Examination of nominations for inscription in 2016 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (item 10.b on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be examined by the Committee for possible inscription in 2016 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Each nomination includes (i) a nomination form ICH-02, (ii) evidence of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a short video.

The recommendations of the Subsidiary Body for the inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity will be available in document ITH/16/10.COM/10.b.

Files (37)

--- all ---
10.b.1 - 10.b.2 - 10.b.3 - 10.b.4 - 10.b.5 - 10.b.6 - 10.b.7 - 10.b.8 - 10.b.9 - 10.b.10 - 10.b.11 - 10.b.12 - 10.b.13 - 10.b.14 - 10.b.15 - 10.b.16 - 10.b.17 - 10.b.18 - 10.b.19 - 10.b.20 - 10.b.21 - 10.b.22 - 10.b.23 - 10.b.24 - 10.b.25 - 10.b.26 - 10.b.27 - 10.b.28 - 10.b.29 - 10.b.30 - 10.b.31 - 10.b.32 - 10.b.33 - 10.b.34 - 10.b.35 - 10.b.36 - 10.b.37
State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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Afghanistan - Azerbaijan - India - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Iraq - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Pakistan - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Türkiye

EN: Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz

FR: Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz

Representative List

File reference: 1161

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:English/Azerbaijani

02 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Iraq:English/Arabic

02 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - India:English

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Iran:English/Persian

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:English/Kazakh/Russian

02 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Kyrgyzstan:English/Kirghiz

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Pakistan:English

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Turkey:English/Turkish

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Turkmenistan:English/Turkmen

24 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - India:English

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Iran:English/Persian

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:English/Azerbaijani

02 Oct 2015
ICH inventory - Kazakhstan:English/Kazakh

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Kyrgyzstan:English/Kirghiz

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Iraq:English/Arabic

02 Oct 2015
ICH inventory - Pakistan:English

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

02 Oct 2015
ICH inventory - Turkey:English/Turkish

01 Apr 2015
ICH inventory - Turkmenistan:English/Turkmen

24 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

24 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz’ (11:59):English

24 Mar 2015
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Azerbaijan - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Türkiye

EN: Flatbread making and sharing culture: Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka

FR: La culture de la fabrication et du partage de pain plat Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka

Representative List

File reference: 1181

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Sep 2015
Consent of communities - Iran:Persian/English

30 Sep 2015
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:Russian/Kazakh/English

30 Sep 2015
Consent of communities - Turkey:Turkish/English

30 Sep 2015
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Kyrgyzstan:Kyrgyz/English

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Kazakhstan:Kazakh/Russian/English

30 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Iran:Persian/English

30 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Kyrgyzstan:Kyrgyz/English

30 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Turkey:Turkish/English

30 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Flatbread making and sharing culture: Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka’ (09:56):English

30 Sep 2015
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EN: Mangal Shobhajatra on Pahela Baishakh

FR: La Mangal Shobhajatra du Pahela Baishakh

Representative List

File reference: 1091

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Jun 2015
Consent of communities:English

01 Apr 2014
ICH inventory:English

01 Apr 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Mangal Shobhajatra on Pahela Baishakh’ (09:59):English

01 Apr 2014
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EN: Celebration in honor of the Budslaŭ icon of Our Lady (Budslaŭ Fest)

FR: La célébration en l’honneur de l’icône de Notre-Dame de Budslau (Fête de Budslau)

Representative List

File reference: 1174

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Dec 2015
Consent of communities:Belarussian/English

02 Oct 2015
ICH inventory:Belarussian/English

02 Oct 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Budsla? Fest’ (09:32):English|Belarusian

31 Mar 2015
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EN: Beer culture in Belgium

FR: La culture de la bière en Belgique

Representative List

File reference: 1062

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:French/Dutch/English

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:French/Dutch/German

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La culture de la bière en Belgique - diversité des arts brassicoles et leur appréciation en Belgique’ (09:43):English

31 Mar 2015
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EN: The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge in China of time and practices developed through observation of the sun’s annual motion

FR: Les vingt-quatre périodes solaires, la connaissance en Chine du temps et les pratiques développées à travers l’observation du mouvement annuel du soleil

