Examination of nominations for inscription in 2015 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (item 10.b on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be examined by the Committee for possible inscription in 2014 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Each nomination includes (i) a nomination form ICH-02, (ii) evidence of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a short video.

The recommendations of the Subsidiary Body for the inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2015 will be available in document ITH/15/10.COM/10.b (English|French).

Files (35)

10.b.1 - 10.b.2 - 10.b.3 - 10.b.4 - 10.b.5 - 10.b.6 - 10.b.7 - 10.b.8 - 10.b.9 - 10.b.10 - 10.b.11 - 10.b.12 - 10.b.13 - 10.b.14 - 10.b.15 - 10.b.16 - 10.b.17 - 10.b.18 - 10.b.19 - 10.b.20 - 10.b.21 - 10.b.22 - 10.b.23 - 10.b.24 - 10.b.25 - 10.b.26 - 10.b.27 - 10.b.28 - 10.b.29 - 10.b.30 - 10.b.31 - 10.b.32 - 10.b.33 - 10.b.34 - 10.b.35
State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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EN: Attan

FR: L'Attan

Representative List

File reference: 986

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Pashto/French

27 Aug 2014
ICH inventory:Dari/French

27 Aug 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Attan’ (09:55):Musical soundtrack

17 Mar 2014
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EN: Sbuâ, annual pilgrimage to the zawiya of Sidi El Hadj Belkacem in Gourara

FR: Le sbuâ, pèlerinage annuel à la zawiya Sidi El Hadj Belkacem, Gourara

Representative List

File reference: 667

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:French/Arabic

21 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:French

22 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Le Sbuâ au Gourara’ (09:47):French

22 Jan 2015
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Andorra - Spain - France

EN: Summer solstice fire festivals in the Pyrenees

FR: Les fêtes du feu du solstice d'été dans les Pyrénées

Representative List

File reference: 1073

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Andorra:Catalan/French

16 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Spain (Aragon, Catalonia, Val d'Aran):Spanish/Catalan/Aranese/French

16 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - France:French

16 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - France:French

28 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Andorra:Catalan/French

16 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Spain (Aragon, Catalonia, Val d'Aran):Spanish/Catalan/Aranese/French

16 Feb 2015
ICH inventory (online data) - Andorra:snapshot - Inventory (Catalan) - Element (Catalan)

10 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - Spain:snapshot - Inventory Aragon (Spanish) - Inventory Catalonia (Catalan) - Inventory Val d’Aran (Aranese)

10 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - France:snapshot - Inventory

10 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les fêtes du feu du solstices d'été dans les Pyrénées : falles, haros et brandons’ (10:12):English|French

28 Mar 2014
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EN: Filete porteño in Buenos Aires, a traditional painting technique

FR: Le filete porteño à Buenos Aires, technique picturale traditionnelle

Representative List

File reference: 1069

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Dec 2014
Consent of communities:Spanish (subtitles in English)

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

05 Feb 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot - Element (Spanish)

07 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Filete porteño’ (09:52):English|Spanish

31 Mar 2014
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EN: Kochari, traditional group dance

FR: Le kochari, danse collective traditionnelle

Representative List

File reference: 1079

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Feb 2015
Consent of communities:Armenian/English

17 Feb 2015
ICH inventory:Armenian/English

20 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (Armenian) - Inventory (Armenian) - Inventory (Armenian)

30 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Armenian Kochari traditional group dance’ (09:44):English

05 Feb 2015
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EN: Classical horsemanship and the High School of the Spanish Riding School Vienna

FR: L'équitation classique et la Haute École de l'École d'équitation espagnole de Vienne

Representative List

File reference: 1106

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Dec 2014
Consent of communities:German/English

25 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:German/English

26 Mar 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Spanish Riding School Vienna’ (09:45):English

01 Dec 2014
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EN: Copper craftsmanship of Lahij

FR: L’artisanat du cuivre de Lahidj

Representative List

File reference: 675

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Azerbaijani/English

19 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:Azerbaijani/English

19 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Lahij copper craftsmanship’ (07:52):Tat/Azerbaijani (subtitles in English)

19 Jan 2015
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EN: Jatra traditional performing arts

FR: Le jatra, arts traditionnels du spectacle

Representative List

File reference: 1070

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

18 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Bengali

05 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:English/Bengali

04 Feb 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Jatra, traditional performing arts of Bangladesh’ (09:57):Bengali (subtitles in English)

31 Mar 2014
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

EN: Konjic woodcarving

FR: La sculpture sur bois à Konjic

Representative List

File reference: 1102

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Feb 2015
Consent of communities:Bosnian/English

28 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:Bosnian/English

14 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (English) - Inventory (English)

15 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Drawing a soul in texture of wood’ (10:20):Bosnian (subtitles in English)

01 Apr 2014
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EN: Surova folk feast in Pernik region

FR: Le surova, festival populaire dans la région de Pernik

Representative List

File reference: 968

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Bulgarian/English

28 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:Bulgarian/English

09 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (Bulgarian - Inventory (Bulgarian) - Element (Bulgarian)

