36: Documentation & inventorying
- Unit 38: Ethics for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- Unit 39: Workshop on preparing nominations: introduction
- Unit 40: Introducing the nomination forms
- Unit 41: Assessing initial sample nominations
- Unit 42: Evaluating final sample nominations
- Unit 43: Describing an element
- Unit 44: Workshop on preparing nominations: concluding session
- Unit 45: Workshop on developing safeguarding plans: introduction
- Unit 46: Scenarios and games for developing safeguarding plans
- Unit 47: Workshop on developing safeguarding plans: concluding session
- Unit 48: Gender and intangible cultural heritage
- Unit 49: A gender-responsive approach to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- Unit 50: Workshop on preparing international assistance requests: introduction
- Unit 51: Evaluating a sample request and identifying areas for improvement
- Unit 54 Workshop on preparing international assistance request: concluding session
- Unit 55: Workshop on policy development for intangible cultural heritage safeguarding
- Unit 56: Workshop on periodic reporting: introduction
- Unit 57: Introducing periodic reporting
- Unit 58: Results-based monitoring and the overall results framework
- Unit 59: Periodic reporting: practical session on data sources
- Unit 60: Periodic reporting: participatory methodologies
- Unit 61: Periodic reporting: filling out the online form
- Unit 62: Workshop on periodic reporting: concluding session
- Unit 63: Basics in Disaster Risk Reduction and Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Unit 64: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into ICH Inventorying
Unit 1: Workshop on implementing the Convention at national level: introduction
- Participant’s text
U001-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U001-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1: Abbreviations, acronyms and terminology
U001-v1.2-HO1 (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian - Hand-out 2: Introducing participants
U001-v1.2-HO2 (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 2: Introducing the Convention
- Participant’s text
U002-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U002-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U002-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 3: Key concepts in the Convention
- Participant’s text
U003-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U003-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U003-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 4: Who can do what in implementing the Convention?
- Participant’s text
U004-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U004-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U004-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 1. Stakeholders in the management and safeguarding of a festival in Japan
CS1-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 5: Raising awareness
- Participant’s text
U005-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U005-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U005-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 2. Awareness raising: the Amul Surabhi TV series and the Surabhi Foundation in India
CS2-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 3. Awareness raising: awareness-raising activities in Colombia
CS3-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 4. Awareness raising: the ‘Indians as Seen by Indians’ project in Brazil
CS4-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 6: Identification and inventorying
- Participant’s text
U006-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U006-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out: Inventorying questionnaire
U006-v1.2-HO (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U006-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 5. Ensuring respect for customary practices concerning access to ICH in Australia
CS5-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 6. Inventory-making and provincial policies for safeguarding ICH in Canada
CS6-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 7. A community-based inventorying project in Uganda
CS7-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 8. Inventorying with community involvement in a well-developed institutional and legal context in Brazil
CS8-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 9. Community involvement in the documentation of traditional knowledge in the Philippines
CS9-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 48: The inventorying process in Country X
CS48-v1.0: English|French|Spanish
Unit 7: Involving the communities concerned
- Participant’s text
U007-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U007-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U007-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 10. Community involvement in promoting the nomination of the Cantu in paghjella in Corsica, France
CS10-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 11. Community involvement in a nomination: the traditions and practices of the Mijikenda Kayas in Kenya
CS11-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 12. Community involvement in the preparation of a nomination file in Mexico
CS12-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 13. A solution to a conflict between intellectual property law and customary law in Australia
CS13-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 56: The Banoren practice: Approaches to inclusive and equal community participation
CS58-v1.0: English|French
Unit 8: ICH and sustainable development
- Participant’s text
U008-v2.1-PT (ES v2.0, RU+AR v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U008-v2.1-FN (ES v2.0, RU+AR v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U008-v2.1-PPT (ES v2.0, RU+AR v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 14. ICH and social development: literacy through oral poetry in Yemen
CS14-v2.0 (RU + AR: still version 1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 15. ICH and income generation: circumcision processions in Bandung, Indonesia
CS15-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 16. Traditional crafts and income generation in Penang, Malaysia
CS16-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 17. Intangible cultural heritage and inclusive economic development: textile art in Taquile (Peru)
