Examination of nominations for inscription in 2017 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (item 11.b on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be examined by the Committee for possible inscription in 2017 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Each nomination includes (i) a nomination form ICH-02, (ii) evidence of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a short video.

The recommendations of the Subsidiary Body for the inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity will be available in document ITH/17/12.COM/11.b.

Files (36)

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State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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Viet Nam

EN: Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province, Viet Nam

FR: Le chant Xoan de la Province de Phú Thọ (Viet Nam)

Representative List

File reference: 1260

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

24 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Vietnamese

24 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English/Vietnamese

24 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Xoan singing of Phú Thọ province, Việt Nam’ (10:00):English

24 Mar 2016
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EN: Knowledge and know-how related to the distillation of rose water and bitter orange water by the city-dwellers of Constantine, called Teqtar

FR: Les savoirs et savoir-faire liés à la distillation de l'eau de rose et de l'eau de fleur de bigaradier par les citadines de Constantine, dit Teqtar

Representative List

File reference: 1192

Note: withdrawn by submitting State

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:French

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Teqtar, un rite citadin constantinois’ (09:47):French

31 Mar 2015
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EN: Kochari, traditional group dance

FR: Le kochari, danse collective traditionnelle

Representative List

File reference: 1295

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Armenian/English

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Armenian/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kochari, traditional group dance’ (09:31):English

12 Apr 2016
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EN: Dolma making and sharing tradition, a marker of cultural identity

FR: La tradition de la préparation et du partage du dolma, marqueur d'identité culturelle

Representative List

File reference: 1188

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:Azerbaijani/English

30 Sep 2016
ICH inventory:Azerbaijani/English

30 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Dolma making and sharing tradition’ (07:13):English

30 Sep 2016
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EN: Traditional art of Shital Pati weaving of Sylhet

FR: L’art traditionnel du tissage de shital pati de Sylhet

Representative List

File reference: 1112

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:English/Bangla

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English

Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Shital Pati Tradition’ (11:49):English

03 Apr 2014
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Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

EN: Ritual journeys in La Paz during Alasita

FR: Les parcours rituels dans la ville de La Paz pendant l'Alasita

Representative List

File reference: 1182

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:Spanish/English/French

30 Sep 2016
ICH inventory:Spanish/French

30 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La alasita y sus itinerarios rituales en la ciudad de La Paz’ (09:59):French|Spanish

01 Apr 2015
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Bosnia and Herzegovina

EN: Konjic woodcarving

FR: La sculpture sur bois à Konjic

Representative List

File reference: 1288

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Bosnian/English

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Bosnian/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Drawing a soul in texture of wood (Crtanje duše u teksturi drveta)’ (10:20):Bosnian (subtitles in English)

01 Apr 2016
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Bulgaria - North Macedonia - Republic of Moldova - Romania

EN: Cultural practices associated to the 1st of March

FR: Les pratiques culturelles associées au 1er Mars

Representative List

File reference: 1287

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - Bulgaria:Bulgarian/English

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - Romania:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

26 Aug 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English/Macedoinian/Romanian

05 Dec 2017
ICH inventory - Bulgaria:Bulgarian/English

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - Romania:Romanian/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cultural practices associated to the 1st of March’ (09:57):English

31 Mar 2016
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Côte d'Ivoire

EN: Zaouli, popular music and dance of the Guro communities in Côte d’Ivoire

FR: Le Zaouli, musique et danse populaires des communautés gouro de Côte d'Ivoire

Representative List

File reference: 1255

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:French

29 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English|French

05 Dec 2017
ICH inventory:French

29 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Zaouli’ (09:25):French

29 Mar 2016
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EN: Punto

FR: Le punto

Representative List

File reference: 1297

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

28 Sep 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English

05 Dec 2017
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘El Punto’ (09:24):Spanish (subtitles in English)

10 Oct 2016
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EN: Organ craftsmanship and music

FR: La fabrication des orgues et leur musique

Representative List

File reference: 1277

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:German/English

30 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:German/English

30 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Organ craftsmanship and music’ (09:59):German (subtitles in English)