Representative List

File reference: 647

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The twenty-four solar terms, Chinese knowledge of time and practices developed through observation of the sun's annual motion’ (09:59):English

31 Mar 2015
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EN: Rumba in Cuba, a festive combination of music and dances and all the practices associated

FR: La rumba à Cuba, mélange festif de musiques et de danses et toutes les pratiques associées

Representative List

File reference: 1185

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

29 Sep 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La rumba cubana’ (10:00):English|Spanish

09 Apr 2015
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Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

EN: Ssirum (wrestling) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

FR: Le Ssirum, lutte dans la République populaire démocratique de Corée

Representative List

File reference: 1160

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

19 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Korean

19 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Korean

19 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Korean ssirum wrestling, the representative intangible cultural heritage of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea’ (08:38):English

19 Mar 2015
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Dominican Republic

EN: Music and dance of the merengue in the Dominican Republic

FR: La musique et la danse du merengue en République dominicaine

Representative List

File reference: 1162

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Oct 2015
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

19 Jun 2015
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

22 Sep 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Music and dance of the Dominican merengue’ (07:40):Spanish (subtitles in English)

13 Oct 2015
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EN: Tahteeb, stick game

FR: Le tahteeb, jeu du bâton

Representative List

File reference: 1189

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

25 May 2015
Consent of communities - video:Arabic (subtitles in English)

15 Apr 2013
ICH inventory:English/French/Arabic

20 Jul 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Tahtib, le jeu du bâton’ (08:30):Arabic (subtitles in French)

15 Apr 2013
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EN: Gada system, an indigenous democratic socio-political system of the Oromo

FR: Le Gada, système socio-politique démocratique autochtone des Oromo

Representative List

File reference: 1164

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Oromo

25 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Amharic

25 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Gada system, an indigenous democratic socio-political system of the Oromo’ (10:00):English

25 Mar 2015
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EN: Carnival of Granville

FR: Le carnaval de Granville

Representative List

File reference: 1077

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

23 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:French

23 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:French

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Le carnaval de Granville’ (09:54):French

23 Sep 2015
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EN: Living culture of three writing systems of the Georgian alphabet

FR: La culture vivante des trois systèmes d'écriture de l'alphabet géorgien

Representative List

File reference: 1205

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

11 Aug 2015
Consent of communities:English/Georgian

17 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:Georgian/English

11 Aug 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Living culture of three writing systems of the Georgian alphabet’ (08:55):Georgian (subtitles in English)

31 Mar 2015
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EN: Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives

FR: L’idée et la pratique d’intérêts communs organisés en coopératives

Representative List

File reference: 1200

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:German/English

27 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:German/English

30 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Idea and practice of organizing shared interests in cooperatives’ (08:17):English|German

27 Mar 2013
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Germany - Saudi Arabia - Austria - Belgium - United Arab Emirates - Spain - France - Hungary - Italy - Kazakhstan - Morocco - Mongolia - Pakistan - Portugal - Qatar - Syrian Arab Republic - Republic of Korea - Czechia

EN: Falconry, a living human heritage

FR: La fauconnerie, un patrimoine humain vivant

Representative List

File reference: 1209

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

06 Jan 2016
Consent of communities - Multinational consent:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Czech Republic:Czech/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - France:French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Republic of Korea:Korean/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Pakistan:English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Qatar:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Spain:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Syrian Arab Republic:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Morocco:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Austria:German/English

28 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Belgium:Dutch/English/French

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Germany:German/English

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Hungary:Hungarian/English

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Italy:Italian/English

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:Kazakh/English

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Mongolia:Mongolian/English

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities - Portugal:Portuguese/English

05 Oct 2015
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - France:French

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Czech Republic:Czech/English

18 Jan 2016
ICH inventory - Republic of Kazakhstan:Kazakh//Russian/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Italy:Italian/English

19 Jan 2016
ICH inventory - Mongolia:Mongolian/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Morocco:French

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Qatar:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Syrian Arab Republic:Arabic/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Republic of Korea:Korean/English

24 Jun 2015
ICH inventory - Pakistan:English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Austria:German/English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Belgium:Dutch/French/English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Germany:German/English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Hungary:Hungarian/English

