Activities receiving the patronage of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

The activities below have received the patronage of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The reports received by the Secretariat of the Convention on these activities are sometimes accompanied by additional information (press releases, etc..), which can be requested from Secretariat at

Actividad |
International Falconry Meeting and 10 years anniversary of recognition as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Germany
23/10/2024 - 27/10/2024Hamm
Deutscher Falkenorden – Bund für Falkenrei, Greifvogelschutz und Greifvogelkunde e.V. (Alemania)
Anke Bormann

From 23th to 27th of October 2024 the biennial International Falconry Meeting takes place in Hamm. The meeting is for the members of the DFO and guests from Germany and all over the world. The event is the opportunity for falconers to come, meet and hunt together, share and celebrate the Intangible Heritage of falconry, talk together and share experiences.

Furthermore it is the 10 years anniversary of the recognition as Intangible Cultural Heritage in Germany - one of the most important events for falconry in Germany and for the association.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cetrería, un patrimonio humano vivo 

Les gestes verriers
21/09/2024 - 19/01/2025Paris
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Conocimientos, artesanía y técnicas de la producción artesanal de vidrio 
Les gestes verriers, Jardin du Luxembourg
21/09/2024 - 19/01/2025Paris
Fédération du cristal et du verre (Francia)
Elodie Guillet

Afin de consacrer d’une très belle manière l’inscription en 2023 des Connaissances, techniques et savoir-faire du verre artisanal, ou gestes verriers, sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité et de susciter l’intérêt d’un très large public, la Fédération du cristal et du verre (organisme représentant la communauté) organise une exposition de photographies présentée par le Sénat sur les grilles du jardin du Luxembourg.

L’exposition vise à mettre en lumière des hommes et des femmes de passion, capables de transformer la matière, et invite le public français et international à découvrir les gestes des artisans verriers, qui composent cette communauté patrimoniale.

Les photographies s’organiseront autour d’un parti pris esthétique, liant les images par résonances thématiques ou par jeu de contrastes.

La transmission, la continuité et la valorisation des savoir-faire sont des enjeux majeurs de cette exposition. L’exposition, réalisée avec la participation active de la communauté, doit permettre de susciter des vocations auprès de la future génération des verriers.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Conocimientos, artesanía y técnicas de la producción artesanal de vidrio 
Connected by Hands and Hearts
02/09/2024 - 07/09/2024Jablonec and Nisou - Czechia
Museum of Glass and Jewellery (Chequia)
Milada Valeckova

Meeting and workshops for representatives of glass community connected by joint inscription of “Knowledge, craft and skills of handmade glass production” element on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Conocimientos, artesanía y técnicas de la producción artesanal de vidrio 
“Sharq Taronalari” International Music Festival
26/08/2024 - 30/08/2024Samarkand
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)
H.E. Ms Zulaykho Makhkamova

“Sharq Taronalari” is recognized as one of Central Asia’s biggest festivals. Its primary goals are to showcase national musical achievements to a broader audience, preserve and enrich cultural traditions, support young talents in music and singing, and foster international creative connections, all while promoting peace, friendship, and mutual tolerance.

25th International Istanbul Büyükçekmece Culture and Art Festival
25/07/2024 - 03/08/2024Istanbul, Büyükçekmece - Türkiye
T.C. Büyükçekmece Municipality; Anatolian Handicrafts Conservation and Development Association (Turquía)
Mrs Ugur Türker

The Festival aims to introduce the culture, the city Büyükçekmece, Istanbul and the country to the people who visit our festival, and also aims to introduce cultures and folkloric values from all over the world to the people of Büyükçekmece, Istanbul. The main goal is to contribute to world peace through culture. The festival has 5 branches: International Golden Bridge Folk Dance Competition, International Golden Bridge Contemporary Dance Competition, International Güler Ertan Photography Competition, International Handicrafts Festival and International Sculpture Symposium. Different types of exhibitions and workshops are organised within the festival.

20th Festival will be held from 11 to 14 July 2024
11/07/2024 - 14/07/2024Krasnoyarsk region, Shushenskoye village - Russian Federation
Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk region, (Federación de Rusia)
Zinov Arkady Vladimirovich

The International Festival of World Music and Crafts «World of Siberia» (hereafter - the Festival) is the most extensive festival of Siberian folk culture, and one of the biggest international festivals in Russia. It takes place on the second weekend of July in Shushenskoye village in the South of the Krasnoyarsk region once a year. The aim of the Festival is to preserve nonmaterial cultural heritage of the world; to promote and develop ethnical cultures of Siberia; to develop event tourism; to promote folk culture in its widest diversity.

The objectives of the Festival are: to exchange cultural experience; to improve professional skills of creative groups; to support new world music performers; to preserve and develop folk crafts and fine arts; to discover talented crafters; to develop and strengthen international cultural cooperation with the countries.


“Lietuvos dainu sventé” (a constituent part of the Baltic Song and Dance Célébration)
29/06/2024 - 06/07/2024Vilnius and Kaunas, Lithuania
Lithuanien National Culture Centre (Lituania)
leva Krivickaite

The Baltic Song and Dance celebration were inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008. Since 1924, every four

or five years this cultural phenomenon culminates in a grand national song and dance celebration that is held over a week and assembles up to 40,000 singers and dancers dressed in traditional costumes, craftsmen, Visual artists and more than 300,000 spectators from ail aver Lithuania and abroad. Held aver several summer days,
open-air dances, songs and music unite various generations, social groups, strengthen sens of cultural identity. During the Celebration, representatives from different cultural regions and Lithuanian emigrants’ communities showcase their singing and dancing performances.
In 2024 Lithuania will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first Dainu sventé (Lithuanian Song and Dance Celebration) held in Kaunas in 1924. The festivities will be organized across multiple venues (concert halls, stadiums, city squares and parks) in Vilnius and Kaunas, the largest cities of Lithuania.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Las celebraciones de los cantos y danzas bálticos 

13the Pag International Lace Festival
20/06/2024 - 23/06/2024Pag, Croatia
Local Tourist Board (Croacia)
Vesna Karavanic M.J.

The international Lace Festival is a promotion of Croatian traditional and cultural heritage. The event includes series of exhibitions in the city center at several locations. A large number of lacemakers from abroad and Croatia participate in the festival,consisting in exhibition, entertainment program, several workshops, a fashion show, a special fair of local products, the distribution of certificates of appreciation and gifts and a joint dinner.

Corso culture in the Netherlands : various flower and fruit parades in the Netherlands
17/04/2024 - 21/09/2024Netherlands
Stichting Corsokoepel (Países Bajos (Reino de los))
Paul Bastiaansen

The Dutch fruit and flower parades are typically events of one or two days, of which ‘parade day’ is the most important. Float builders spend months on preparing and building the floats. On the day of the parade, the floats pass by through the streets of the town or sail through the canals, with spectators enjoying the view. Parade day is often accompagnied by festivities. The day after the parade the floats are typically on display, to be viewed for the last time before they are dismantled.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cultura del “corso”, cortejo de flores y frutas, en los Países Bajos 
Event of Promotion and Preservation of Songkran in Thailand
01/04/2024 - 30/04/2024Bangkok and 76 provinces
Ministry of Culture - Department of Cultural Promotion (Tailandia)
Mr Kowit Pakamart

Event aiming at preserving, transmitting, disseminating and raising awareness about the value and importance of Songkran tradition in Thailand, an element inscribed on the Representative List of the intangible cultural heritage of Humanity in 2023. The event includes religious and traditional rituals, cultural performances, folk plays…

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Songkran en Tailandia, fiesta tradicional tailandesa de Año Nuevo 
Kurentovanje 2024
03/02/2024 - 13/02/2024Ptuj, Slovenia
Ptuj Tourism Public Institute (Eslovenia)
Marjan Ostrosko

The Kurentovanje Carnival is a traditional ethnographic festival, which happens in the same span between candlemas and the ash Wednesday. The carnival was named after the most famous and oldest traditional ethnographic character from the region of Ptuj - the Kurent/Korant. The carnival brings groups, individuals, communities, cultures and nations together. Older generations pass the knowledge, practices, and representations of cultural heritage to younger generations.

Tocatì - Festival international des jeux dans la rue (XXIème édition)
14/09/2023 - 17/08/2023Vérone
Associazione Giochi Antichi APS (Italia)
Silvia Ambrosio; Valentina Lapiccirella Zingari

Tocatì - Festival international des jeux dans la rue - est un évènement culturel initié et promu par l’Associazione Giochi Antichi AGA et l’Association Européenne des Jeux et Sports Traditionnels (AEJeST), en coopération avec la Municipalité de Vérone et la Région de la Vénétie. Ce festival communautaire « met dans la rue » les pratiques et les traditions liées aux jeux avec leurs savoirs, émotions, souvenirs et passions, pour partager et valoriser la dynamique de la vie sociale des espaces urbains dans une double perspective : engagement pour la reconnaissance du patrimoine culturel immatériel et attention croissante au développement durable.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Tocatì, un programa compartido para la salvaguardia de los juegos y deportes tradicionales 
308th Sinjska Alka
04/08/2023 - 06/04/2023Sinj
Alka Knights’ Society Sinj (Croacia)

Sinjska Alka, a knights’ tournament in Sinj was created in 1715. It is being held continuously for three centuries in accordance with strictly codified decree, with historic uniform, equipment, and weapons. The Sinjska Alka demonstrates the historical richness and continuity, and greatly contribution to local identity by promoting, tolerance and respect among individuals, while strengthening the transmission of the element to future generation.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj 
100 years Deutscher Falkenorden e.V.
17/06/2023 - 17/06/2023Berlin
Deutscher Falkenorden - Bund für Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz und Greifvogelkunde e.V. (DFO) (Alemania)
Anke Bormann

The event celebrating the anniversary of the FDO is an opportunity for falconers to come together and celebrate the intangible heritage of falconry, to exchange and share their experiences.
It is also festival for the public: stands of national falconry associations dedicated to actions to preserve the environment (in particular birds of prey and owls), presentation of actions to reintroduce injured birds of prey, breeding programs for reintroduction, films, entertainment for children, and the air show with birds of prey, etc.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cetrería, un patrimonio humano vivo

 : inglés 
Festival idrijske čipke / Idrija Lace Festival
16/06/2023 - 18/06/2023Idrija
Zavod za turizem, Idrija (Eslovenia)
Ms Valerija Božič

The Idrija Lace Festival respects the rich tradition of Idrija Lace, which is a handmade bobbin lace, preserves its historical tradition and at the same time encourages innovation in the design and use of Indrija lace masterpieces. During the Idrija Lace Festival, the town of Idrija transforms into a lively lace center, where knowledge about this sophisticated skill is exchanged, experiences are passed on to new generations and strong friendships are woven that, like thousands of invisible threads, connect people around the world. This is a three-day event of ethnological, economic, educational, and cultural nature, which has been taking place in Indrija since 1953.

Whitsun Heritage estival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
28/05/2023 - 29/05/2023Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Museum organizes the International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the eleventh time. Apart from celebrating the elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, the Festival welcomes dancers, and anthropologists from different countries, such as Colombia, Spain, India, Costa Rica, Brazil, Indonesia … This event also gives the opportunity for exchange the experiences about safeguarding of ICH.

 : inglés 
Corso culture in the Netherlands: various flower and fruit parades in the Netherlands
19/04/2023 - 21/09/2023Different locations
Stichting Corsokoepel (Países Bajos (Reino de los))
Paul Bastiaansen

The Dutch fruit and flower parades are typically events of one or two days, of which ‘parade day’ is the most important. Float builders spend months on preparing and building the floats. On the day of the parade, the floats pass by through the streets of the town or sail through the canals, with spectators enjoying the view.
Often the parades are free to attend, and in some cases the public pays an entrance fee. Float building is done by volunteers, it is a non-commercial activity. Entrance fees are only used to cover the costs of float building.
Parade day is often accompagnied by festivities. The day after the parade the floats are typically on display, to be viewed for the last time before they are dismantled.
Most flower parades use dahlia flowers and take place in august or september. There are also parades that take place in the spring season and that use bulb flowers. There is one fruit parade in the Netherlands, which takes place in september.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cultura del “corso”, cortejo de flores y frutas, en los Países Bajos 
Paris, capitale de la gastronomie du Moyen-Âge a nos jours. Exposition
13/04/2023 - 16/07/2023Paris, La Conciergerie
Centre des monuments nationaux - La Conciergerie (Francia)
Cécile Rives

L’exposition a pour but de présenter l’histoire riche et féconde de la tradition culinaire française. Une série d’animations, visites, dégustations et rencontre sera organisée autour de l’exposition, synonyme de convivialité et de transmission d’un patrimoine auprès de tous les publics.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La comida gastronómica de los franceses 
Kurentovanje 2023
11/02/2023 - 21/02/2023Ptuj
Javni zavod za turizem Ptuj (Eslovenia)
Marjan Otroško

The Kurentovanje Carnival is a traditional ethnographic festival, which is organized between Candlemas and Ash Wednesday. The Carnival was named after the most famous and oldest traditional ethnographic character from the region of the municipality of Ptuj, the Kurent. The Kurent is present for centuries in the area of Ptuj and the first Kurentowanje Carnival was held in 1960.
The Door-to-door Rounds of Kurenti is inscribed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2017.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Ronda casa por casa de las máscaras “kurenti”

 : Slovenian/English 
ICH Winter School
01/02/2023 - 05/02/2023Bursa, Türkiye
Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Turquía)
Evrim Ölçer Özünel

The ICH Winter School is a 5-day event organized for the experts on ICH and the representatives of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network. The main aim of this initiative is to further raise the awareness among and strengthen the capacity of these experts in the fields related to ICH thereby also contributing to enhancement of the Convention’s visibility.