CS17-v2.0 (RU + AR: still version 1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 18. The commercialization of traditional knowledge about an appetite suppressant in South Africa and Namibia
CS18-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 19. Socio-economic development and the promotion of ICH in Ecuador
CS19-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 20. Safeguarding and income generation by exploring new markets for traditionally produced cloth in Uganda
CS20-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 34. Intangible cultural heritage, a model for peace and security: The Manden Charter in Mali
CS34-v1.0: English|French|Spanish - Case study 35. Intangible cultural heritage and environmental sustainability: cultural mapping of the sacred sites of the northwest Amazon – a binational initiative
CS35-v1.0: English|French|Spanish - Case study 36. Traditional brass and copper craft of utensil making among the Thatheras of Jandiala Guru, Punjab, India
CS36-v1.0: English|French|Spanish - Case study 58: The Banoren practice: Approaches to inclusive and equal community participation
CS58-1.0-EN: English|French
Unit 9: Safeguarding
- Participant’s text
U009-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U009-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U009-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 21. Resolving conflicts between safeguarding ICH and conserving related objects in the USA
CS21-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 22. Developing safeguarding measures to address risks and threats to a Ritual ceremony in Mexico
CS22-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 23. Documentation and education for safeguarding in Estonia
CS23-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 24. Safeguarding through a living human treasures system in the Philippines
CS24-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 25. Community members revitalizing a New Year Ritual in Japan
CS25-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 26. Safeguarding measures for a New Year festival in China
CS26-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 27. Measures for safeguarding a dance tradition in Mongolia
CS27-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 10: ICH policies and institutions
- Participant’s text
U010-v2.1-PT (ES v2.0, RU v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U010-v2.1-FN (ES v2.0, RU v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U010-v2.1-PPT (ES v2.0, RU v1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 28. Devolution and the role of NGOs in Flanders, Belgium
CS28-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 29. Legal and administrative systems at the national level in South Africa
CS29-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 30. Protecting intellectual property rights: the toi iho trademark in New Zealand
CS30-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 31. State agencies protecting the rights of indigenous groups in Brazil
CS31-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 32. Codes of ethics: the Hopi Protocol for research, publications and recordings in the USA
CS32-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 58: The Banoren practice: Approaches to inclusive and equal community participation
CS58-1.0-EN: English|French
Unit 11: Nominations: overview
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 12: International cooperation and assistance
- Participant’s text
U012-v2.0-PT (RU + AR: still version 1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U012-v2.0-FN (RU + AR: still version 1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U012-v2.0-PPT (ES + RU + AR: still version 1.0): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 13: The Intangible Heritage Convention and the World Heritage Convention
- Participant’s text
U013-v1.2-PT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes
U013-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case Study 33. The World Heritage Convention and the Intangible Heritage Convention: the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras and the Hudhud chants of the Ifugao in the Philippines
CS33-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 14: Workshop on implementing the Convention at national level: concluding session
- Facilitator’s notes
U014-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U014-v1.2-PPT (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out: Multiple-choice questions
U014-v1.2-HO (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 15: Evaluation
- Facilitator’s notes
U015-v1.2-FN (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out: Evaluation form
U015-v1.2-HO (ES, RU, AR v1.1): English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 16: Workshop on ratifying the Convention: introduction
- Participant’s text
U016-v1.1-PT: English|French|Russian - Facilitator’s notes
U016-v1.1-FN: English|French|Russian - PowerPoint Presentation 1
U016-v1.1-PPT1: English|French|Russian - PowerPoint Presentation 2
U016-v1.1-PPT2: English|French|Russian - Hand-out: Introducing the participants
U016-v1.1-HO: English|French|Russian
Unit 17: Ratifying the Convention
- Participant’s text
U017-v1.1-PT: English|French|Russian - Facilitator’s notes
U017-v1.1-FN: English|French|Russian - PowerPoint Presentation
U017-v1.1-PPT: English|French|Russian - Hand-out 1: Model Instrument of ratification
U017-v1.1-HO1: English|French|Russian - Hand-out 2: Multiple choice questions on ratification
U017-v1.1-HO2: English|French|Russian
Unit 18: Workshop on community-based inventorying: introduction
- Facilitator’s notes
U018-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U018-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 19: Developing an inventory framework where no system exists
- Facilitator’s notes
U019-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out: Sample framework for organizing information on intangible cultural heritage elements
U019-v1.0-HO: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 52: Inventorying the intangible cultural heritage in Bawi
CS52-v1.0: English|French|Spanish
Unit 20: Developing an inventory framework where a system is in place
Unit 21: Ethics in community-based inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U021-v2.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U021-v2.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 22: Free, prior and informed consent