29 Sep 2015
ICH inventory - Portugal:Portuguese/English

05 Oct 2015
ICH inventory - Spain:Spanish/English

05 Oct 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Falconry - our intangible cultural heritage’ (10:00):English

30 Mar 2015
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EN: Momoeria, New Year's celebration in eight villages of Kozani area, West Macedonia, Greece

FR: La Momoeria, fêtes du Nouvel An dans huit villages de la région de Kozani, en Macédoine occidentale (Grèce)

Representative List

File reference: 1184

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:Greek/English

28 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:Greek/English

28 Sep 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Momoeria’ (09:30):Greek (English subtitles)

02 Apr 2015
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EN: Yoga

FR: Le yoga

Representative List

File reference: 1163

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

05 Oct 2015
Consent of communities:English

07 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:English

27 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Yoga’ (10:02):English

08 Apr 2015
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EN: Khidr Elias feast and its vows

FR: La fête de Khidr Elias et l'expression des vœux

Representative List

File reference: 1159

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Aug 2015
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

05 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

05 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Khidr Elias feast and its vows’ (06:10):English

05 Mar 2015
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EN: Yama, Hoko, Yatai, float festivals in Japan

FR: Yama, Hoko, Yatai, festivals de chars au Japon

Representative List

File reference: 1059

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:English/Japanese

25 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Japanese

25 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Yama, Hoko, Yatai, the float festivals of Japan’ (09:35):English

25 Mar 2015
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EN: Kuresi in Kazakhstan

FR: Le koures au Kazakhstan

Representative List

File reference: 1085

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

18 May 2015
Consent of communities:English/Kazakh

03 Apr 2014
ICH inventory:English

03 Apr 2014
ICH inventory (online data):snapshot (English) -

11 Jul 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘’ (10:17):English

30 Sep 2015
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EN: Bhojpuri folk songs in Mauritius, Geet-Gawai

FR: Le geetgawai, chants populaires en bhojpuri à Maurice

Representative List

File reference: 1178

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

03 Apr 2015
Consent of communities:English/Bhojpuri/Creole/Hindi

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - video:English

30 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:English/Bhojpuri

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory (online data):English

10 Apr 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Bhojpuri folk songs of Mauritius, Geet-Gawai’ (10:08):English|Bhojpuri

03 Apr 2015
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EN: Charrería, equestrian tradition in Mexico

FR: La Charrería, tradition équestre au Mexique

Representative List

File reference: 1108

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

09 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

09 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

09 Sep 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Charrería’ (09:59):English

30 Mar 2015
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EN: Argungu international fishing and cultural festival

FR: Le Festival international de la culture et de la pêche d'Argungu

Representative List

File reference: 901

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Oct 2015
Consent of communities:English

16 Oct 2015
ICH inventory:English

16 Oct 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Argungu fishing festival’ (09:42):English

12 Nov 2015
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Republic of Korea

EN: Culture of Jeju Haenyeo (women divers)

FR: La culture des haenyeo (plongeuses) de l'île de Jeju

Representative List

File reference: 1068

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Korean

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Korean

31 Mar 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Culture of Jeju Haenyeo’ (09:00):English

31 Mar 2014
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EN: Whitsunday pilgrimage from Şumuleu Ciuc (Csíksomlyó)

FR: Le pèlerinage de la Pentecôte à Şumuleu Ciuc (Csíksomlyó)

Representative List

File reference: 1120

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

05 May 2015
Consent of communities:Romanian/English

19 Aug 2014
ICH inventory:Romanian/English

27 Aug 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The pilgrimage of ?umuleu Ciuc’ (09:55):English|French| Hungarian

26 Mar 2015
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Romania - Republic of Moldova

EN: Traditional wall-carpet craftsmanship in Romania and the Republic of Moldova

FR: L’artisanat traditionnel du tapis mural en Roumanie et en République de Moldova

Representative List

File reference: 1167

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Jul 2015
Consent of communities - Romania:Romanian/English

16 Jul 2015
Consent of communities - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

26 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Romania:Romanian/English

26 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

26 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional wall-carpet craftsmanship in Romania and the Republic of Moldova’ (10:00):English|Romanian