Fest-noz vraz Kalanna
31/12/2022 - 01/01/2023Quimper
Evel Just (Francia)
Edern Perennoù

Le Fest-noz est un événement festif traditionnel en Bretagne qui s’est propagé partout dans le monde par le sentiment d’appartenance des Bretons à leur culture. Il a pour objectif de créer une symbiose entre les visiteurs, les danseurs, les chanteurs, les musiciens, les jeunes et les anciens dans une grande fête patrimoniale. Les musiques sont des musiques vivantes, en constante évolution. La fête est le lien entre le passé et le présent de la culture bretonne.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fest-noz: reunión festiva basada en la ejecución colectiva de danzas tradicionales de Bretaña 
307th Sinjska Alka
05/08/2022 - 07/08/2022Sinj
The Alka Knights Society (Croacia)

Sinjska Alka Knights Tournement was founded in 1715. It is being held continously for three centuries in accordance with strictly codified decree. Alka is chivalric competition where knights riding horses in a full gallop holding lances aim at iron ring hung a ropeover the race Course. The ring (alka) is made of two concentric rings connected with three bars.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
04/06/2022 - 06/06/2022Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)

Whitsun Festivities is a part of the Hungarian Open Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Directorate of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of awareness raising, visibility, accessibility and also safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
This year festival invites communities from neighbour countries such as Romania, Slovakia and Croatia.

 : inglés 
International Dance Festival ‘Lazgi’
25/04/2022 - 30/04/2022Khiva, Khorazm Region
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)

The Festival contributes to the preservation and development of the age-old traditions of the art of Khorazm dance ‘Lazgi’, strengthening the bonds of friendship and brotherhood between peoples through dance art, further expanding the scope of creative cooperation and cultural ties at the international level.
The programme includes organization of scientific, educational and cultural events devoted to promotion and safeguarding of dance art and its transmission.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
‘Lazgi’, danza de Coresmia

 : inglés 
8th International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
21/04/2022 - 25/04/2022Chengdu
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China (China)

The eighth ICH Festival will be held in Chengdu with the theme of ‘Respect Cultural Diversity and Activate Human Creativity’. With support from Sichuan and Chongqing, the ICH Festival will extensively carry out theme activities of Bashu culture offline and online. It will launch four sections: Intangible Cultural Heritage from Five Continents; Bashu Intangible Cultural Heritage; Fashion Intangible Cultural Heritage; Cloud Intangible Cultural Heritage
The ICH Festival will underline international exchanges and mutual learning, carry forward the value of intangible cultural heritage.

Kurentovanje 2022
02/02/2022 - 01/03/2022Ptuj
Javni zavod za turizem, Ptuj (Eslovenia)

The Kurentovanje carnival is a traditional international ethnographic festival, which happens in the time span between Candlemas and ash Wednesday. The carnival was named after the most famous and oldest traditional ethnographic character from the region of Ptuj - the Kurent/Korant. The Kurent/Korant is present for centuries in the area of Ptuj and the first Kurentovanje carnival was held in 1960. Since 2017 the rounds of Kurenti/Koranti are under the UNESCO protection of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Every year more than 10 different countries also contribute at the Ptuj Kurentovanje carnival, when their masks and ethnographic characters join the traditional carnival masks from the Ptuj area. More than 6. 000 ethnographical characters appeared at the Kurentovanje 2020 carnival. The characters are being presented through daily mask presentations, International carnival, Etno Fest, Ex tempore Carnival art festival etc. The international carnival of Kurentovanje has been under the patronage of the UNESCO organization for three years in a row until now.

The ballet performance ‘Lazgi’ at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater named after Alisher Navoi
05/09/2021 - 05/09/2021Tashkent
Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)
Sukhrob Shadmanov

The ballet performance Lazgi will be held at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater named after Alisher Navoi with participation of the world-wide renowned ballet master and choreographer Raul Raimondo Rebeck. Lazgi being one of the most popular dance styles in Uzbekistan and abroad, has been inscribed on the representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2019. The ballet performance Lazgi will contain the elements of the national dance and contemporary ballet choreography. Some folk stories will be staged in the ballet performance.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
‘Lazgi’, danza de Coresmia 
Škofjeloški pasijon / Škofja Loka passion play
21/03/2021 - 24/04/2021Škofja Loka
Občina Škofja Loka (Eslovenia)

Škofja Loka Passion Play is penitential Passion procession. It is the oldest preserved play in Slovene, which was written by Father Romuald Marušič in 1721 in the Capuchin monastery in the town of Škofja Loka. In Škofja Loka a folk play performed as a procession take place in the streets of the town’s medieval center during Lent and Easter involving more than 900 local performers. The Škofja Loka Passion Play, based on the ancient works od Capuchin monk, demonstrates 20 scenes of the stations of the cross and others from the Old Testament and New Testament. Performed in the dialect of the time it was written, the play takes place at a series of locations. In addition to the actors, 400 other volunteers from the community participate in the play(s production. Due to the complexity involved, the Škofja Loka Passion Play is only performed every six years. While it is considered to be an important part of local identity, the play also contributes to social cohesion giving residents involved an opportunity to connect with one other and feel like they contributing to their community. Knowledge and skills associated with the practice of the play are transmitted from older to younger generations by families who participate, and craftspeople assisting in the play’s production who host passing on know-how to others. In 2021 Škofja Loka Passion Play celebrates to historic moments first it is 300 tear since Father Romuald wrote passion play and second in will be first time that Škofja Loka Passion Play will be play since it was listed on UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La representación de la Pasión en Škofja Loka 
Şeb’i Arus (Night of Reunion) Week
07/12/2020 - 17/12/2020Konya
Provincial Culture and Tourism Directorate of Konya (Turquía)
Mehmet Yünden

Şeb’i Arus (Night of Reunion) Week is an international event, annually held on between 7 and 17 of December with the broad participation of people from Turkey and abroad. In this week many activities and events are organized, and the Konya Turkish Sufi Music Group, established under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, perform Mevlevi Sema ceremonies. The main Mevlevi Sema ceremony is held in Mevlana Culture Center on 17th December, which is the anniversary of Rumi’s death and recognized as the night on which the servant Rumi met his God. The Mevlevi Sema ceremony originally proclaimed in 2005 Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity was inscribed in 2008 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sema, ceremonia mevlevi 
Journée d’étude “10 ans à l’UNESCO ! Sauvegarder et faire vivre le patrimoine culturel immatériel”
26/11/2020 - 26/11/2020Tours
Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (Francia)

Le 16 novembre 2010 trois pratiques culturelles en France étaient inscrites sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité : le compagnonnage, réseau de transmission des savoirs et des identités par métier ; le repas gastronomique des Français ; les savoir-faire de la dentelle au point d’Alençon. À l’occasion du 10e anniversaire de cette inscription le Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (Maison des Cultures du Monde) avec le département du Pilotage de la recherche et de la Politique scientifique, direction générale des Patrimoines (Ministère de la Culture) chargé de la mise en œuvre de la Convention 2003 pour la France, et leurs partenaires, organise une journée d’étude. Cet événement réunira praticiens représentant des communautés patrimoniales et chercheurs en sciences sociales pour un partage d’analyses et de retours d’expériences de transmission, de valorisation et de formation.

Whitsun Heritage Festival, International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
18/09/2020 - 20/09/2020Szentendre
Hungarian Air Open Museum, Szentendre (Hungría)

The Whitsun Festivities’ weekend is a part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 the council of scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Directorate of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of awareness raising, visibility, accessibility and also safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. Presentations, performances, workshops and dance houses of Whitsunday and Whit-Monday serve for ensuring viability of all the elements, celebrating their diversity, presenting the communities and their heritage to the visitors of the museum and the media. The event serves also as an opportunity for the exchanges of experiences regarding the safeguarding of ICH.

 : inglés 
305th Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
07/08/2020 - 09/08/2020Sinj
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)

The chivalric tournament ‘Alka of Sinj’ was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with a strictly codified decree, comprising historic uniforms, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one called ‘aiming at the ring’. Even though founded on wide European and oriental knightly traditions through many countries, Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries, in particular the inhabitants of the Cetina region. The chivalric spirit is still protected after so many centuries thanks to the multitude of colours one can see and local traditions.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : English/Croatian 
Promotion measures of drum-playing rituals
26/03/2020 - 12/04/2020Baena, Córdoba
Agrupación de cofradías de Semana Santa de Baena (España)

The objective is to reach a greater promotion at a national and international scope, giving the drum-playing rituals and the Holy Week itself a greater projection.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Las tamboradas, repiques rituales de tambores 
ICH Winter School
03/02/2020 - 07/02/2020Kızılcahamam, Ankara
Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Turquía)

The ICH Winter School is a 5-day event organized for the experts on ICHand the representatives of the DEvelopment Agencies. Te main aim of this initiative is to further raise the awareness among and strengthen the capacity of these experts in the fields related to ICH thereby also contributing to enhancement of the 2003 Convention’s visibility.

60th Interrnational Carnival Festival of Kurentovanje 2020
02/02/2020 - 25/02/2020Ptuj
Javni zavod za turizem Ptuj / Ptuj Tourism Public Institute (Eslovenia)

The Kurentovanje Carnival is a traditional international ethnographic festival, which happens in the time span between Candlemas and Ash Wednesday. The carnival was named after the most famous and oldest traditional ethnographic character from the region of Ptuj - the Kurent. The Kurent is present for centuries in the area of Ptuj and the first Kurentovanje carnival was held in 1960. Every year more than 10 different countries also contribute at the Ptuj Kurentovanje Carnival, when their masks and ethnographic characters join the traditional carnival masks from the Ptuj area. More than 6.000 ethnographical characters appeared at the Kurentovanje 2019 Carnival. The characters are being presented through daily mask presentations, International Carnival, Etno Fest, Ex tempore Carnival art festival etc.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Ronda casa por casa de las máscaras “kurenti” 
Fest-noz vras Kalanna
31/12/2019 - 01/01/2020Quimper
Evel ust - Edern Perennoù (Francia)

Le fest-noz est un événement festif traditionnel en Bretagne. Il a pour objet de créer une symbiose entre les visiteurs, les danseurs, les chanteurs, les musiciens, les jeunes et les anciens dans une grande fête. Les musiques sont obligatoirement de la musique vivante, en constante évolution et nous souhaitons mettre en avant le lien entre le passé et le future qui existe dans cette culture.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fest-noz: reunión festiva basada en la ejecución colectiva de danzas tradicionales de Bretaña 
IMACO International Conference
08/11/2019 - 11/11/2019Bacolod City
International Mask Arts and Culture Organization (IMACO) (Filipinas)

The IMACO international conference is designed to provide an opportunity from representatives all over the world to exchange information about their mask cultures, and to unite and share various cultural values for inheritance and promotion of mask culture, dances and arts. Bacolod city is known as a city of MassKara Festival, one of the must-see festivals in the Philippines, which celebrates masks, colorful costumes, headdresses. Activities at the conference include a Mask and Arts Performance, a World Mask Exhibition, a Policy forum, a General Assembly and Academic Symposium, Special Performances and the IMACO general assembly.

7th International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
17/10/2019 - 22/10/2019Chengdu
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China (China)

The ICH Festival have been successfully held for six sessions with more than 2,000 events participated by over 500 performing teams, over 4,000 representatives from 465 countries and regions, over 40,000 representatives from within China, covering 20 million citizens and tourists. The Festival has functioned as an international platform for enhancing the visibility of the 2003 Convention and promoting ICH safeguarding. This year, the Festival will consist of international forums, exhibitions, competitions and exhibitions.

Heritage Good Practices Journeys
04/10/2019 - 05/10/2019Alicante
School Museum of Pusol (España)

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of the pedagogic project of the school museum of Pusol in the UNESCO Register of Good Safeguarding Practices, the school museum has organized a series of acts, such as the celebration of an encounter with good heritage practices. These journeys are provided to be performed on 4th and 5th of October 2019. The first day will take place at the Elche Congress Center, and the second day at the Pusol School Museum. Representatives of all the elements listed on the UNESCO Lists in the Valencian Community (Spain) have been invited to the journeys, as well as the Spanish heritage elements inscribed.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Centro de cultura tradicional - Proyecto pedagógico del museo escolar de Pusol 
International Handicrafts Festival
10/09/2019 - 15/09/2019Kokand, Fergana Region
Association ‘Hunarmand’ of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)

The main objective of the International Handicrafts Festival is to safeguard and support the diversity of craftsmanship. The Festival contributes to the implementation of the UNESCO 2003 Convention, in particular, through a public-private partnership in order to preserve the craftsmanship and transmit it to future generations.

