11.c - 11.b.1 - 11.b.2 - 11.b.3 - 11.b.4 - 11.b.5 - 11.b.6 - 11.b.7 - 11.b.8 - 11.b.9 - 11.b.10 - 11.b.11 - 11.b.12 - 11.b.13 - 11.b.14 - 11.b.15 - 11.b.16 - 11.b.17 - 11.b.18 - 11.b.19 - 11.b.20 - 11.b.21 - 11.b.22 - 11.b.23 - 11.b.24 - 11.b.25 - 11.b.26 - 11.b.27 - 11.b.28 - 11.b.29 - 11.b.30 - 11.b.31 - 11.b.32 - 11.b.33 - 11.b.34 - 11.b.35 |
Draft decision No. | State(s) | Title as submitted | Documents |
 | Viet Nam | EN: Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province, Viet Nam FR: Le chant Xoan de la Province de Phú Thọ (Viet Nam) Representative List File reference: 1260 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Algeria | EN: Knowledge and know-how related to the distillation of rose water and bitter orange water by the city-dwellers of Constantine, called Teqtar FR: Les savoirs et savoir-faire liés à la distillation de l'eau de rose et de l'eau de fleur de bigaradier par les citadines de Constantine, dit Teqtar Representative List File reference: 1192 Note: withdrawn by submitting State | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | French | 31 Mar 2015 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Teqtar, un rite citadin constantinois’ (09:47): | | 31 Mar 2015 |
 | Armenia | EN: Kochari, traditional group dance FR: Le kochari, danse collective traditionnelle Representative List File reference: 1295 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Azerbaijan | EN: Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity FR: La tradition de la préparation et du partage du dolma, marqueur d'identité culturelle Representative List File reference: 1188 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Bangladesh | EN: Traditional art of Shital Pati weaving of Sylhet FR: L’art traditionnel du tissage de shital pati de Sylhet Representative List File reference: 1112 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | EN: Ritual journeys in La Paz during Alasita FR: Les parcours rituels dans la ville de La Paz pendant l'Alasita Representative List File reference: 1182 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | EN: Konjic woodcarving FR: La sculpture sur bois à Konjic Representative List File reference: 1288 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Bosnian/English | 31 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory: | Bosnian/English | 31 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Drawing a soul in texture of wood (Crtanje duše u teksturi drveta)’ (10:20): | | 01 Apr 2016 |
 | Bulgaria - North Macedonia - Republic of Moldova - Romania | EN: Cultural practices associated to the 1st of March FR: Les pratiques culturelles associées au 1er Mars Representative List File reference: 1287 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Côte d'Ivoire | EN: Zaouli, popular music and dance of the Guro communities in Côte d’Ivoire FR: Le Zaouli, musique et danse populaires des communautés gouro de Côte d'Ivoire Representative List File reference: 1255 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 29 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | French | 29 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee: | English|French | 05 Dec 2017 |
ICH inventory: | French | 29 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Zaouli’ (09:25): | | 29 Mar 2016 |
 | Cuba | EN: Punto FR: Le punto Representative List File reference: 1297 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Germany | EN: Organ craftsmanship and music FR: La fabrication des orgues et leur musique Representative List File reference: 1277 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Greece | EN: Rebetiko FR: Le rebétiko Representative List File reference: 1291 Note: Inscribed | |
 | India | EN: Kumbh Mela FR: La Kumbh Mela Representative List File reference: 1258 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 30 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | English | 05 Jul 2016 |
ICH inventory: | English | 30 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Kumbh Mela’ (09:55): | | 30 Mar 2016 |
 | Indonesia | EN: Pinisi, art of boatbuilding in South Sulawesi FR: Le pinisi, art de la construction navale en Sulawesi du sud Representative List File reference: 1197 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - video: | | 28 Sep 2016 |
Consent of communities: | English/Indonesian | 31 Mar 2015 |
ICH inventory: | English/Indonesian | 31 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee: | English | 05 Dec 2017 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Pinisi, the art of boatbuilding of the people of South Sulawesi’ (10:00): | | 31 Mar 2016 |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Chogān, a horse-riding game accompanied by music and storytelling FR: Le chogan, jeu équestre accompagné de musique et de contes Representative List File reference: 1282 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Azerbaijan - Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh/Kamancha, a bowed string musical instrument FR: L’art de fabriquer et de jouer du kamantcheh/kamanche, instrument de musique à cordes frottées Representative List File reference: 1286 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Ireland | EN: Uilleann piping FR: L'uilleann piping Representative List File reference: 1264 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 30 Sep 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Irish/English | 15 Sep 2016 |
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee: | soon available | 05 Dec 2017 |
ICH inventory: | English | 24 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Uillean Piping’ (09:58): | | 24 Mar 2016 |
 | Italy | EN: Art of Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’ FR: L'art du pizzaiolo napolitain Representative List File reference: 722 Note: Inscribed |
Correspondence concerning the nomination  |
Reaction on a file: | English | 21 Mar 2016 |
 | Kazakhstan | EN: Kazakh traditional Assyk games FR: Les jeux traditionnels d’assyks kazakhs Representative List File reference: 1086 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 30 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | English/Kazakh | 30 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - video: | | 14 Apr 2014 |