30 Mar 2016
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EN: Rebetiko

FR: Le rebétiko

Representative List

File reference: 1291

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Greek/English

21 Sep 2016
ICH inventory:Greek/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Rebetiko’ (10:49):Greek (subtitles in English)

19 Apr 2016
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EN: Kumbh Mela

FR: La Kumbh Mela

Representative List

File reference: 1258

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English

05 Jul 2016
ICH inventory:English

30 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kumbh Mela’ (09:55):English

30 Mar 2016
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EN: Pinisi, art of boatbuilding in South Sulawesi

FR: Le pinisi, art de la construction navale en Sulawesi du sud

Representative List

File reference: 1197

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - video:English

28 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:English/Indonesian

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Indonesian

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English

05 Dec 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Pinisi, the art of boatbuilding of the people of South Sulawesi’ (10:00):English

31 Mar 2016
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Chogān, a horse-riding game accompanied by music and storytelling

FR: Le chogan, jeu équestre accompagné de musique et de contes

Representative List

File reference: 1282

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Persan

21 Sep 2016
Consent of communities - 2 photos:expressions of consent

01 Apr 2016
ICH inventory:English/Persan

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Chog?n, a horse-riding game accompanied by music and storytelling’ (09:30):Persian (subtitles in English)

01 Apr 2016
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Azerbaijan - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh/Kamancha, a bowed string musical instrument

FR: L’art de fabriquer et de jouer du kamantcheh/kamanche, instrument de musique à cordes frottées

Representative List

File reference: 1286

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - Iran:English/Persian

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:English/Azerbaijani

30 Sep 2016
ICH inventory - Iran:English/Persian

30 Sep 2016
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:English/Azerbaijani

30 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Art of crafting and playing with Kamantcheh/Kamancha, a bowed string musical instrument’ (12:00):English

30 Sep 2016
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EN: Uilleann piping

FR: L'uilleann piping

Representative List

File reference: 1264

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:Irish/English

15 Sep 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:soon available

05 Dec 2017
ICH inventory:English

24 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Uillean Piping’ (09:58):English

24 Mar 2016
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EN: Art of Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’

FR: L'art du pizzaiolo napolitain

Representative List

File reference: 722

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Italian/English

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:Italian/English

31 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Naples Pizzaiuoli’ (09:25):English

30 Sep 2016
Correspondence concerning the nomination
Reaction on a file:English

21 Mar 2016
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EN: Kazakh traditional Assyk games

FR: Les jeux traditionnels d’assyks kazakhs

Representative List

File reference: 1086

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Kazakh

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - video:Kazakh

14 Apr 2014
ICH inventory:English/Kazakh

30 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kazakh traditional Assyk games’ (05:55):English

30 Mar 2016
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EN: Kok boru, traditional horse game

FR: Le kok-boru, jeu équestre traditionnel

Representative List

File reference: 1294

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Kyrgyz

31 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English/Kyrgyz

30 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kok-boru, Kyrgyz traditional horse game’ (09:57):English

06 Apr 2016
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Lao People's Democratic Republic

EN: Khaen music of the Lao people

FR: La musique du khène du peuple lao

Representative List

File reference: 1296

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:French/Lao

25 Apr 2016
ICH inventory:French/Lao

27 Sep 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Comment fabrique-t-on le khène? Procession traditionnelle du khène lao’ (09:56):Laothian (subtitles in English)

31 Mar 2016
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EN: Nsima, culinary tradition of Malawi

FR: Le nsima, tradition culinaire du Malawi

Representative List

File reference: 1292

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:English/Chichewa

04 May 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English

05 Dec 2017
ICH inventory:English

28 Sep 2019
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Nsima, culinary tradition of Malawi’ (10:09):English

05 Apr 2016
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EN: Sega tambour of Rodrigues Island

FR: Le séga tambour de Rodrigues

Representative List

File reference: 1257

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - video:English/Mauritian Creole

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Creole/English

25 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English/Creole

25 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Sega tambour of Rodrigues’ (10:02):English|Mauritian Creole

25 Mar 2016
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Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

EN: Craft of the miller operating windmills and watermills

FR: Les savoir-faire du meunier liés à l’exploitation des moulins à vent et à eau

Representative List

File reference: 1265

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Dutch/English

29 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Dutch/English

29 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The craft of the miller on wind- and watermills’ (10:00):Dutch (subtitles in English)