 : inglés 
12th ‘Sharq Taronalari’ International Music Festival and International Conference on Protection of Tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage
22/08/2019 - 30/08/2019Samarkand
Ministry of Culture of the Repoublic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)

‘Sharq Taronalari’ International Biennial Music Festival in Samarkand was initiated by the Government of Uzbekistan in 1997. The programme of the Festival included contests of traditional music performers from more than 60 countries. The performing art is judged by an international jury made up of musicologists, art directors and managers of international festivals. The International Scientific Conference on the ‘Protection of the Tangible and Intangible Heritage: Challenges and Future Strategy’ focuses on the following (1:) preserving urban landscapes of the historical cities, (2) encouraging creativity of ICH bearers in traditional music arts, (3) promoting traditional methods of transmitting music art to younger generations, (4) developing creative dialogue among local municipalities and communities in the field of the protection of tangible heritage and ICH safeguarding.

 : inglés 
19th World Folklore Review ‘Integration 2019’
09/08/2019 - 19/08/2019Poznań, Swarzędz, Domasławek, Września, Wronki, Leszno, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Luboń, Nowy Tomyśl
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno- Sportowe ‘Integracje’ (Polonia)

World Folk Review INTEGRATION is an international festival organized in Poznań since 2001. The project’s purpose is promoting culture of people from different nationalities, ethnicities and national minorities. Every year the festival is visited by people from all over the world. The nineteenth edition of the festival will be attended by ensembles from 5 different groups of foreign countries and two groups from Poland.

304th Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
02/08/2019 - 04/08/2019Sinj
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)

The chivalric tournament ‘Alka of Sinj’ was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with a strictly codified decree, comprising historic uniforms, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one called ‘aiming at the ring’. Even though founded on wide European and oriental knightly traditions through many countries, Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries, in particular the inhabitants of the Cetina region. The chivalric spirit is still protected after so many centuries thanks to the multitude of colours one can see and local traditions.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
38th Idrija Lace Festival
14/06/2019 - 16/06/2019Idrija (Town Square, streets, exhibition gallery, Lace School, museum)
Centar za idrijsko dediščino (Eslovenia)

The Idrija Lace Festival is the biggest internationally recognized event of Idrija, dedicated to the tradition of lace making. The festival programme takes place over three days, from Friday to Sunday. During this time the town is alive with lace. Lace-made items by children and grown-ups fill the streets and shop windows are decorated with lace. There are exhibits of domestic and foreign lacemaking artwork, and lacemaking shops will open their doors to many visitors. The festival is becoming a much more popular international event through the involvement of foreign lace making centers, international craft and heritage projects, the participation of international guests and experts, and visitors from outside Slovenia.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El encaje de bolillos de Eslovenia

 : inglés 
Intercontinental bridges for safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity
03/06/2019 - 10/06/2019Szentendre, Budapest
Hungarian Open Air Museum, Szentendre (Hungría)

The first part of the project ‘Intercontinental bridges for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity’ is a capacity-building seminar for intangible heritage experts from sub-Saharan African countries. This seminar is an opportunity to get acquainted with two safeguarding models selected for the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices : ‘Táncház method: a Hungarian model for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage’ and ‘Safeguarding of the folk music heritage by the Kodály concept’.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Método Táncház: un modelo húngaro para la transmisión del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
Salvaguardia del patrimonio folclórico musical mediante el método Kodály

 : English/Hungarian 
Printed publication of the XXXI edition of the ‘Tambor’ magazine as well as the poster announcing the Tamborada 2019
15/04/2019 - 22/04/2019Hellín (Albacete)
Asociación de Peñas de Tamborileros de Semana santa de Hellín (España)
Joaquín Fernández Peñafiel

The magazine ‘Tambor’ is an annual publication that contains the different activities to the drum and the popular and cultural tradition that take place during the days of Lent and Easter in Hellín. Likewise and also annually, a poster announcing the ‘tamboradas’ that takes place during the days of Easter, especially on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays of that period is published.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Las tamboradas, repiques rituales de tambores 
Pont Festival
12/04/2019 - 14/04/2019Budapest, Castle Garden Bazaar
angveto Ltd. (Hungría)

PONT Festival was born in 2017 from the cooperation of Hangveto Ltd. and Budapest Spring Festival. It brings the wonders of the world to Budapest. The programmes of the festival are centered on diversity and tradition, through the prism of UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Interactive family programmes and concerts bring cultural treasures from across the globe.The aim is to get visitors acquainted with intangible cultural heritage in a local and universal sense, in line with UNESCO’s mission.

Bakhshi Art International Festival
05/04/2019 - 10/04/2019Termez, Surkhondaryo Region
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistán)

The Bakhshi Art International Festival was initiated with the main following objectives; safeguard storytelling oral traditions, promote intercultural dialogue, preserve and develop cultural diversity through supporting creativity. The programme of the Festival includes organization of scientific, educational and cultural events devoted to the manifestation and safeguarding of bakhshi art (epic storytelling) and its transmission to future generations.

 : inglés 
Kurentovanje Carnival 2019
02/02/2019 - 05/03/2019Ptuj
Javni zavod za turizem Ptuj (Eslovenia)

The Kurentovanje Carnival is a traditional international ethnographic festival, which happens in the time span between candlemass and ash Wednesday. The carnival was named after the most famous and oldest traditional ethnographic character from the region of Ptuj - the Kurent. The Kurent has been present for centuries in the area of Ptuj and the first Kurentovanje carnival was held in 1960. Every year more than 10 different countries also contribute to the Ptuj Kurentovanje carnival, when their masks and ethnographic characters join the traditional carnival masks of the Ptuj area.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Ronda casa por casa de las máscaras “kurenti”

 : English/Slovenian 
Fest-noz vras Kalanna
31/12/2018 - 01/01/2019Quimper
Evel just - Edern Perennoù (Francia)

Le fest-noz est un événement festif traditionnel en Bretagne. Son but est de faire vivre et transmettre les danses traditionnelles bretonnes, la musique bretonne, ainsi que la langue bretonne, de créer une symbiose entre les visiteurs, les danseurs, les chanteurs, les musiciens, les jeunes et les anciens dans une grande fête.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fest-noz: reunión festiva basada en la ejecución colectiva de danzas tradicionales de Bretaña 
Colloque international ‘L’alimentation comme patrimoine culturel: enjeux, processus et perspectives’
15/11/2018 - 16/11/2018Tours
Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation (Francia)

Le premier objectif du colloque est de promouvoir une approche multidisciplinaire des différents aspects que recouvre le patrimoine alimentaire. Sa seconde originalité est d’adopter une perspective européenne et internationale en s’appuyant notamment sur les pays qui ont fait inscrire des éléments alimentaires au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité.
Cette approche globale abordera d’abord la question des enjeux, qui suppose de définir précisément des notions comme patrimoine immatériel ou alimentaire, de délimiter les communautés scientifiques et professionnelles concernées par ces nations, sans oublier la prise en compte de la fragilité des patrimoines alimentaires.
La compréhension des processus est cruciale, que ce soit la construction de la notion de patrimoine immatériel ou bien la construction historique du patrimoine alimentaire ou encore l’élaboration des dossiers présentés pour l’inscription sur la liste représentative de l’UNESCO.
Enfin les perspectives intègrent le fait que le patrimoine alimentaire, comme tout le patrimoine culturel immatériel en général, fait l’objet de mesures de sauvegarde.

Deutscher Falkenorde International Meet 2018 & 50th anniversary celebrations of the International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey
21/10/2018 - 28/10/2018Bamberg
Deutcher Falkenorden - Bund für Falkenrei, Greifvogelschutz (Alemania)

The first three and a half days (21th to 24th) the 50th meeting and therefore anniversary celebrations of the International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF) - the world umbrella association for falconry clubs with 110 associations as members in 87 countries - will be held. It was founded in 1968 in Germany. The meeting is for the main part for delegates of the falconry clubs and individuals members.
From the 24th to the 28th the biennial International Falconry Meeting of the Deutscher Falkenorden DFO will take place. Falconers from all over Germany and all over world will meet in Bamberg to talk about falconry, learn from each other and from lectures, and hunt together with their birds.

International Conference : Falconry, an intangible heritage. Participation, cultural diversity and sustainable development
13/10/2018 - 13/10/2018Melfi Castle, Melfi
Municipality of Melfi (Italia)

The aim of this meeting is promoting the element ‘Falconry, a living human heritage’ inscribed on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Conference will take place on Saturday 13th October 2018 and it will be hosted inside Melfi’s Castle, which is linked to the material aspects of the falconry culture. The main aim of this Conference is to contribute to giving to the falconer community a sense of identity and continuity, providing a link from the past, through the present, and into the future of this millennial art.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cetrería, un patrimonio humano vivo 
Exposition ‘Patrimoines culturels immatériels de l’UNESCO en France’
05/10/2018 - 02/11/2018Alençon, Saint Junien
Association française des éléments du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel de l’UNESCO (France PCI) (Francia)

La création d’une exposition sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel s’inscrit dans les missions de France PCI relatives à la gestion des éléments français inscrits, afin de contribuer à la sauvegarde, favoriser le partage d’expériences ainsi que les collaborations nationales et internationales.
L’exposition a pour but de promouvoir l’esprit de la Convention de 2003 et le patrimoine culturel immatériel de la France. Après son inauguration au Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’exposition - initialement conçue pour pouvoir être itinérante -, est programmée dans plusieurs lieux, notamment mais pas uniquement liés aux inscriptions.

22nd International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2018
14/09/2018 - 16/09/2018Lepoglava
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)

The Lepoglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varaždin, Croatia. From the beginning, the Festival has been focused on the promotion of the Lepoglava Lace, the connection of Croatian and European lace-making centres and the spread of Croatian culture. Thereby, it contributes to the preservation of lace-making skills.
At the Festival, lace centers from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. The Festival includes numerous events, such as a traditional handicraft fair, a lace themed philatelic exhibition, lace motif installations, cultural association performances, local and national folklore performances, a creative exhibition made by children, classical and popular music concerts, etc.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia 
Maqom Art International Forum
06/09/2018 - 10/06/2018Shakhrisyabz, Qashqadaryo Region
Uzbek Maqom Art National Center (Uzbekistán)

The main objective of the Forum is to promote the safeguarding of diversity of the maqom art traditional performances worldwide. The expected outcomes of the Forum are raising broad public awareness on maqom-related traditional culture within a contemporary context, transmitting maqom art culture to the young generations, supporting diversity and creativity of maqom music performances, developing further academic studies and publications on maqom music traditions, encouraging the creation of maqom learning traditional schools for ICH bearers (master-apprentice), world-wide networking between ICH bearers and scholars. Starting from 2018, Maqom Art International Forum (hereinafter referred to as the Forum) will be organized biennially in Shakhrisyabz in September. The Forum will be supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the municipality of Shakhrisyabz, local NGO’s and organisations from the private sector.The Forum will include the following events: (1)a Scientific Conference “Maqom Music Art in Contemporary Context” in cooperation with Maqam Study Group of the International Council of Traditional Music; (2) Master classes on maqom performances of ICH bearers from various countries; (3) a Contest of young performers (vocal and instrumental, solo and group) of maqom musical art; (4) an Exibition of publications and musical instruments related with maqom art; (5) Press-conferences, TV and radio programs with ICH bearers; (6) Maqom poetry meetings. The Government of Uzbekistan will cover local expenses of ICH bearers and maqom groups from foreign countries based on their online registration through

 : English/Uzbek/Russian 
De Traditionele Reuzenommegang ‘Katuit’ - Traditional Giants Parade
30/08/2018 - 30/08/2018Dendermonde
Ros Beiaardcomité vzw (Bélgica)

The Parade of the Bayard Steed, together with The Giants Parade, have a long tradition in Dendermonde. The Bayard Steed dates back to the 15th century, the three Giants have been created in the 17th century and all are of an excellent quality. The Saga of the Bayard Steed and its four riders has its origins in a medieval ‘chanson de geste’ told throughout most of Europe. Wandering minstrels, folk tales and processions popularised such universal heroic epics. The story in particular deals with the problematic nature of feudalism, during the early Middle Ages and dates back to Charlemagne. For years and years, Aymon, Lord of Dendermonde, has lived in disagreement with his lord, Charlemagne. The four sons of Aymon continued this fight and could count on the loyal services of their horse, ‘Ros Beiaard’. After years of war and fighting, Charlemagne delivered an ultimatum : peace in exchange for Bayard. The faithful horse was drowned at the confluence of the rivers Dender and Scheldt. But Bayard wass very much alive in the Parade of the Bayard Steed. Every ten years the horse and its four riders hold their triumphal procession through town. Dendermonde is the only place in the World where the heroic horse forms the central theme of a historic parade (with 2000 participants and 100.000 spectators). lts last appearance dating from 2010, the pride and glory of Dendermonde is to make a new round of the town on 24 Mai 2O2O. For those who cannot wait till the next Bayard Steed Parade and want to enjoy mediaeval folklore at its best, they can come to the annual Traditional Giants Parade, ‘Katuit’. On the last Thursday of August the three historical giants lndiaan, Mars and Goliath parade through the town, accompanied by 1000 actors in mediaeval attire. Floats, bands, flag-tossers, professional street performers and torchbearers enhance the event. There is also a remarkable opening show with music accompanied with fireworks that conclude the evening.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Gigantes y dragones procesionales de Bélgica y Francia

 : English/Dutch 
18th World Folklore Review ‘Integration’ 2018
10/08/2018 - 20/08/2018Poznań, Swarzędz, Wronki, Września, Leszno Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Luboń, Nowy Tomyśl
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe ‘Integracje’ (Polonia)

The purpose of the project is to promote the culture of people from different nationalities, ethnicities and national minorities. The eighteenth edition of the festival will be attended by ensembles from Panama, Canada, Croatia, Spain, Ukraine and Poland. The organizers are focused on direct contact with the audience, so in addition to the concerts, one can find many more activities in the programme such as; parades in all cities, dance workshops of folk culture for children and youth, International Traditional Sports Tournaments, dance classes and games, etc.
World Folk Review Integration does not take the form of a competition.