- Facilitator’s notes
U022-v2.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - GUIDANCE NOTE Climate action for living heritage: English|French
- GUIDANCE NOTE Climate action for living heritage (Word): English|French
- GUIDANCE NOTE Economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding (PDF): English|French
- GUIDANCE NOTE Economic dimensions of intangible cultural heritage safeguarding (Word): English|French
- PowerPoint Presentation
U022-v2.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1: Free, prior and informed consent
U022-v2.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2: Compilation of ‘who?’ and ‘whose?’ questions
U022-v2.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 23: Methods & techniques of inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U023-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U023-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1: Decision framework table
U023-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2: Glossary for Unit 23
U023-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 24: Audio recording in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U024-v2.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U024-v2.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 25: Interviewing in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U025-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U025-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 26: Photography in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U026-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U026-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1. Glossary
U026-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2. Working with exposure and focus
U026-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 27: Participatory video in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U027-v2.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U027-v2.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out. Ethics, editing and the ethics of editing
U027-v2.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 28: Participatory mapping in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U028-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U028-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 29: Ground preparations in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U029-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U029-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 30: Fieldwork practicum plan in inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U030-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U030-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out: Developing a scenario for the fieldwork practicum with the collaborating community
U030-v1.0-HO: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 31: Fieldwork practicum in inventorying
Unit 32: Fieldwork debriefing in inventorying
Unit 33: Organizing and storing information
- Facilitator’s notes
U033-v2.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U033-v2.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 49: Online inventorying of living culture in Scotland
CS49-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish
Unit 34: Workshop on community-based inventorying: concluding session
- Facilitator’s notes
U034-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out : Quiz
U034-v1.0-HO: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 35: Access & dissemination
- Facilitator’s notes
U035-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint presentation
U035-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 36: Documentation & inventorying
- Facilitator’s notes
U036-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint presentation
U036-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 47: Documenting the Fimibana theatre (Country X)
CS47-v1.0: English|French|Spanish
Unit 38: Ethics for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- Facilitator’s notes
U038-v1.0-FN: English|French|Russian - PowerPoint presentation
U036-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Russian - Case study 46: A secret tapestry is made available to the public
CS46-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 56: The ICBG Maya bioprospecting project
CS56-v.10: English|French|Russian - Case study 59: The Canning stock route project
CS59-v1.0: English|French|Russian
Unit 39: Workshop on preparing nominations: introduction
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 40: Introducing the nomination forms
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 41: Assessing initial sample nominations
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 42: Evaluating final sample nominations
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 43: Describing an element
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 44: Workshop on preparing nominations: concluding session
These materials are currently being updated. A new version will be made available soon.
Unit 45: Workshop on developing safeguarding plans: introduction
- Facilitator’s notes
U045-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish - Hand-out 1: Participant’s timetable
U045-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2: List of participants
U045-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 3: A step-by-step guide for developing safeguarding plans for ICH
U045-v1.0-HO3: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 3: A step-by-step guide for developing safeguarding plans for ICH
U045-v2.0-HO3: English
Unit 46: Scenarios and games for developing safeguarding plans
- Facilitator’s notes 1: Introduction
U046-v1.0-Intro-FN: English|French|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes 2: Safeguarding Ori ICH in Blika
U046-v1.0-Blika-FN2: English|French|Spanish - Blika PowerPoint presentation
U046-v1.0-Blika-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian in preparation - Blika Hand-out 1: Welcome to the Ori of Blika
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO1: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 2: Meet your neighbours
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO2: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 3: Identity cards