ICH inventory: | English/Kazakh | 30 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Kazakh traditional Assyk games’ (05:55): | | 30 Mar 2016 |
 | Kyrgyzstan | EN: Kok boru, traditional horse game FR: Le kok-boru, jeu équestre traditionnel Representative List File reference: 1294 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | EN: Khaen music of the Lao people FR: La musique du khène du peuple lao Representative List File reference: 1296 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | French/Lao | 25 Apr 2016 |
ICH inventory: | French/Lao | 27 Sep 2017 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Comment fabrique-t-on le khène? Procession traditionnelle du khène lao’ (09:56): | | 31 Mar 2016 |
 | Malawi | EN: Nsima, culinary tradition of Malawi FR: Le nsima, tradition culinaire du Malawi Representative List File reference: 1292 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 28 Sep 2016 |
Consent of communities: | English/Chichewa | 04 May 2016 |
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee: | English | 05 Dec 2017 |
ICH inventory: | English | 28 Sep 2019 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Nsima, culinary tradition of Malawi’ (10:09): | | 05 Apr 2016 |
 | Mauritius | EN: Sega tambour of Rodrigues Island FR: Le séga tambour de Rodrigues Representative List File reference: 1257 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - video: | | 31 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Creole/English | 25 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory: | English/Creole | 25 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Sega tambour of Rodrigues’ (10:02): | | | 25 Mar 2016 |
 | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | EN: Craft of the miller operating windmills and watermills FR: Les savoir-faire du meunier liés à l’exploitation des moulins à vent et à eau Representative List File reference: 1265 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 29 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Dutch/English | 29 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory: | Dutch/English | 29 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘The craft of the miller on wind- and watermills’ (10:00): | | 29 Mar 2016 |
 | Panama | EN: Artisanal processes and plant fibers techniques for talcos, crinejas and pintas weaving of the pinta’o hat FR: Les processus et techniques artisanaux des fibres végétales pour le tissage des talcos, crinejas et pintas du chapeau pinta’o Representative List File reference: 1272 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 30 Sep 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Spanish/English | 20 Sep 2016 |
ICH inventory: | Spanish/English | 20 Sep 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Artisan processes and methods of vegetable fibers for weaving talcos, crinejas and pintas of the pintao hat’ (10:16): | | 29 Mar 2016 |
 | Peru | EN: Traditional system of Corongo’s water judges FR: Le système traditionnel des juges de l’eau de Corongo Representative List File reference: 1155 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Portugal | EN: Craftmanship of Estremoz clay figures FR: L'artisanat des figurines en argile d'Estremoz Representative List File reference: 1279 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Saudi Arabia | EN: Al-Qatt Al-Asiri, female traditional interior wall decoration in Asir, Saudi Arabia FR: L’Al-Qatt Al-Asiri, décoration murale traditionnelle par les femmes de l’Asir (Arabie saoudite) Representative List File reference: 1261 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Serbia | EN: Kolo, traditional folk dance FR: Le kolo, danse traditionnelle Representative List File reference: 1270 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Slovakia | EN: Multipart singing of Horehronie FR: Le chant à plusieurs voix de Horehronie Representative List File reference: 1266 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 25 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | Slovak/English | 25 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - video: | | 25 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory: | Slovak/English | 25 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Multipart singing of Horehronie’ (09:50): | | 28 Sep 2016 |
 | Slovenia | EN: Door-to-door rounds of Kurenti FR: La tournée de maison en maison des Kurenti Representative List File reference: 1278 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Switzerland | EN: Basel Carnival FR: Le carnaval de Bâle Representative List File reference: 1262 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Tajikistan | EN: Falak FR: Le falak Representative List File reference: 1193 Note: Referred | |
 | North Macedonia - Türkiye | EN: Spring celebration, Hıdrellez FR: L'Hıdrellez, fête du printemps Representative List File reference: 1284 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 30 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: | Macedonian/English | 30 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities - Turkey: | Turkish/English | 29 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: | Macedonian/English | 30 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory - Turkey: | Turkish/English | 30 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee: | English | 05 Dec 2017 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Spring celebration, H?drellez’ (08:08): | | 30 Mar 2016 |
 | Turkmenistan | EN: Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing FR: Le rite chanté et dansé de Kushtdepdi Representative List File reference: 1259 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French in preparation | 29 Mar 2016 |
Consent of communities: | English/Turkmen | 29 Mar 2016 |
ICH inventory: | English/Turkmen | 29 Mar 2016 |
Mandatory photographs: | Slideshow | Film ‘Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing’ (08:20): | | 29 Aug 2016 |
 | Viet Nam | EN: The art of Bài Chòi in Central Viet Nam FR: Le bài chòi, art traditionnel du Centre du Viet Nam Representative List File reference: 1222 Note: Inscribed | |