 : English/Polish 
303rd Sinjska Alka Knght’s Tournament
03/08/2018 - 05/08/2018Sinj
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)

The chivalric tournament ‘Alka of Sinj’ was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with a strictly codified decree, comprising historic uniforms, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one called ‘aiming at the ring’ (lat. hastiludum, ital. giostra con l’anello, fr. jeu de bagues, deutch Ringstechen). Even though founded on wide European and oriental knightly traditions through many countries, Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries, in particular the inhabitants of the Cetina region. The chivalric spirit is still protected after so many centuries thanks to the multitude of colours one can see and local traditions. At the same time, the Alka tournament managed to save until now the authenticity of historical colouring which was interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences throughout luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition as well as in specific terminology related to its elements. When combined, they reflect historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem as two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
Festival des Continents
05/07/2018 - 08/07/2018Querqueville
Association fu Fort de Querqueville, AFQUER (Francia)

Le Festival des Continents, organisé par l’association AFQUER, est dédié pour sa première édition à la promotion du patrimoine culturel immatériel du continent africain. Les activités proposées incluent des expositions, des concerts, des conférences-débats, etc.

 : francés 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
19/05/2018 - 21/03/2018Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the eighth time. Presentations, performances, workshops and dancehouses of Whitsunday and Whitsunday serve for ensuring viability of all the elements, celebrating their diversity, presenting the communities and their heritage to the visitors of the museum and the media. The event serves also as an opportunity for the exchange of experiences regarding the safeguarding of ICH.

 : English/Hungarian 
National Windmill Day 2018
12/05/2018 - 13/05/2018950 windmills accross the Netherlands
Vereniging De Hollandsche Molen (Países Bajos (Reino de los))

The main objective of the National Windmill Day is education of the general public as well as to emphasize the importance of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Netherlands especially the craft of the miller operating windmills and watermills.
On the National Windmill Day anyone interested in the craft can receive information or apply for training. The training courses for the miller’s craft is open to everyone, regardless of background or gender, and there are no customary practices that restrict access to the element, except for certain security reasons.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El oficio tradicional de molinero de artefactos de viento e hidráulicos 
Renovation of the Carpet Hall at the Historical Museum
01/05/2018 - 30/10/2018Tchiprovtsi
Historical Museum (Bulgaria)
Anita Komitska

The historical Museum - Tchiprovtsi intends to enrich the carpet hall by introducing more carpets, providing more opportunities for visitors to engage in this craft with interactive activities. The museum will have in display more information about wool’s dyeing process, the progress of carpet weaving through the 20th and 21st centuries in Tchiprovtsi. For the children there will be games, allowing them to memorize some of the main features of the Tchiprovtsi carpets and make their own projects.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La tradición de la fabricación de alfombras en Tchiprovtsi 
Pont Festival
30/03/2018 - 01/04/2018Castle Garden Bazaar, Budapest
Hangveto Ltd. (Hungría)

Pont Festival, born in 2017 from the cooperation of Hangveto Ltd. and the Budapest Spring Festival, brings the wonders of the world to Budapest. The programme of the festival centers on diversity and tradition, through the prism of the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
In addition to Hungarian good practices selected on the Register, such as the Kodály concept and the Tanchaz method, Pont Festival showcases the heritage, customs and crafts from other countries. Traditions and crafts such as Aubusson tapestry, the violin craftsmanship in Cremona, the Mediterranean diet, the Serbian kolo, Bećarac singing and playing from Eastern Croatia and flamenco will feature among other cultural heritage elements.
The aim is to get visitors acquainted with heritage in a local and universal sense, in line with UNESCO’s mission.

 : inglés/húngaro 
Fallas de Valencia
01/03/2018 - 19/03/2018Valencia
Junta Central Fallera (España)

The Fallas Festivity takes place from the 1st to the 19th March every year in the city of Valencia. For a few days in March, the Fallas Festivity converts Valencia into an ephemeral street art museum celebrating the arrival of spring.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fiesta de las Fallas de Valencia 
ICH Winter School
20/01/2018 - 24/01/2018Çankırı
Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Turquía)

The ICH Winter School is a five-day event organized for young professionals. The main aim of the initiative is to further raise awareness among and strengthen the capacity of these young experts in fields related to ICH, thereby also contributing to the enhancement of the Convention’s visibility.
With a view to enhancing interdisciplinary work, the attendees would be selected from different fields of expertise related to ICH. Through the programme, the attendees would be involved in both courses and discussions on current debates in a participatory manner.

 : Turkish/English 
Fest-noz vras Kalanna
31/12/2017 - 01/01/2018Quimper
Ti ar Vro (Francia)

Le fest-noz est un évènement festif traditionnel en Bretagne. Il a pour objet de créer une symbiose entre les visteurs, les danseurs, les chanteurs, les musiciens, les jeunes et les anciens dans une grande fête. Les musiques sont obligatoirement de la musique vivante, en constante évolution.
‘La fête de nuit’ - ‘Fest-noz’ vise plusieurs objectifs: faire vivre et transmettre les danses traditionnelles bretonnes; faire vivre et transmettre la musique bretonne; mettre en avant la langue bretonne; présenter des artistes locaux.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fest-noz: reunión festiva basada en la ejecución colectiva de danzas tradicionales de Bretaña 
Concert de célébration des 50 ans de la mort de Zoltán Kodály
16/12/2017 - 16/12/2017Genève
Studio Kodály (Suiza)
Klara Gouel

Le Studio Kodaly de Genève, qui s’inscrit dans la tradition de l’enseignement musical et de la pensée pédagogique de Zoltán Kodály, souhaite rendre hommage au compositeur, ethnomusicologue et pédagogue hongrois à l’occasion du cinquantième anniversaire de sa mort. Le 16 décembre, jour anniversaire de la mort de Zoltán Kodály, le Sudio Kodaly accueillera, dans le cadre de ses Choco’Concerts, un Chœur d’enfants hongrois, composé de la 6ème classe complète de l’École primaire protestante de Kecskemét pour inerpréter l’œuvre de Lajos Vass, élève et collègue de Zoltán Kodály. Cet œuvre est un opéra pour enfants sur le livret d’un conte populaire hongois “Kiskakas gyémánt felkrajcárjá”. 22 jeunes chanteurs-acteurs hongrois agés de 11-12 ans seront sur la scène de la salle Frank Martin à Genève, pour faire connaître au public genevois le folklore hongrois, qui servit de fondement à la philosophie musicale de Kodály.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Salvaguardia del patrimonio folclórico musical mediante el método Kodály 
Publication ‘Traditional medicine, exchanges of experienes from the field’
05/12/2017 - 22/10/2024
#HeritageAlive & ICHCAP (Noruega)
Norwegian Crafts Institute

The book dedicated to the healing knowledge contains 18 articles from different parts of the world, sharing different traditions and experiences from the field. It is the result of a cooperation between the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region (ICHCAP) and #HeritageAlive

NGO Capacity Building Workshop
01/12/2017 - 03/12/2017Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (CHF) (República de Corea)

With a view to sharing information and experiences between accredited NGOs internationally, promoting opportunities for ongoing networking and sharing of skills at a regional level among its members, the first International Capacity Building workshop for accredited NGOs will be held in the Republic of Korea. The three-day workshop takes place just prior to the Intergovernmental Committee meeting of the 2003 Convention.

Forum ‘Flamenco y Cultura’ 2017
03/11/2017 - 30/11/2017Granada
Centro UNESCO de Andalucía (España)

‘Flamenco y Cultura’ is a project of the Delegación de Cultura Memoria Histórica y Democrática de la Diputación de Granada (local government), which proposes to consolidate an annual event of celebration, reflection and study during the month of November in which flamenco has a prominent place, with contributions from professionals, specialists in the field, artists and scholars from other disciplines.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco 
IMACO International Conference 2017
31/10/2017 - 03/11/2017Vientiane
International Mas Arts and Culture Organization (IMACO) (República Democrática Popular Lao)

The 2017 IMACO International Conference will be held from 31st October to 3rd November 2017 in Vientiane, Lao PDR to interact with cultural artists and organizations related to masks for inheritance and the development of the mask culture and arts. The conference will be co-hosted by the International Mask Arts & Culture Organization (IMACO), the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Lao PDR, and the Kolao Group. There will be over 150 participants from over 20 countries. There will also be a policy forum, an academic symposium, a general assembly, a mask exhibition, and cultural performances. The policy forum’s purpose is to find ways to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage all over the world, and the topic for the academic symposium is ‘The Current Transmission Status of World Mask Culture and Necessity of the Archive Project’. Currently, thirteen academic symposium speakers from different countries have been selected to give a presentation. IMACO aims to establish a close cooperation network system and to propagate the value of the mask culture through the general assembly and the mask exhibition as an accredited NGO by UNESCO. Cultural performances by different countries including Lao PDR, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, China and Republic of Korea will enrich cultural diversity as well as human creativity.

 : English/Korean/Lao 
47th CIOFF World Congress Meeting
20/10/2017 - 29/10/2017Tenggarong-Kutai Kartanegara, East Borneo
CIOFF Indonesia (Indonesia)
Ayu Wiranti
21st International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2017
21/09/2017 - 24/09/2017Lepoglava
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)

The Lopglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varaždin (Croatia) and in Europe. So far, 20 festivals have been held. From the beginning, the Festival has been focused on the promotion of the Lepoglava Lace, the connection of Croatian and European lace-making centers and spreading of Croatian culture. Thereby, it contributes to the preservation of lace-making skills and enriches the region’s touristic offerings. In 2009, Lepoglava lace-making, as a part of Croatian lace-making tradition, was included on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the ICH of Humanity.
Lace centers from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. Furthermore, they represent their cultural heritage. The Festival consists of numerous events, such as a traditional handicrafts fair, a lace themed philatelic exhibition, lace motif installations, cultural associations performances, local and national folklore performances, folklore performances of ethnic minorities, creative exhibitions made by children, performances by brass bands and jazz, classical and popular music concerts …

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia

 : English/Croatian 
17th World Folklore Review ‘Integration’ 2017
12/08/2017 - 21/09/2017Poznań, Swarzędz, Wronki, Września, Leszno, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Kostrzyn, Luboń, Nowy Tomyśl
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe ‘Integracje’ (Polonia)
Małgorzata Maćkowiak

World Folk Review ‘Integration’ is an international festival organized in Poznan since 2001. The purpose of the project is promoting culture of different nationalities, ethnic and national minorities.