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO3: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 4: Preliminary list of Ori ICH in Blika as prepared by the Ori SafeCom
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO4: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 5: Sample safeguarding plan
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO5: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 6: Blank sheets for note-taking and reporting
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO6-EN: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 7: Guidance tasks and questions for group sessions (game)
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO7: English|French|Spanish - Blika Hand-out 8: Guidance tasks and questions for group sessions (non-game)
U046-v1.0-Blika-HO8: English|French|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes 3: Safeguarding ICH in Limnu Valley
U046-v1.0-Limnu-FN3: English|French|Spanish - Limnu PowerPoint presentation
U046-v1.0-Limnu-FN3: English|French|Spanish - Limnu Hand-out 1: Welcome to Limnu Valley
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Limnu Hand-out 2: Meet your neighbours
046-v1.0-Limnu-HO2: English|French|Spanish - Limnu Hand-out 3: Identity cards
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO3: English|French|Spanish - Limnu Hand-out 4: Blank sheets for note-taking and reporting
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO4: English|French|Spanish - Limnu Hand-out 5: Guidance tasks and questions for group sessions (game)
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO5: English|French|Spanish - Limnu Hand-out 6: Guidance tasks and questions for group sessions (non-game)
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO6: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Limnu Hand-out 7: Assessing and evaluating safeguarding plans
U046-v1.0-Limnu-HO7: English|French|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes 4: Safeguarding a cheese-making tradition in Kassen
U046-v1.0-Kassen-FN4: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Kassen PowerPoint presentaion
U046-v1.0-Kassen-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Kassen Hand-out 1: Welcome to Kassen
U046-v1.0-Kassen-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Kassen Hand-out 2: Identity cards
U046-v1.0-Kassen-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Kassen Hand-out 3: Sample safeguarding plan
U046-v1.0-Kassen-HO3: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Kassen Hand-out 4: Blank sheets for reporting on group work
U046-v1.0-Kassen-HO4: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Kassen Hand-out 5: Guidance tasks and questions for group sessions
U046-v1.0-Kassen-HO5: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 47: Workshop on developing safeguarding plans: concluding session
- Facilitator’s notes
U047-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish - Hand-out 1: Questions
U047-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 48: Gender and intangible cultural heritage
- Facilitator’s notes
U048-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint Presentation
U048-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1: Gender discrimination and ICH
U048-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2: Four illustrative cases
U048-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 40: An Indigenous Andean textile art
CS40-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 41: Two examples of ICH and conflict prevention/resolution
CS41-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 42: Ritual and performance art of a non-mainstream gender group
CS42-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 43: Mindusuan traditional dance performance
CS43-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 44: A shamanistic ritual and its associated ceremony
CS44-v1.0-EN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 57: ‘Two-spirit’ people and the ritual ceremony
CS57-v1.0: English|French|Russian - Facilitator’s notes: ‘Two-spirit’ people and the ritual ceremony solang
FN2-v1.0: English|French|Russian
Unit 49: A gender-responsive approach to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage
- Facilitator’s notes
U049-v1.0-FN-EN: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - PowerPoint presentation
U049-v1.0-PPT: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 1: Revising the operational directives
U049-v1.0-FN-EN: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 2: Typical elements of a national ICH inventory
U049-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 3: Research and documentation
U049-v1.0-HO3: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 4: Supporting transmission of ICH
U049-v1.0-HO4: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 5: Preparing nomination files for the RL (1)
U049-v1.0-HO5: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 6: Preparing nomination files for the RL (2)
U049-v1.0-HO6: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 7: Heterogeneity of communities
U049-v1.0-HO7: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 8: Safeguarding action plan
U049-v1.0-HO8: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 9: An ICH safeguarding policy
U049-v1.0-HO9: English|French|Spanish|Arabic
Unit 50: Workshop on preparing international assistance requests: introduction
Unit 51: Evaluating a sample request and identifying areas for improvement
- Facilitator’s notes
U051-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Hand-out 1
U051-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish - Hand-out 2
U051-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 3
U051-v1.0-HO3: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 4
U051-v1.0-HO4: English|French|Spanish|Arabic
Unit 54 Workshop on preparing international assistance request: concluding session
- Facilitator’s notes
U054-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Hand-out 1
U054-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic
Unit 55: Workshop on policy development for intangible cultural heritage safeguarding
- Facilitator’s notes 1: Workshop on policy development for intangible cultural heritage
U055-v1.0-FN1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint presentation 1: Workshop on policy development for intangible cultural heritage safeguarding