16 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The folk feast Surova in Pernik region’ (09:58):Bulgarian (subtitles in English)

29 Mar 2013
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Bulgaria - North Macedonia - Republic of Moldova - Romania

EN: Cultural practices associated to the first of March

FR: Les pratiques culturelles associées au 1er Mars

Representative List

File reference: 1093

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Bulgaria:English/Bulgarian

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Romania:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Bulgaria:Bulgarian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Romania:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - Bulgaria:snapshot - Inventory

07 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - Republic of Moldova:snapshot - Inventory - Element (English)

08 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - Romania:snapshot - Inventory

08 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - The former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia:snapshot - Inventory - Element (Macedonian)

08 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cultural practices associated to the first of March’ (09:59):English

31 Mar 2014
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Cambodia - Philippines - Republic of Korea - Viet Nam

EN: Tugging rituals and games

FR: Les rituels et jeux de tir à la corde

Representative List

File reference: 1080

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

23 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Philippines:English

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Republic of Korea:Korean/English

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Viet Nam:Vietnamese/English

31 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - Cambodia:Khmer/English

10 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Cambodia:English/Khmer

10 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Republic of Korea:English/Korean

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Online ressources - Republic of Korea:snapshot - Inventory

15 Apr 2014
ICH inventory - Viet Nam:Vietnamese/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Online resources - Viet Nam:snapshot - Inventory

15 Apr 2014
ICH inventory - Philippines:English

10 Feb 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Tugging rituals and games’ (09:40):English

11 Apr 2014
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Colombia - Ecuador

EN: Marimba music, traditional chants and dances from the Colombia South Pacific region and Esmeraldas Province of Ecuador

FR: Les musiques de marimba, les chants et les danses traditionnels de la région du Pacifique Sud colombien et de la province d'Esmeraldas d'Équateur

Representative List

File reference: 1099

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2014
Consent of communities - video:Spanish (subtitles in English)

28 Mar 2014
ICH inventory - Colombia:Spanish/English

02 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Ecuador:Spanish/English

28 Mar 2014
ICH inventory (online data) - Ecuador:snapshot Ecuador (English) - Inventory Ecuador (English)

26 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Marimba, cununo and guasá guardians’ (11:32):English|Spanish

28 Mar 2014
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Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

EN: Tradition of kimchi-making in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

FR: La tradition de la préparation du kimchi dans la République populaire démocratique de Corée

Representative List

File reference: 1063

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:English/Korean

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:English/Korean

12 Dec 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Tradition of making Kimchi, the representative intangible cultural heritage of the DPRK’ (09:58):English

31 Mar 2014
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Dominican Republic

EN: Son

FR: Le Son

Representative List

File reference: 1053

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

26 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

07 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Various dance displays’ (09:31):Musical soundtrack

13 Feb 2014
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EN: Fichee-Chambalaalla, New Year festival of the Sidama people

FR: Le Fichee-Chambalaalla, festival du Nouvel an des Sidamas

Representative List

File reference: 1054

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

19 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Amharic/English

18 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:English/Amharic

30 Dec 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Fichee-Chambalaalla, Sidama nation New Year festival in Ethiopia’ (09:59):English

18 Mar 2014
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EN: Tinian marble craftsmanship

FR: Le savoir-faire artisanal tiniote du marbre

Representative List

File reference: 1103

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Apr 2014
Consent of communities:Greek/English

01 Apr 2014
ICH inventory:Greek/English

01 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (English) - Element (English)

20 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘'Only holds the mallet...' Tinian marble carving today’ (10:58):Greek (English subtitles)

12 Nov 2014
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EN: Three genres of traditional dance in Bali

FR: Trois genres de danse traditionnelle à Bali

Representative List

File reference: 617

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:English/Indonesian

28 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:English/Indonesian

04 May 2015
ICH inventory - online resources:snapshot - Inventory

03 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional Dances of Bali’ (10:00):English

31 Mar 2014
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EN: Celebration of the Celestine Pardon

FR: La fête du pardon célestinien

Representative List

File reference: 994

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Italian/English/French

13 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:Italian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (Italian) - Inventory (Italian)

28 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The celebration of the Celestine Pardon’ (09:34):English|French

28 Mar 2013
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Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan

EN: Aitysh/Aitys, art of improvisation

FR: L'aitysh/aitys, art de l'improvisation

Representative List

File reference: 997

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

23 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - Kyrgyzstan:English/Kyrgyz

14 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:English/Kazakh

14 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - Kyrgyzstan:English/Kyrgyz

14 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - Kazakhstan:English/Kazakh

14 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Aitysh, Aitys-art of improvisation’ (07:33):English