 : inglés 
302nd Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
04/08/2017 - 06/08/2017Sinj
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)

The chivalric tournament ‘Alka of Sinj’ was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with a strictly codified decree, comprising historic uniforms, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one called ‘aiming at the ring’. Even though founded on wide European and oriental knightly traditions through many countries, Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries, in particular the inhabitants of the Cetina region. The chivalric spirit is still protected after so many centuries thanks to the multitude of colours one can see and local traditions. At the same time, the Alka tournament managed to save until now the authenticity of historical colouring which was interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences throughout luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition as well as in a specific terminology related to its elements. When combined, they reflect historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem as two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj 
Fest der deutschen Falknerei - Festival of German Falconry
10/06/2017 - 10/06/2017Schloss Fasanerie, Eichenzell
Deutscher Falkenorden - Bund für Falknerei, Greifvogelschutz (Alemania)
Anke Bormann

The festival is held because of the recognition of falconry in Germany as an element of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in December 2016. Falconers from all over Germany come together just to celebrate this recognition. Several scientific, political and international guests are invited.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La cetrería, un patrimonio humano vivo 
REGATA - Rovinj’s regatta of traditional boats with lug and lateen sails organised by ‘Ecomuseum Batana’ - a community project of saguarding Rovinj’s ICH
10/06/2017 - 11/06/2017Rovinj
Ecomuseum Batana (Croacia)

Rovinj’s regata is one of the many activities carried out by the Batana Ecomuseum - a community project aimed at safeguarding local ICH inscribed in 2016 on the UNESCO Register of good safeguarding practices. Through its varied research programmes based on knowledge, respect for cultural heritage and dialogue, inclusion, innovation, its interdisciplinary approach and use of multimedia Batana evaluates, protects, interprets, recreates, presents and communicates maritime heritage and actively reinforces the cultural identity and uniqueness of Rovinj. Since 2005 the Eco-museum in cooperation with the local Sailing Club ‘Maestral’ organizes the Rovinj regatta of traditional lug and lateen sail boats. It was established with the aims:
1. to revive the lugsail (vìla al tièrso) which completely disappeared from use at the end of the 1960s when the small Tomos outboard motors were created. This motor was produced in nearby Koper and endangered the knowledge and skills of sailing with lugsails, as well as the techniques of their making (particularly their painting);
2. to stimulate intercultural cooperation on the Adriatic, as the lugsail is specific to the areas of Venice’s lagoons, as well as the northern part of the eastern Adriatic coast and which is being achieved primarily through cooperation with the Vela al Terzo Association of Venice which deals with preserving the tradition of lugsails;
3. to create events in Rovinj to celebrate maritime culture in a creative and colourful way, marked by the batana boat which can be enjoyed by all of Rovinj’s residents and visitors.
The Regata is held in june with over 30 traditional boats from the Upper Adriatic. Besides the Regata held on Sundays we organize a traditional dinner and music event Saturday evening as to celebrate another phenomenon of intangible culture we are bearers of- the bitinada singing. This year during the Regata we will also present the UNESCO Certificate handed to the local community by the Minister of culture. The event is organized under the auspices of the Croatian Ministry of culture and UNESCO office in Croatia.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Proyecto comunitario de salvaguardia de la cultura viva de Rovinj/Rovigno: el Ecomuseo de la Batana 
6th International Festival of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
10/06/2017 - 18/06/2017Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China (China)

Over the past ten years, the Festival has attracted ICH professionals and practitioners from over 100 countries and regions. This year the Festival consists in the organisation of an international forum, presentations, exhibitions and fair.

Whitsun Festivities - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
04/06/2017 - 06/06/2017Hungarian Open Air Museum, Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of ICH for the seventh time on the Whitsun weekend. Apart from celebrating those elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the National Inventory of Hungary, the organizers like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative List.
The Whitsun Festivities’ weekend is part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010 according to the proposal of the Directorate of the ICH, the council of scientific affairs of the Museum decided to raise awareness on the annual event, make visible and also safeguard the intangible cultural heritage.

 : inglés 
Sinjska Alka Knight’s Tournament
06/05/2017 - 06/05/2017Vukovar
Alka Knight’s Community Sinj (Croacia)
Ivan Nasić

The chivalric tournament ‘Alka of Sinj’ was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with strictly codified decrees, and using historic uniforms, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of the ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one ‘aiming at the ring’ (Lat. ‘hastiludum’, Ita. ‘giostra con l’anello’, Fr. ‘jeu de bagues’, Ger. Ringstechen’). Despite being founded on broad European and oriental knightly traditions throughout many centuries, the Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries. Transposed into the local colors, it effectively safeguards the spirit of chivalry after so many centuries.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj 
Exhibition ‘The Ride of the Kings in Slovácko’
01/04/2017 - 30/09/2017Several cities of the Slovácko region
National Institute of Folk Culture (Chequia)
Martin Sítek

The exhibition was proposed as one of the safeguarding measures to be implemented after the inscription, in 2011, of ‘The Ride of the Kings’ on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. As the organization in charge, ‘The National Institute of Folk Culture’ has cooperated with all the communities of bearers of the element. The communities have also participated in the preparatory stages, and will display the exhibition in their local conditions before passing it to other interested organizations.
The exhibition is flexible: it can be used for diverse audiences and under various technical conditions, meaning that any community/institution can display it according to its own resources.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La Cabalgata de los Reyes en el sudeste de la República Checa 
ICH Winter School
06/02/2017 - 10/02/2017Sakarya
Intangible Cultural Heritage Institute (Turquía)

The ICH Winter School is a five-day event organized for young professionals under the age of 35. The main aim of the initiative is to further raise awareness among and strengthen the capacity of these young experts in fields related to ICH, thereby also helping to increase the visibility of the Convention.
With a view to enhancing interdisciplinary work, the attendees would be selected from different fields of expertise related to ICH. Through the programme, the attendees would be involved in both courses and discussions on current debates in a participatory manner.

 : inglés 
Film ‘Le Gwoka à l’UNESCO, une inscription exemplaire, une journée mémorable’
26/11/2016 - 22/10/2024France
Rèpriz, Centre régional des musiques et dances traditionnelles et populaire de la Guadeloupe (Francia)

Le projet présenté par Rèpriz concerne la réalisation d’un DVD multilingues (français/anglais/créole) à paraître le 24 novembre 2017 afin de fêter la deuxième date anniversaire de l’inscription du gwoka sur la liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Ce DVD reprend un film documentaire de 40 mn retraçant les grandes étapes de la préparation de la candidature à l’UNESCO, intitulé en français « le gwoka à l’UNESCO, une inscription exemplaire, une journée mémorable ».
Il apparaît que ce projet est tout particulièrement de nature à servir les objectifs de la Convention : il facilite en effet l’appropriation de la notion de patrimoine immatériel pour toute personne, en mettant en valeur les processus qui ont abouti à une inscription considérée comme exemplaire par les experts du Comité.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El gwoka: músicas, cantos, danzas y expresiones culturales representativas de la identidad guadalupeña 
20th International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2016
22/09/2016 - 25/09/2016Lepoglava
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)

The Lepoglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varazdin, Croatia and in Europe. From the beginning, the Festival has focused on the promotion of Lepoglava Lace, the connection between Croatian and European lacemaking centres and the dissemination of Croatian culture. At the Festival, lace centres from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. In 2009, Lepoglava lacemaking, as part of the Croatian lace-making tradition, was inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Since 2010, the Festival has been held under the auspices of the UNESCO Office in Croatia.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia 
Tocatì, Festival Internazionale dei Giochi in Strada (International Festival of Street Games)
15/09/2016 - 18/09/2016Verona
Assoziazione Giochi Antichi (AGA) (Italia)

Tocatì - Festival Internazionale dei Giochi in strada - International Festival of Street Games - is a cultural event initiated and promoted by the Associazione Giochi Antichi AGA (Ancient Games Association) and the Association Européenne Jeux et Sports Traditionnels (AEJeST), in cooperation with the Municipality of Verona. AGA has started this community-based festival putting in the streets the practices and traditions of games to share and enhance the dynamics of the social life of urban spaces in a double perspective: a commitment on the recognition of Intangible Cultural Heritage and a growing attention to sustainable development. Verona, its monuments and its historical centre, Unesco World Heritage site, becomes then a place for people meeting other cultural communities in a free spirit and sharing of cultural diversity expressions and values. At the same time the revitalisation of these social practices renews the link between the city and its surroundings, giving an impulse to the local economy in a sustainable way.
The Festival reflects and includes all the domains of Intangible Cultural Heritage, as defined in Article II. It is an excellent opportunity to strengthen the relationship to other international instruments, as the World Heritage Convention.

 : English/French/Italian 
Exhibition ‘Treasures of European Traditional Culture (Skarby europejskiej kultury tradycyjnej)
02/09/2016 - 26/02/2017Wrocław
Muzeum Etnograficzne, Wrocław (Polonia)

The aim of the exhibition is to present a variety of phenomena concerning intangible cultural heritage, representing 28 European countries and those included on the UNESCO World Heritage List and the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. An integral part of the exhibition will be a presentation of phenomena included on the Polish National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was created following its ratification in 2011 of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The national list is consecutively being completed with more inscriptions.

Publication of the Operational Directives of the 2003 Convention in Lithuanian
01/09/2016 - 31/10/2016Vilnius
Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO (Lituania)
Milda Valančiauskienė

In November 2015, the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO, in close partnership with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, the Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre and the Netherlands Embassy in Vilnius, organized a capacity-building seminar on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage at the national and international levels. Mr. Rieks Smeets, an expert on ICH, acted as a facilitator and lecturer during the seminar. The seminar focused on the key concepts of the Convention, the roles of different stakeholders, recommendations on establishing national policies, legislation, institutional infrastructure, terminological issues, inventorying methods and examples and systems.
In addition to the Operational Directives, the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO is also going to publish the collection of articles on UNESCO’s main action lines. The publication is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Lithuania’s membership in UNESCO.
The series of publications of the Conventions (1972, 2003, 2005) of the cultural field, the Operational Guidelines and the Operational Directives have all been translated into Lithuanian and will be published and disseminated to all relevant stakeholders and NGOs.

Exposition ‘Patrimoines culturels immatériels de l’UNESCO en France’
01/09/2016 - 28/02/2017Fougères, Paris, Granville
France PCI (Francia)

La création d’une exposition sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel s’inscrit dans les missions de France PCI relatives à la gestion des éléments français inscrits, afin de contribuer à la sauvegarde, favoriser le partage d’expériences ainsi que les collaborations nationales et internationales.
L’exposition a pour but de promouvoir l’esprit de la Convention de 2003 et le patrimoine culturel immatériel de la France. Après son inauguration au Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’exposition - initialement conçue pour pouvoir être itinérante -, est programmée dans plusieurs lieux, notamment mais pas uniquement liés aux inscriptions.

Traditional Giants Parade (De Traditionele Reuzenommegang ‘Katuit’)
25/08/2016 - 25/08/2016Dendermonde
Ros Beiaardcomité vzw (Bélgica)

The Bayard Steed dates back to the 15th century and the three Giants were created in the 17th century. The Saga of the Bayard Steed and its four riders has its origins in a medieval chanson de geste told throughout most of Europe. For years and years, Aymon, Lord of Dendermonde, lived in disagreement with his lord, Charlemagne. The four sons of Aymon continued this fight, counting on the loyal services of their horse, Ros Beiaard. After years of war and fighting, Charlemagne delivered an ultimatum of peace in exchange for Bayard. The faithful horse was drowned at the confluence of the Dender and Scheidt rivers. However, Bayard is very much alive in the Parade of the Bayard Steed. Every ten years, the horse and its four riders hold their triumphal procession through the town. Dendermonde is the only place in the world where the heroic horse forms the central theme of a historic parade (with 2,000 participants and 100,000 spectators).
On the last Thursday of August, the three historical giants lndiaan, Mars and Goliath parade through the town, accompanied by 1000 actors dressed in mediaeval attire.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Gigantes y dragones procesionales de Bélgica y Francia

 : English/Dutch 
16th World Folklore Review ‘Integration’ 2016
13/08/2016 - 22/08/2016Poznań, Swarzędz, Wronki, Wągrowiec, Leszno, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Luboń
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe ‘Integracje’ (Polonia)
Małgorzata Maćkowiak

World Folk Review INTEGRATION is an international festival that has been organized in Poznań (Poland) since 2001. The purpose of the project is to promote the cultures of different nationalities, ethnic and national minorities. In 2016, we have once again increased the number of festival cities where concerts will be held; besides Poznań, they will include Wągrowiec, Kostrzyń, Swarzędz, Wronki, Leszno, Luboń and Grodzisk Wielkopolski.
The sixteenth edition of the festival will be attended by ensembles from Ireland, Czechia, Romania, Serbia, Thailand, Turkey and of course Poland. The overall concept of the festival derives from the assumption that folklore is an integral part of our identity, in opposition to its perception as an exclusive product. Events are available to all spectators of all ages, enabling them to directly experience the proposed aspects of folklore.
World Folk Review INTEGRATION does not have a competitive character. It should be noted that the festival is a non-profit activity and could not be implemented without the involvement of young members of the Folk Dance Group Poznan AWF.

Festival CIOFF Mexico 2016
08/08/2016 - 14/08/201617 states of Mexico: Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Durango, Stato of Mexico, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Michoacan, Morelos, Nuevo Léon, Puebla, Querétaro, San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Ciudad de México
CIOFF (México)

The importance of this event lies in strengthening the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the world by displaying their music, dance, gastronomy, crafts, games and traditional art, in addition to the collaborative work of members of CIOFF worldwide through conferences, meetings and forums aimed at strengthening intangible cultural heritage.

301st Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
05/08/2016 - 07/08/2016Sinj
Alka Knights Community Sinj (Croacia)

The chivalric tournament Alka of Sinj was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with strictly codified decrees, and with historic equipment. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one ‘aiming at the ring’.
To the present day, the Alka tournament has successfully presented the historical coloring which was interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences through luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition. When combined, they reflect the historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem like two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : English/Croatian 
Folkloriada Mundial 2016
30/07/2016 - 07/08/2016Zacatecas
CIOFF (México)

The importance of this event lies in strengthening the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the world by displaying their music, dance, gastronomy, crafts, games and traditional art, in addition to the collaborative work of members of CIOFF worldwide through conferences, meetings and forums aimed at strengthening intangible cultural heritage.