U055-v1.0-PPT1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes 2: The impact of public policies on ICH safeguarding
U055-v1.0-FN2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 1: The impact of public policies on ICH safeguarding: group work excerise
U055-v1.0-HO1: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 2: Glossary of terms
U055-v1.0-HO2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 3: Resources
U055-v1.0-HO3: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 4: News reports
U055-v1.0-HO4: English|French|Spanish|Arabic - Hand-out 5: Stragegic choices in ICH policy-making: discussion framework
U055-v1.0-HO5: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 6: Formulating a strategy for policy-making
U055-v1.0-HO6: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint 2: Ensuring community participation in policy-making and policy implementation
U055-v1.0-PPT2: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Hand-out 7: Introduction to intellectual property and intangible cultural heritage
U055-v1.0-HO7: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - PowerPoint presentation 3: Intellectual property and ICH
U055-v1.0-PPT3: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes 3: Tatau case study
U055-v1.0-FN3: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 38: Tatau
CS38-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes 4: A secret tapestry is made available to the public
U055-v1.0-FN: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 46: A secret tapestry is made available to the public
CS46-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Facilitator’s notes 5: Safeguarding and patenting a cheese-making progress
U055-v1.0-FN5: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 45: Safeguarding and patenting a cheese-making process
CS45-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian|Arabic - Case study 37: Civil society engagement in the policy-making process: Experience of the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda
CS37-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Case study 39: Indonesian batik
CS39-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Case study 53: Colombia: a far-reaching policy with intersectoral implications
CS53-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Case study 54: Flanders: a facilitation policy
CS54-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian - Case study 55: Silk making in Tchaa
CS55-v1.0: English|French|Spanish|Russian
Unit 56: Workshop on periodic reporting: introduction
- Participant’s text
U056-v1.0-PT-EN: English|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes
U056-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U056-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 2
U056-v1.0-HO2-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 57: Introducing periodic reporting
- Participant’s text
U057-v1.0-PT-EN: English|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes
U057-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - PowerPoint presentation
U057-v1.0-PPT-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U057-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 58: Results-based monitoring and the overall results framework
- Participant’s text
U058-v1.0-PT-EN: English|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes
U058-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - PowerPoint presentation
U058-v1.0-PPT-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U058-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 2
U058-v1.0-HO2-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 3
U058-v1.0-HO3-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 4
U058-v1.0-HO4-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 59: Periodic reporting: practical session on data sources
- Participant’s text
U059-v1.0-PT-EN: English|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes
U059-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - PowerPoint presentation
U059-v1.0-PPT-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U059-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 2
U059-v1.0-HO2-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 3
U059-v1.0-HO3-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 60: Periodic reporting: participatory methodologies
- Facilitator’s notes
U060-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - PowerPoint presentation
U060-v1.0-PPT-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U060-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish - Case study 60: Cross-sectoral Cooperation and NGO Involvement in Brazil
CS60-v1.0: English - Case study 61: Reporting under UNESCO’s 2005 Convention on Protecting and Promoting the Diversity of Cultural Expression
CS61-v1.0: English - Case study 62: Culture for Development Indicator Suite
CS62-v1.0: English
Unit 61: Periodic reporting: filling out the online form
- Participant’s text
U061-v1.0-PT-EN: English|Spanish - Facilitator’s notes
U061-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - PowerPoint presentation
U061-v1.0-PPT-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U061-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 62: Workshop on periodic reporting: concluding session
- Facilitator’s notes
U062-v1.0-FN-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 1
U062-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 2
U062-v1.0-HO2-EN: English|Spanish - Hand-out 3
U062-v1.0-HO3-EN: English|Spanish
Unit 63: Basics in Disaster Risk Reduction and Intangible Cultural Heritage
- Facilitator’s notes
U063-v2.0-FN-EN: English|French - Hand-out 1
U063-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|French - Hand-out 2
U063-v1.0-HO2-EN: English|French - Hand-out 3
U063-v2.0-HO3-EN: English|French - PowerPoint presentation
U063-v2.0-PPT-EN: English|French
Unit 64: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into ICH Inventorying
- CASE STUDY 1 – Cyclones and ICH in Northern Vanuatu
U064-v1.0-CS1-EN: English|French - CASE STUDY 2 – Mount Merapi, Indonesia: living on a volcano
U064-v1.0-CS2-EN: English|French - Facilitator’s notes
U064-v2.0-FN-EN: English|French - Hand-out 1
U064-v1.0-HO1-EN: English|French - Hand-out 2
U064-v2.0-HO2-EN: English|French - Hand-out 3
U064-v2.0-HO3-FR: English|French - PowerPoint presentation
U064-v2.0-PPT-EN: English|French