23 Jan 2015
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EN: Kok-boru, traditional horse game

FR: Le kok-boru, jeu équestre traditionnel

Representative List

File reference: 1067

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

19 Feb 2015
Consent of communities:English/Kyrgyz

19 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:English/Kyrgyz

19 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot - Element

08 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kok-boru, Kyrgyz traditional horse game’ (08:58):English

19 Jan 2015
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EN: Oshituthi shomagongo, marula fruit festival

FR: Le oshituthi shomagongo, festival des fruits du marula

Representative List

File reference: 1089

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Feb 2015
Consent of communities:English

14 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:English

14 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Oshituthi shomagongo’ (05:19):English

14 Jan 2015
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EN: Eyo masquerade festival

FR: Le festival de mascarade eyo

Representative List

File reference: 1066

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:English

26 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:English

30 Dec 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Eyo masquerade festival in Nigeria’ (08:51):English

26 Mar 2014
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EN: Wititi dance of the Colca Valley

FR: La danse Wititi de la vallée du Colca

Representative List

File reference: 1056

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Dec 2014
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

10 Dec 2014
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

24 Mar 2014
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (Spanish) - Inventory (Spanish) - Element (Spanish)

30 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Wititi dance of the Colca Valley’ (08:18):Spanish (subtitles in English)

27 Mar 2014
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EN: Lad’s dances in Romania

FR: Les danses des garçons en Roumanie

Representative List

File reference: 1092

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Dec 2014
Consent of communities:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (Romanian/French) - Inventory (Romanian/French) - map

28 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Lad's dances’ (09:59):English|Romanian

17 Dec 2014
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Saudi Arabia

EN: Alardah Alnajdiyah, dance, drumming and poetry in Saudi Arabia

FR: Alardah Alnajdiyah, danse, tambours et poésie d’Arabie saoudite

Representative List

File reference: 1196

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

11 May 2015
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

11 May 2015
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Alardhah in the graduation ceremony’ (09:45):English

31 Mar 2015
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EN: Bagpipe culture

FR: La culture de la cornemuse

Representative List

File reference: 1075

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Feb 2015
Consent of communities:Slovak/English

23 Jan 2015
ICH inventory:Slovak/English

14 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (English) - Inventory (English)

23 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Bagpipes and bagpipe culture in Slovakia’ (08:17):Musical soundtrack

31 Mar 2014
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EN: Traditional production of the Kranjska klobasa

FR: La fabrication traditionnelle de la Kranjska klobasa

Representative List

File reference: 1022

Note: Withdrawn at the request of the submitting State

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

18 Dec 2014
Consent of communities:Slovenian/English

28 Mar 2013
ICH inventory:Slovenian/English

28 Mar 2013
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kranjska Klobasa’ (06:00):English

28 Mar 2013
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EN: Art of Chakan embroidery in Kulob

FR: L'art de la broderie chakan à Kulob

Representative List

File reference: 1097

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Mar 2014
Consent of communities:Tajik/English

28 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:English/Tajik

08 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Chakan embroidery art in Kulob, Tajikistan’ (10:17):Tajik (subtitles in English)

28 Mar 2014
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EN: Epic art of Gorogly

FR: Le chant épique Görogly

Representative List

File reference: 1028

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

19 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:English/Turkmen

29 Oct 2013
ICH inventory:English/Turkmen

06 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Turkmen epic art of Gorogly’ (09:52):Turkmen (subtitles in English)

29 Oct 2013
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United Arab Emirates - Oman

EN: Al-Razfa, a traditional performing art

FR: L’Al-Razfa, un art traditionnel du spectacle

Representative List

File reference: 1078

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

06 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Al-Razfa, a traditional performing art’ (08:00):English

24 Feb 2015
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United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia - Oman - Qatar

EN: Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity

FR: Le café arabe, un symbole de générosité

Representative List

File reference: 1074

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

07 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
Consent of communities - Qatar:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
ICH inventory - Qatar:English/Arabic

07 Jan 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity’ (09:00):English

07 Jan 2015
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United Arab Emirates - Saudi Arabia - Oman - Qatar

EN: Majlis, a cultural and social space

FR: Le Majlis, un espace culturel et social

Representative List

File reference: 1076

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

06 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Consent of communities - Qatar:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
ICH inventory - Qatar:English/Arabic

24 Feb 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Majlis, a cultural and social space’ (06:35):English

24 Feb 2015
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EN: Ropewalking

FR: Le funambulisme

Representative List

File reference: 1087

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2015
Consent of communities:Uzbek/English

26 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:Uzbek/English

06 Jan 2015
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (English) - Inventory (English)

27 May 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Dorbozlik’ (09:55):English

03 Apr 2014
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Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

EN: Traditional knowledge and technologies relating to the growing and processing of the curagua

FR: Les connaissances et technologies traditionnelles liées à la culture et à la transformation de la curagua

Representative List

File reference: 1094

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Jul 2014
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2014
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional knowledge and technologies relating to the growing and processing of the Curagua’ (09:15):Spanish (subtitles in English)

31 Mar 2014