50th Anniversary of the ‘Festival of Dalmatian a cappelle singing’, Omiš, 2016
04/07/2016 - 23/07/2016Omiš, Bol, Komiža, Blato na Korčuli
Festival dalmatinskih klapa Omiš (Croacia)

In June and July 2016, Omiš will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Festival of Dalmatian a cappella singing Omiš, hereinafter referred to as the Festival. Within the regular programme of the Festival, the plan is to organize numerous evening concerts. Furthermore, the Festival comprises two parts: one is competitive, while the other is for entertainment purposes.
The central event is to be held in Omiš inJuly, preceded by opening concerts. These opening concerts are the main part of the Festival, and will take place in June in the Dalmatian town Bol on the island of Brač, Blato na Korčuli, and Komiža.
All the concerts held during the Festival will exclusively feature traditional a cappella singing by a cappella singing groups. Moreover, all the melodies are performed in the traditional way as described in the explanation of enrollment on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Exposition ‘Être et transmettre, le patrimoine vivant’
01/07/2016 - 31/12/2016Corte, Musée de la Corse
Collectivité territoriale de Corse (Francia)

Cette exposition est réalisée sous le commissariat général de Séverine Cachat. Une Convention avec la Maison des cultures du monde défini les contours de ce partenariat. En mettant en regard quelques exemples d’éléments en Corse et ailleurs, cette exposition sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel au musée de la Corse souhaite : favoriser la connaissance et l’appropriation de cette « nouvelle » catégorie de patrimoine, sensibiliser les publics à l’importance et aux défis de la sauvegarde, susciter la réflexion et le débat, initier une dynamique participative en Corse et faciliter la mise en réseau d’acteurs sur et hors du territoire.
Elle sera, plus largement, l’occasion de réfléchir sur le processus de patrimonialisation (la «fabrique » du patrimoine), sur la puissance performative de cette nouvelle catégorie qu’est le PCI, et sur la place de l’immatériel au musée.

 : French/English/Corsican 
National Festival of Folk Art ‘Beraginya 2016’
23/06/2016 - 26/06/2016Oktyabrsky, Gomel Region
Department of Ideological Work, Culture and Youth Affairs of the Oktyabrsky Executive Committee of Gomel Region (Belarrús)
Svetlana Anatolevna Berezovskaya, Larisa Alekseevna Kazakova

The founders of the festival are the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Gomel regional Executive Committee, the Oktyabrsky district Executive Committee and the public association Belarusian Fund of Culture. The festival of folk art Beraginya was based on the presentation of living traditions of folk art, dance and song, the authentic culture of Belarusians. The distinctive peculiarity of the festival is the wide participation of children and youth, who become familiar with the folk art due to the succession of traditions. The festival programme includes contests and concerts by choirs and solo singers, instrumental, dance and other traditional arts, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, round tables on the topic and masterclasses of traditional culture. The festival is an important step in the efforts to preserve, master and pass on our ancestors’ traditions to the new generation.

11th Republican Festival of Ethnic Cultures
03/06/2016 - 04/06/2016Grodno
Republican Government Body (Belarrús)
Svetlov Boris, Minister of Culture

The Republican Festival of Ethnic Cultures has been held in the Republic of Belarus since 1996. lt provides a demonstration of the cultures of national minorities that live in Belarus. The festival is held every two years. lt consists of qualifying rounds in the regions of the country and the concluding events in Grodno (two or three days). Representatives of 35-38 nationalities participate in the festival.
The festival programme includes concerts, exhibitions of traditional crafts, national cuisines, literature, demonstrations of films, traditional folk games and rites, costumes and musical instruments.
Representatives of the governmental bodies of the Republic of Belarus, UNESCO, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the diplomatic corps and heads of religious confessions usually take part in the festival.

Exposition ‘Patrimoines culturels immatériels de l’UNESCO en France’
25/05/2016 - 28/07/2016Arles, Strasbourg, Limoges
France PCI (Francia)
Séverine Cachat

La création d’une exposition sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel s’inscrit dans les missions de France PCI relatives à la gestion des éléments français inscrits, afin de contribuer à la sauvegarde, favoriser le partage d’expériences ainsi que les collaborations nationales et internationales. L’exposition a pour but de promouvoir l’esprit de la Convention de 2003 et le patrimoine culturel immatériel de la France. Après son inauguration au Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, l’exposition - initialement conçue pour pouvoir être itinérante -, est programmée dans plusieurs lieux, notamment mais pas uniquement liés aux inscriptions.

 : francés 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
14/05/2016 - 16/05/2016Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) for the sixth time on Whitsun weekend, from 14 to 16 May 2016. The weekend of Whitsun Festivities has been part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time. In 2010, in accordance with the proposal by the Department of ICH, the Museum’s council on scientific affairs decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of raising awareness about the safeguarding of ICH. We plan to present ICH elements related to the topic of folk dance and singing; a bearer community from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be invited to participate in the festivities held at the premises of the Hungarian Open Air Museum.
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Hungary’s ratification of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO and the Hungarian Open Air Museum are planning to organize a meeting on the first day for experts from other countries of Europe in order to create a transnational platform to ensure the free flow of information through the mutual coverage of the elements on the national inventories.

 : English/Hungarian 
‘Tales and legends of my motherland from a grandma’s trunk’, Highs School student’s competition
01/05/2016 - 01/06/2016Tbilisi
National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia (Georgia)

The main purpose of this non-commercial project, being held for the fourth time, is to collect and present remaining elements of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in Georgia. The subject of the 2016 competition is the tales and legends of Georgia. Besides this, the activity will help to increase the interest in ICH, especially among young people.
The partners of the project are: the Ministry of Culture and Monuments of Georgia, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the Georgian National Commission for UNESCO, the Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian Literature and the newspaper New Education.
Tales and legends of my motherland from a grandma’s trunk will involve two rounds: during the first round of the competition, inter-school sélections will be held with the help of schoolteachers. Students will present the tales or legends, with illustrations, which they can collect in their region. The students progressing to the second round of the competition will fill in the ICH registration card on the selected patterns, under the direction of the organizers. Authors of interesting, significant works will be awarded the diploma and title of The Defender of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia.

 : inglés 
Summer Solstice Fire Festival in the Pyrenees
01/04/2016 - 31/08/2016Huesca (Sobrarbe Region)
Comarca de Sobrarbe. Sobrarbe Global Geopark (España)
Enrique Campo Sanz

The Comarca de Sobrarbe generally works on the promotion of local cultural heritage, especially World Heritage such as the Pirineos Monte Perdido and the Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin of de Iberian Peninsula.
Now, we want to conduct several promotional activities relating to the fiesta of the Falleta, celebrated in San Juan de Plan (a village in the Sobrarbe Region), which was inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2015 as Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees.
Specifically, we want to produce a new display advertisement and brochures about the Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Sobrarbe and we would like to include information about Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees. We therefore wish to include the UNESCO Logo in these new activities: brochures, promotional videos, display advertisement and on the website

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fiestas del fuego del solsticio de verano en los Pirineos 
Grandmas Project
20/01/2016 - 20/07/2016Site internet
Chaï Chaï Films (Francia)
Jonas Parienté

Grandmas Project is a collaborative web-documentary that invites filmmakers to produce a short film about their grandmother, using the transmission of a beloved recipe to question their relationship and the heritage that is being passed down from one generation to another.

 : francés 
Colloque scientifique ‘Géants et Dragons processionnels de Belgique et de France (2005-2015) : bilan, enjeux et perspectives’
28/11/2015 - 28/11/2015Ath, Belgique
Maison des Géants, Ath (Bélgica)
Jean Pierre Ducastelle

Le 25 novembre 2005, l’UNESCO inscrivait les géants et dragons de Belgique et de France parmi les chefs-d’œuvre du Patrimoine oral et immatériel de l’Humanité. Peu après, en 2008, ils étaient inscrits sur la Liste représentative.
Dix ans plus tard, nous proposons de faire le point sur les effets de l’inscription des géants et dragons lors d’une journée d’études organisée par la Maison des Géants à Ath, le samedi 28 novembre 2015. Des chercheurs venus des villes concernées sont invités à faire part de leurs réflexions.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Gigantes y dragones procesionales de Bélgica y Francia 
Mestieri e culture che fanno futuro - Mappe di un domani sostenibile tra tradizione e innovazione
22/10/2015 - 23/10/2015Monza
Regione Lombardia - Assessorato alle Culture, Identita e Autonomie (Italia)
Sabrina Sammuri

L’initiative d’Octobre 2015 à Monza qui a lieu en parallèle de l’Expo Milan 2015 est dédiée au patrimoine culturel immatériel, et cherche à établir un lien entre le patrimoine culturel et le patrimoine paysager. Dans ce contexte, le patrimoine représente la transition entre un passé de conservation et de valorisation à un processus d’innovation, donnant de la vigueur au sens de l’Histoire et de la transmission, mais tout en faisant attention de se situer dans l’avenir.
La Région Lombardie sous l’aval de la tutelle scientifique de la Fondation Feltrinelli a déjà contribué à l’élaboration de la Charte de Milan pour l’Expo 2015.

19th International Lepoglava Lace Festival
17/09/2015 - 20/09/2015Lepoglava
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)

The Lopglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varaždin (Croatia) and in Europe. So far, 19 festivals have been held. From the beginning, the Festival has been focused on the promotion of Lepoglava Lace, the connection of Croatian and European lace making centers and spread of Croatian culture. Thereby, it contributes to the preservation of lace-making skills and enriches the region’s touristic offerings. In 2009, Lepoglava lace-making, as a part of Croatian lace-making tradition, was included on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the ICH of Humanity.
Lace centers from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. Furthermore, they represent their cultural heritage. The Festival consists of numerous events, such as a traditional handicrafts fair, a lace themed philatelic exhibition, lace motif installations, cultural associations performances, local and national folklore performances, folklore performances of ethnic minorities, creative children’s exhibitions, performances by brass bands and jazz, classical and popular music concerts …

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia

 : English/Croatian 
5th International Festival of Intangible Cultural Heritage
11/09/2015 - 20/09/2015Chengdu
Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China; The People’s Government of Sichuan Province; Chinese National Commission for UNESCO (China)
Du Yue, Secretary General, Chinese National Commission for UNESCO

Set up as an international cultural event aiming at safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH), the Festival, through a wide range of programs including seminars, exhibitions, performances, presentations and trade fairs, brings together ICH professionals and practitioners worldwide, and provides them with an interactive platform for global exchange and cooperation in the field of ICH.
Since the 2nd Festival, UNESCO has been a co-host. The event has featured various globally acclaimed highlights including the Chengdu International Conference on the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage during the 4th Festival in 2013, resulting in the document Chengdu Recommendations.

International Festival ‘World Folk Review INTEGRATION’
08/08/2015 - 17/08/2015Poznań, Poland
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalno-Sportowe ‘Integracje’ (Polonia)
Małgorzata Maćkowiak

World Folk Review INTEGRATION is an international festival organized in Poznań (Poland) since 2001. The mission purpose of the project is promoting culture of different nationalities, ethnic and national minorities. In 2015, we increased the number of festival cities where concerts will be held, so besides the Poznań, the participating ensembles will be performing in Pobiedziska, Kostrzyń, Swarzędz, Wronki, Leszno and Grodzisk Wielkopolski.
The overall concept of the festival comes from the assumption that folklore is an integral part of our identity, and opposed to the perception of folklore as an exclusive product, inaccessible to people outside the exclusive group of dancers and supporters. Events are available to all spectators of all ages enabling the direct experience of the proposed aspects of folklore. Participation in all festival events is free. World Folk Review INTEGRATION does not have a competition character. Till year 2015 we visited: Leszno, Wągrowiec, Grodzisk Wielkopolski, Słupia, Konin, Wronki, Pobiedziska and Poznań.
lt should be noted that the festival is a non-profit and its implementation would not be possible without the involvement of young people, members of the Folk Dance Group Poznań AWF, whose as volunteers donate their time combining work with a passion for dance.

300th Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
07/08/2015 - 09/08/2015Sinj, Croatia
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)
Stipe Jukić, President

The chivalric tournament “Alka of Sinj” was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for three decades in accordance with strictly codified decrees, and using historic equipment. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one ‘aiming at the ring’.
To the present day, the Alka tournament has managed to present the historical coloring which was interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences through luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition. When combined, they reflect the historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem like two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
Festival ‘Cultures croisées en Ile de France - danses et musiques d’ailleurs
04/07/2015 - 04/07/2015Maison de l’UNESCO
CIOFF & Cultures croisées en IDF (Francia)
Philippe Beaussant

Le CIOFF® Conseil International d’organisation des festivals de folklore et d’arts traditionnels via l’association Cultures croisées en Ile de France organise le festival Danses et musiques d’ailleurs…! C’est un festival de danses et musiques traditionnelles qui accueillera cette année huit troupes artistiques originaires d’Arménie, de Colombie, de France (Bretagne et Martinique), du Pérou, du Sri Lanka et du Togo. Ce festival se déroulera du 3 au 5 Juillet en région parisienne.
Au programme un grand spectacle dans le cadre de la Décennie du Rapprochement des Cultures sous l’égide du CIOFF® et ce dans le but de célébrer conjointement les 70 ans de l’UNESCO et les 45 ans du CIOFF.
La promotion du patrimoine culturel immatériel est la fondation même de notre festival qui se situe dans le prolongement de l’action du CIOFF® depuis sa création en France en 1970. Nous contribuons ainsi à la fraternité entre les cultures du monde.