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Saudi Arabia

EN: Almezmar, drumming and dancing with sticks

FR: L'Almezmar, danse du bâton au son des tambours

Representative List

File reference: 1011

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jun 2015
Consent of communities - Facebook (snapshot):English/Arabic

12 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

12 Jun 2015
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

12 Sep 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Al Mezmar’ (06:16):English

12 Jun 2015
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Slovakia - Czechia

EN: Puppetry in Slovakia and Czechia

FR: Le théâtre de marionnettes en Slovaquie et en Tchéquie

Representative List

File reference: 1202

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Slovakia:Slovak/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - Czech Republic:Czech/English

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities - video - Mr Gontko from Traditional Marionette Theatre 'Tyjátr' (Slovakia):Slovak (English subtitles)

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Slovakia:Slovak/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory - Czech Republic:Czech/English

30 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Slovak and Czech puppetry’ (09:22):Slovak and Czech (English subtitles)

30 Mar 2015
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EN: Škofja Loka passion play

FR: La représentation de la Passion à Škofja Loka

Representative List

File reference: 1203

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:Slovenian/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:Slovenian/English

16 Jul 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Škofja Loka passion play’ (05:56):English

30 Mar 2015
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EN: Valencia Fallas festivity

FR: La fête des Fallas valenciennes

Representative List

File reference: 859

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:Spain/Valencian/English

10 Sep 2015
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Cultural Space of the Valencian Fallas Festival’ (09:59):English|French| Spanish|Valencian

29 Mar 2012
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Sri Lanka

EN: Traditional art of string puppetry in Sri Lanka

FR: L’art traditionnel des marionnettes à fils au Sri Lanka

Representative List

File reference: 1171

Note: Referred

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Sep 2015
Consent of communities:English/Sinhala

10 Jun 2015
ICH inventory:English/Sinhala

14 Sep 2015
ICH inventory (online data):Inventory/element -

11 Jun 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional string puppet in Sri Lanka’ (09:25):English

10 Jun 2015
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EN: Winegrowers’ Festival in Vevey

FR: La Fête des vignerons de Vevey

Representative List

File reference: 1201

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:French

27 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:French

27 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La fête des vignerons de Vevey’ (10:00):English|French

27 Mar 2015
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EN: Oshi Palav, a traditional meal and its social and cultural contexts in Tajikistan

FR: L'Oshi Palav, plat traditionnel et ses contextes sociaux et culturels au Tadjikistan

Representative List

File reference: 1191

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Apr 2015
Consent of communities:Tajik/English

30 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:Tajik/English

24 Jul 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Oshi Palav’ (08:17):Tajik (subtitles in English)

30 Mar 2015
Return to top

EN: Traditional craftsmanship of Çini-making

FR: L'artisanat traditionnel du çini

Representative List

File reference: 1058

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:Turkish/English

26 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:Turkish/English

17 Mar 2014
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional craftsmanship of çini-making’ (09:59):Turkish (subtitles in English)

26 Mar 2015
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EN: Palov culture and tradition

FR: La tradition et la culture du palov

Representative List

File reference: 1166

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:Uzbek/English

18 Aug 2015
ICH inventory:Uzbek/English

26 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Palov culture and tradition’ (10:13):Uzbek (subtitles in English)

26 Mar 2015
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Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

EN: Carnival of El Callao, a festive representation of a memory and cultural identity

FR: Le carnaval d’El Callao, représentation festive d’une mémoire et d’une identité culturelle

Representative List

File reference: 1198

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/Spanish

31 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Spanish

31 Mar 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Carnival of El Callao: a festive representation of a memory and cultural identity’ (10:00):Spanish (subtitles in English)

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Viet Nam

EN: Practices related to the Viet beliefs in the Mother Goddesses of Three Realms

FR: Les pratiques liées à la croyance viet en les déesses-mères des Trois mondes

Representative List

File reference: 1064

Note: Inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

23 Mar 2015
Consent of communities:English/French/Vietnamese

03 Mar 2015
ICH inventory:English/Vietnamese

23 Mar 2015
ICH inventory (online data):English|Inventory - Element - Element

10 Apr 2015
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Việt beliefs in the Mother Goddesses of Three Realms’ (10:02):English

31 Mar 2014