29 Mar 2016
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EN: Artisanal processes and plant fibers techniques for talcos, crinejas and pintas weaving of the pinta’o hat

FR: Les processus et techniques artisanaux des fibres végétales pour le tissage des talcos, crinejas et pintas du chapeau pinta’o

Representative List

File reference: 1272

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

20 Sep 2016
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

20 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Artisan processes and methods of vegetable fibers for weaving talcos, crinejas and pintas of the pintao hat’ (10:16):English

29 Mar 2016
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EN: Traditional system of Corongo’s water judges

FR: Le système traditionnel des juges de l’eau de Corongo

Representative List

File reference: 1155

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

19 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

19 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional system of Corongo's water Judges’ (10:00):English|Spanish

19 Mar 2015
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EN: Craftmanship of Estremoz clay figures

FR: L'artisanat des figurines en argile d'Estremoz

Representative List

File reference: 1279

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:Portuguese/English

30 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Portuguese/English

23 Sep 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Craftsmanship of Estremoz clay figures’ (09:59):English|Portuguese

30 Mar 2016
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Saudi Arabia

EN: Al-Qatt Al-Asiri, female traditional interior wall decoration in Asir, Saudi Arabia

FR: L’Al-Qatt Al-Asiri, décoration murale traditionnelle par les femmes de l’Asir (Arabie saoudite)

Representative List

File reference: 1261

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

25 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

22 Aug 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Al-Qatt Al-Asiri’ (08:45):English

25 Mar 2016
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EN: Kolo, traditional folk dance

FR: Le kolo, danse traditionnelle

Representative List

File reference: 1270

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Jul 2016
Consent of communities:Serbian/English

29 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Serbian/English

29 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kolo, traditional dance in Serbia’ (07:10):Serbian (subtitles in English)

29 Mar 2016
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EN: Multipart singing of Horehronie

FR: Le chant à plusieurs voix de Horehronie

Representative List

File reference: 1266

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Slovak/English

25 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - video:Slovak (subtitles in English)

25 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Slovak/English

25 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Multipart singing of Horehronie’ (09:50):English

28 Sep 2016
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EN: Door-to-door rounds of Kurenti

FR: La tournée de maison en maison des Kurenti

Representative List

File reference: 1278

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:Slovenian/English

30 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:Slovenian/English

30 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Door-to-door rounds of Kurenti’ (09:10):English

30 Mar 2016
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EN: Basel Carnival

FR: Le carnaval de Bâle

Representative List

File reference: 1262

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:German/French

24 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:French/German

24 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Basel Carnival’ (09:59):Swiss German: subtitles in French - subtitles in English

24 Mar 2016
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EN: Falak

FR: Le falak

Representative List

File reference: 1193

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Nov 2016
Consent of communities:Tajik/English

01 Apr 2015
ICH inventory:Tajik/English

01 Apr 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Falak’ (10:31):English

01 Apr 2015
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North Macedonia - Türkiye

EN: Spring celebration, Hıdrellez

FR: L'Hıdrellez, fête du printemps

Representative List

File reference: 1284

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

30 Mar 2016
Consent of communities - Turkey:Turkish/English

29 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia:Macedonian/English

30 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - Turkey:Turkish/English

30 Mar 2016
ICH inventory - provided during the Committee:English

05 Dec 2017
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Spring celebration, H?drellez’ (08:08):English

30 Mar 2016
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EN: Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing

FR: Le rite chanté et dansé de Kushtdepdi

Representative List

File reference: 1259

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French in preparation

29 Mar 2016
Consent of communities:English/Turkmen

29 Mar 2016
ICH inventory:English/Turkmen

29 Mar 2016
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kushtdepdi rite of singing and dancing’ (08:20):English

29 Aug 2016
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Viet Nam

EN: The art of Bài Chòi in Central Viet Nam

FR: Le bài chòi, art traditionnel du Centre du Viet Nam

Representative List

File reference: 1222

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Sep 2016
Consent of communities:English/Vietnamese

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Vienamese

20 Apr 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Bài chòi in central Viet Nam’ (09:59):English

20 Apr 2015