29/06/2015 - 29/12/2015Belgium
bpost ‘Stamps & Philately’ (Bélgica)

Timbre-Poste sur les Pêcheurs de crevettes à cheval à Oostduinkerke, Belgique

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La pesca del camarón a caballo en Oostduinkerke

 : inglés 
Whitsun Heritage Festival - International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage
23/05/2015 - 25/05/2015Szentendre, Hungary
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)
Ibolya Bereczki, Director General

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the fifth time on the Whitsun weekend, May 23-25 2015. Apart from celebrating those elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, we would like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative list.
The Whitsun Heritage Festival’s weekend is a part of the Hungarian Open Air Museum’s annual festivals for a long time.
In 2010, the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Department of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of safeguarding the Intangible Cultural Heritage. We would like to present ICH elements related to the topic of folk dance and singing. We plan to invite a bearer community from Portugal (Cante Alentejano), and Republic of Macedonia (Kopachkata) to participate in the festivities.
The main aim of the event is to foster a long-term cooperation among participating communities and to celebrate cultural diversity. As the event is held on the Whitsun weekend, similarly to year 2014, 200 local children will also be participating. This year we would like to also draw the attention to the UNESCO’s 70th anniversary.

 : English/Hungarian 
Convention for the Safeguarding of the Cultural Heritage and Education : North and West Africa Experience (Meeting)
31/03/2015 - 02/04/2015Istanbul, Turkey
Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage, Turkish Folklore Research and Application Center (Turquía)

The Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, in cooperation with the NGO named Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Turkish Folklore Research and Application Center (THBMER), is planning to organize a one-day expert meeting on The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Education: North and West Africa Experience from 31 March to 2 April 2015 in Istanbul.
The goal of this expert meeting is to consider the current situation of ICH in formal and informal education, with a focus on North and West Africa, promote awareness about and cooperation in education on ICH, and convert the findings of the meeting into a road map for ICH and education.
A workshop during which experts from Africa and Turkey would share their experiences and a strategic roadmap and communication network would be created is being planned.
The participation of the following is expected: Benin, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Morocco, Ivory Islands, Gabon, Gambia, Senegal, Cameroon, Congo, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Toga, Tunisia, Democratic Republic of Congo and the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa.

Busó Festivities in Mohács
12/02/2015 - 17/02/2015Mohács, Hungary

The Busó Festivities at Mohacs take place at the end of the Carnival period. It is a six-day-long masked ritual tradition of transformation, an end-of-winter custom with essential participation of dancers and musicians, the town’s inhabitants, and the Busó groups as well as the craftsmen.
The numerous visitors of the festivities are often actively involved in the events, so that they become a part of the programs which run simultaneously at several venues in the town. Every year, the government of the town and the Busó groups organize the Busó Festivities in close collaboration.
Beyond the events concentrated in these six days, the Busó groups function as active communities throughout the whole year.
At the moment there are 40 communities of Busó groups in Mobiles with more or less 1100 members. The element’s inscription in 2009 on the UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity was a useful and honorific moment and step in order to preserve and promote the end-of-winter carnival custom.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Fiesta de los busós de Mohács: carnaval enmascarado tradicional del final de invierno 
Exposition ‘Patrimoines culturels immatériels de l’UNESCO en France’
09/12/2014 - 19/12/2014Paris
France PCI (Francia)
Séverine Cachat

La création d’une exposition sur le patrimoine culturel immatériel s’inscrit dans les missions de France PCI relatives à la gestion des éléments français inscrits, afin de contribuer à la sauvegarde, favoriser le partage d’expériences ainsi que les collaborations nationales et internationales.
L’exposition a pour but de promouvoir l’esprit de la Convention de 2003 et le patrimoine culturel immatériel de la France. France PCI entend donc profiter de la tenue exceptionnelle au siège de l’UNESCO à Paris du Comité intergouvernemental de sauvegarde du PCI pour présenter cette exposition.

 : francés 
Traditions of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Georgia (Certificate of high school students’ competition)
01/11/2014 - 01/05/2015Tbilisi, Georgia
National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia (Georgia)

This project is non-commercial and its main purpose is to show the living traditions of environmental protection, extract and use of natural resources, which are typical for different regions of Georgia.
Also the object is to increase interest in studying these traditions among society, especially among young people. It is already established project that is held annually for the 3rd time.
The partners of the project are: Ministry of Culture and Monuments of Georgia, Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, Ministry of Environment and Natural Recourses Protection of Georgia, Georgian National Commission for UNESCO; newspaper New Education.
The Traditions of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Georgia will be held in two rounds: During the first round of the competition, students must present the tradition which is typical for their region, relating to the environmental protection.
The students moved to the second round of the competition will fill in the Intangible Cultural Heritage registration card on the selected patterns.
The authors of significant works will be awarded by the National Agency for Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia with the diploma and title of The Defender of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

 : inglés 
44th CIOFF Congress and the Youth Forum
16/10/2014 - 26/10/2014Bautzen, Dresden, Germany
CIOFF (Alemania)
Norbert Müller, President CIOFF Germany

The 44th CIOFF® World Congress 2014 will take place in Bautzen, Germany. One day is reserved for the meetings of the Cultural Commission, the Festivals Commission, the Legal Commission and the Commission on Communications and Public Relations. The Committees on Children and on Training and Education will also meet.
After the decision of the World Congress 2013 in Zacatecas, Mexico, to grant the next CIOFF® World Folkloriada 2016 to the city of Zacatecas, the Committee on Folkloriada will have its first meeting and will start with the preparation of this for CIOFF® very important event.
The Folkloriada is the event where all CIOFF® member countries are invited to present their folklore and traditions. Very important parts of the World Congress are the Cultural Conference with theme The Implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage - Role of Ethnic Communities and the Open Forum where the Traditional Knowledge Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization will launch the Guide Intellectual Property and Folk, Arts and Cultural Festivals -A Practical Guide.
Motions of the National Sections will be presented for acceptation or refusal. The Council will inform the General Assembly about decisions taken during their meetings.

The 18th International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2014
18/09/2014 - 21/09/2014Lepoglava, Croatia
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)
Marjan Škvarić, Mayor

The Lepoglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varaždin, Croatia and in Europe.
So far, 17 festivals have been held. From the beginning, the Festival has been focused on the promotion of Lepoglava Lace, the connection of Croatian and European lace making centres and the spread of Croatian culture.
Thereby, it contributes to the preservation of lacemaking skills and enriches the region’s touristic offerings.
In 2009, Lepoglava lacemaking, as a part of Croatian lace-making tradition, was included on the UNESCO’s List of World Intangible Heritage.
From 2010 the Festival has been held under the auspices of the UNESCO Office in Croatia. At the Festival, lace centres from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. Furthermore, they represent their cultural heritage to visitors.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia

 : English/Croatian 
Postage stamp
05/09/2014 - 05/03/2015Armenia
Ministries of Culture and Transport and Communication of the Republic of Armenia in cooperation with ‘HayPost’ SISC (Armenia)

Armenian stamp with an image of the element Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El arte de las cruces de piedra armenias. Simbolismo y técnica de esculpido de las khachkars

 : postage stamp 
299th Sinjska Alka Knights’ Tournament
01/08/2014 - 03/08/2014Sinj, Croatia
Alka Knights’ Community Sinj (Croacia)
Stipe Jukić, President

The chivalric tournament “Alka of Sinj” was founded in 1715. It has been held continuously for nearly three decades in accordance with strictly codified decrees, and using historic uniforms, equipment and weapons.
It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly the one ‘aiming at the ring’ (Lat. hastiludum, Ital. giostra con l’anello, Fr. jeu de bagues, Ger. Ringstechen).
Despite being founded on broad European and oriental knightly traditions over many centuries, the Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethical guidance for its contemporaries, the inhabitants of the Cetina region.
Transposed into local colour, it effectively safeguards the chivalric spirit after so many centuries.
At the same time, to the present day the Alka tournament has managed to save the authenticity of the historical coloring interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences through luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition as well as through the specific terminology related to its elements.
When combined, they reflect the historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem like two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
Whitsun Festivities - International Gathering of Intangible Heritage
07/06/2014 - 09/06/2014Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)
Eszter Csonka-Takács

The Hungarian Open Air Museum is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the fourth time on the Whitsun weekend, June 7-9, 2014.
In 2010, the council on scientific affairs of the Museum according to the proposal of the Department of ICH decided to dedicate the annual event to the mission of raising awareness of the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.
As the year 2014 is dedicated to sheep farming and pastoral life at the Hungarian Open Air Museum, we plan to invite and present ICH elements related to this topic.
The main aim of the event is to foster a long-term cooperation among participating communities and to celebrate cultural diversity.
As the event is held on the Whitsun weekend, similarly to year 2013, 200 local children will also be participating, presenting the rich Hungarian Whitsun customs to the visitors of the Museum.

Touring exhibition ‘Ride of the Kings in the South-East of the Czech Republic’
01/05/2014 - 31/12/2015Prague, Strážnice, Huk, Kunovice, Skoronice, Vlčnov
National Institute of Folk Culture (Chequia)
Jan Krist, Director

The exhibition was proposed as one of the safeguarding measures to be implemented after the inscription of the Ride of the Kings on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (inscribed in 2011).
The responsible organization is the National Institute of Folk Culture, however, all communities of bearers of the element participate in its preparation and they will also be the beneficiaries who will display the exhibition in their local conditions before passing the exhibition to other interested organizations.
The exhibition was designed to show several important aspects of the ride of the kings:
1) the description of the nature of the ritual and its significance and its geographical occurrence in the past and in the present
2) local specifics of the ride of the kings in each village
3) reflections of the ride of the kings in art - especially literature and visual arts
4) the inscription on the UNESCO’s Representative List.
The exhibition will be flexible; it can be used in different environments, for different audiences and under different technical conditions so any community/institution can display it according to its own resources.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La Cabalgata de los Reyes en el sudeste de la República Checa

 : English/Czech 
Festival Aklapela
25/04/2014 - 27/04/2014Dubrovnik Croatia
Udruga AKLAPELA (Croacia)
Ksenija Matić, President

Festival Aklapela was founded in 2012 - it is a festival of the best Croatian klapas that nourish the authentic klapa singing, a festival named by a pun of the words “klapa” and “a cappella”.
The songs are performed without instrumental accompaniment, and with little or no help of amplifiers, in the same way, or a way similar to the authentic one of performing Croatian traditional klapa song.
The traditional klapa song did not evolve in concerts and for concerts, but concert performances are one of the ways to share the entire beauty of klapa singing with as many admirers as possible.
Unlike other numerous established music festivals that are successfully held in Dubrovnik, Aklapela is an entirely national musical product and, with visionary artistic leadership, has the potential to become a referent value of Croatian ethno-music.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Klapa: canto a varias voces de Dalmacia (Croacia meridional)

 : English/Croatian 
Soirée culturelle de l’ensemble folklorique slovaque SLUK
18/12/2013 - 22/10/2024Maison de l’UNESCO, Salle 1
La Délégation permanente de la République slovaque auprès de l’UNESCO (Eslovaquia)

A l’occasion du 20ème anniversaire de l’adhésion de la République slovaque à l’UNESCO et à l’occasion du 10ème anniversaire de la Convention pour le sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel, la Slovaquie a décidé de présenter à l’UNESCO son ensemble national folklorique SLUK.
Le group SLUK va présenter dans un programme de 1h30 l’échantillon de danses, de chants et de musique traditionnelle de Slovaquie. Group SLUK a attribué à la préservation des expressions culturelles immatérielles en Slovaque. Elle continue à travers de tout la Slovaque rassembler des éléments traditionnels et de les protéger pour les générations futures.

International Congress of Flamenco
12/11/2013 - 16/11/2013Palacio de Congresos (Conference Centre) in Cordoba - Spain
Instituto Andaluz del Flamenco (España)

The Department of Culture and Sport, through the Andalusian Institute of Flamenco, is organizing the II International Congress of Flamenco in order to highlight the importance of flamenco, not only as a culture but also as an engine for generating wealth and employment, to its promotion and its national and international spread, supporting the artists, promoting young talents and creators and encouraging the cultural industries attached to flamenco.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco 
43 CIOFF World Congress
26/10/2013 - 26/10/2013Zacatecas, Mexico
Consejo internacional de organizationes de festivales folkloricos y las artes tradicionales. ong socio oficial de la UNESCO (México)

CIOFF has always sought the protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage through its folk festivals, currently more than 360 festivals in the world to reach thousands and thousands of people across the world, are in their countries heritage samples cultural over 90 countries affiliated to ClOFF.

CIOFF XVII International Folk Festival Bosiljkovanje
16/10/2013 - 21/10/2013Derventa, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kulturno – umjetničko društvo mladih (Bosnia y Herzegovina)
Tomo Nagradić – president

Inter Folk Fest, “Bosiljkovanje”, Derventa 2013 is an International Folklore Festival, certificated by CIOFF® /Official Partner of UNESCO, Accredited to UNESCO ICH committee.
Inter Folk Fest, “Bosiljkovanje”, from Derventa contributes to implementation of UNESCO’s strategic objectives in implementation of ICH 2003 Convention through the elements of its program: Preservation, recognition and visibility of elements of traditional culture, by performing it on the stage, as well as promotion through high media coverage of all programs and publications in newspapers, Annual Reports and on the CIOFF® web-site on the global level.
Round tables and seminars attended by experts and performers create a forum to research, discuss and recognize new elements, and explore new avenues for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage.
By organizing the meeting of folklore groups from different countries, we provide the space for meeting of different cultures with respect, friendship and understanding.
Members of Festival Commission observe, evaluate and prepare reports for CIOFF® Annual Report, and National CIOFF®, who then publish and distribute it.

 : inglés 
Atelier du Langage Sifflé du patrimoine de la Gomera
14/10/2013 - 31/10/2013Couvent de Santo Domingo. San Cristébal de La Laguna (Tenerife, îles Canaries, Espagne)
Gouvernement des îles Canaries. Ministère de culture, des sports, des politiques sociales et du logement. Direction Générale de la Coopération et du Patrimoine culturel (España)
Juan Manuel Castaneda Contreras

Cet atelier propose l’élaboration d’un programme progressif et structuré en deux niveaux (niveau d’initiation et moyen), qui essaye de montrer les notions basiques sur les méthodes et les clés de l’émission du sifflement, et aussi la compréhension et production de messages sifflés à travers des expériences pratiques et actives, dans lesquelles se prouve la subtilité et l’efficacité du sifflement comme moyen de communication auxiliaire.
Le programme comprend des conférences consacrées à mettre en œuvre le langage sifflé et la structure de ce type de communication, ainsi que des techniques et pratiques de cette communication.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Silbo Gomero, lenguaje silbado de la isla de La Gomera (Islas Canarias) 
Activities related to the 10th anniversary
02/10/2013 - 06/10/2013Dubrovnik

City of Dubrovnik and FA “Lindjo” are planning to celebrate 10th year Anniversary of UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage through organizing a Youth Forum, Exhibition, Festival and Workshop as a part of ICCN annual event. Croatian Commission for UNESCO has adopted and supported the program.

 : inglés 
First Flamenco Exhibition
26/09/2013 - 15/10/2013Teatro Central in Seville
Instituto Andaluz del Flamenco (España)

The department of Culture and Sport has arranged the First Flamenco Exhibition- Teatro Central which, meeting the needs of flamenco professionals to increase the availability of scenic spaces for flamenco artists and companies, will take place from September 26th to October 15th 2013.
A total of 86 shows have been submitted to the public call which closed 28th May 2013. A committee made up of professionals of flamenco shall select the program on the basis of the criteria published in the public call: career of the heading artist, innovation and commitment to new creations, suitability of the proposal for the scenic space.
The flamenco companies will be able to set the price of the tickets within the laid down limits. The price of the show will depend on box office takings achieved by flamenco companies.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El flamenco

 : español 
The 17th International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2013, Croatia
19/09/2013 - 22/09/2013 Lepoglava
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)

The Lepoglava International Lace Festival is the largest event of its kind recognized in the County of Varaždin Croatia and in Europe.
So far, 16 festivals have been held. From the beginning, the Festival has been focused on the promotion of Lepoglava Lace, the connection of Croatian and European lace making centres and the spread of Croatian culture.
Thereby it contributes to the preservation of lacemaking skills and enriches the region’s touristic offerings. In 2009, Lepoglava lacemaking, as a part of Croatian lace-making tradition, was Included on the UNESCO’s List of World Intangible Heritage.
From 2010 the Festival has been held under the auspices of the UNESCO Office in Croatia. At the Festival, lace centres from Europe and Croatia participate through exhibitions, workshops and lectures. Furthermore, they represent their cultural heritage to visitors.
The Festival consists of numerous events, such as a traditional handicrafts fair, a lace themed philatelic exhibition, lace motif installations, cultural associations performances, local folklore performances, a national folklore performance, folklore performances by ethnic minorities, creative children’s exhibition performances by brass bands and jazz, classical and popular music concerts.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia

 : inglés 
Leuven Age Set ritual festivities
31/08/2013 - 15/09/2013Leuven, Belgium
vzw Koninklijk Verbond der Jaaгtallen Leuven (Bélgica)
 : English/Dutch 
298th Sinjska Alka knights’ tournament
02/08/2013 - 04/08/2013SINJ

Chivalric tournament “Alka of Sinj” was founded in 1715. It is being held continuously for nearly three decades in accordance with strictly codified decree, with historic uniform, equipment and weapons. It is a direct reflection of ancient medieval knight competitions, particularly one of ‘aiming at the ring’ (lat. hastiludum, ital. giostra con l’anello, fr. jeu de bagues, deutch Ringstechen).
Even though founded on wide European and oriental knightly traditions throughout many centuries; Alka tournament of Sinj was a true ethic guidance for its contemporaries, inhabitants of Cetina region. Being transposed into local colour it jealously protects chivalric spirit after so many centuries.
At the same time, Alka tournament managed to save until present the authenticity of historical colourness which was interlaced with ancient local, oriental and Venetian influences throughout luxurious clothes and strictly defined rules of competition as well as in specific terminology related to its elements.
When combined, they reflect historic coexistence and osmosis of something that may at first glance seem as two different models of civilization.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
Festival “Les cultures du monde”
19/07/2013 - 29/07/2013Gannat
Association Nationale Culture & Traditions (Francia)
Pierre-Julien Canonne

Depuis quarante ans à Gannat, durant dix jours et dix nuits, ce festival classé parmi les quatre manifestations plus importantes de la région Auvergne se fait le messager des cultures du Monde.
Ainsi 15 groupes, 350 artistes du monde entier, 500 bénévoles et environ 65 000 visiteurs se côtoient dans une alchimie faisant de Gannat un lieu unique octroyant depuis toujours une place de choix au patrimoine culturel immatériel et à sa sensibilisation auprès du public.
Le festival convie cette année la célébration des dix ans de la Convention au cœur de sa programmation festive en dédiant notamment une journée à l’échange et la découverte autour du patrimoine culturel immatériel local et international.

 : francés 
Les Canaries et l’Afrique. Une coopération au développement à travers le patrimoine culturel immatériel.
03/07/2013 - 22/10/2024Siège de Maison Afrique. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Îles Canaries. Espagne
Gouvernement des îles Canaries (España)
Juan Manuel Castaneda Contreras

Cette journée clôturera les activités menées dans le cadre du Projet européen CODEPA. En plus d’exposer un nombre de conclusions et un résumé du développement du projet, le Patrimoine culturel Immatériel sera évalué du point de vue de la coopération et comme moteur possible de développement des régions.

 : francés 
Celebration event on “Ichapekene Piesta”
01/07/2013 - 01/07/2013San Ignacio de Moxos
MINISTËRE DE CULTURES ET TOURISME (Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de))

Il s’agit de commémorer l’inscription de « l’Ichapekene Piesta, la plus grande fête de Saint Ignace de Moxos » sur la Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité. Les communautés interprèteront différentes danses pour célébrer le 31 juillet et organiseront une « semaine moxeña » en mettant en évidence les différents éléments de la culture de Saint-Ignace de Moxos et surtout l’Ichapekene Piesta.

Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Ichapekene Piesta, la fiesta mayor de San Ignacio de Moxos 
International folklore festival FOLKART
25/06/2013 - 29/06/2013Maribor
Cultural Centre Narodni Dom Maribor (Eslovenia)
Mrs. Alenka Klemencic
 : inglés 
‛Peacock Variations’ Gala Evening
10/06/2013 - 10/06/2013Paris, France

The Gala Evening was organized on the occasion of the celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hungary has been an active participant and promoter of Intangible Cultural Heritage ever since the inception of the Convention. The aim of the activity was to contribute to the worldwide celebrations of this special anniversary, as well as to promote and raise awareness about the Convention’s spirits and values.
Various Hungarian elements of the Representative List and a best practice was showcased to the audience. The winners of a well-known folk music and dance TV competition (“Fölszállott a páva”) were the main protagonists of the evening, thus receiving a very wide range of media presence, mainly in the Hungarian press (printed, radio, TV, Internet, social media).

 : inglés 
Whitsun Festivities - Resubmission
17/05/2013 - 20/05/2013Szentendre
Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungría)

The Hungarian Open Air Museum (Szentendre, Hungary) is organizing an International Gathering of Intangible Cultural Heritage for the third time on the Whitsun weekend, 17-20 May, 2013. Apart from celebrating those elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage inscribed on the National Inventory in Hungary, we would like to feature again some ICH elements of UNESCO’s Representative list.
This year we would like to dedicate our festival to the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the Convention.

 : inglés 
Cadre Noir: various activities in France and Belgium
12/04/2013 - 23/11/2013Paris, French regions, Brussels
Ecole Nationale d’Equitation (Francia)
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La equitación tradicional francesa

 : francés 
Festival de l’Imaginaire
20/03/2013 - 29/06/2013Paris et regions dans differents lieux
Maison des Cultures du Monde (Francia)
Arwad Esber - Directrice
 : francés 
Houtem Jaarmarkt - annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem
11/11/2012 - 12/11/2012Village square of Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Belgium
Municipality of Sint-Lievens-Houtem (Bélgica)
Mrs. Nele Buys
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
Houtem Jaarmarkt, feria invernal anual y mercado de ganado en Sint-Lievens-Houtem

 : inglés 
Les musicales du Cadre Noir
19/10/2012 - 21/10/2012Ecole Nationale d’Equitation
Ecole Nationale d’Equitation-Cadre Noir (Francia)
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La equitación tradicional francesa 
Collaboration of museum communities and governemental bodies in developong the intangible cultural heritage
24/09/2012 - 25/09/2012Azerbaijani Carpet Museum
Azerbaijani Carpet Weavers’ Union (Azerbaiyán)
 : inglés 
The 16th International Lace Festival, Lepoglava 2012, Croatia
20/09/2012 - 23/09/2012Lepoglava, Croatia
City of Lepoglava (Croacia)
 : inglés 
Alka knight community Sinj
03/08/2012 - 05/08/2012SINJ
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
Premier Forum de chercheurs du PCI
03/06/2012 - 03/06/2012Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris
Maison des Cultures du Monde (Francia)
Chèrif Khaznadar
 : francés 
Whilsun Festivities
26/05/2012 - 28/05/2012Hunganan Open Air Museum. Szentendre. Hungary
Hunganan Open Air Museum (Hungría)
 : inglés
pronto disponible
pronto disponible 
the Procession of the Holy Blood in Bruges, Belgium
17/05/2012 - 17/05/2012procession in the historic city centre of Bruges
Heilig Bloedprocessie vzw (Bélgica)
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La procesión de la Santa Sangre de Brujas

 : inglés 
Exhibition devoted to the Croatian elements inscribed on the Lists
12/04/2012 - 30/04/2012National park Dunav-Drava, Memorial Center, Mohacs, Hungary
Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture,Republic of Croatia (Croacia)
Croatian Commission for UNESCO
Exhibition Croatian Intangible Heritage on UNESCO’s List
12/04/2012 - 30/04/2012National park Dunav-Drava, Memorial Center, Mohacs, Hungary
Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture,Republic of (Croacia)
Exhibition Croatian Intangible Heritage on UNESCO’s List
09/03/2012 - 29/03/2012Palacio Porcia, Vienna, Austria
Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture.Republic of (Croacia)
15th International Lace Festival Lepoglava 2011
22/09/2011 - 25/09/2011Lepoglava, Croatia
Croatian Commission for UNESCO, Ministry of Culture (Croacia)
Croatian Commission for UNESCO
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
La fabricación de encajes en Croacia

 : inglés 
Sinjska Alka Knights Tournament
05/08/2011 - 07/08/2011Sinj
Chivalric Society of the Alka (Croacia)
Croatian Comission for UNESCO
Elemento(s) relacionado(s) :
El Sinjska Alka, torneo de caballería de Sinj

 : inglés 
CD with traditional songs from Dolni Polog, Tetovo region - ‘Glasoechko 2’
22/10/2024 - 22/10/2024
Cultural art association for the safaguarding of the Macedonian tradition ‘Trio Gavrovski’ Tetovo (Macedonia del Norte)