13.1 - 13.2 - 13.3 - 13.4 - 13.5 - 13.6 - 13.7 - 13.8 - 13.9 - 13.10 - 13.11 - 13.12 - 13.13 - 13.14 - 13.15 - 13.16 - 13.17 - 13.18 - 13.19 - 13.20 - 13.21 - 13.22 - 13.23 - 13.24 - 13.25 - 13.26 - 13.27 - 13.28 - 13.29 - 13.30 - 13.31 - 13.32 - 13.33 - 13.34 - 13.35 - 13.36 - 13.37 - 13.38 - 13.39 - 13.40 - 13.41 - 13.42 - 13.43 - 13.44 - 13.45 - 13.46 - 13.47 - 13.48 - 13.49 |
No. de proyecto de decisión | Estado(s) | Título presentado | Documentos |
 | Belarus | EN: Shapavalstva (felt-making) and Katrushnitski Lemezen’: a traditional craft and the unique jargon of the Belarusian felt-makers FR: Le Shapavalstva (fabrication du feutre) et le Katrushnitski Lemezen’ : artisanat traditionnel et jargon unique des artisans du feutre bélarussiens Representative List Referencia del expediente: 537 Note: Referred | |
 | Belgium | EN: Leuven age set ritual repertoire FR: Le répertoire du rituel des classes d’âge de Louvain Representative List Referencia del expediente: 404 Note: Inscribed | |
 | China | EN: Chinese shadow puppetry FR: Le théâtre d’ombres chinoises Representative List Referencia del expediente: 421 Note: Inscribed | |
 | China | EN: Chinese Zhusuan, knowledge and practices of arithmetic calculation through the abacus FR: Le Zhusuan chinois, connaissances et pratiques du calcul arithmétique au boulier Representative List Referencia del expediente: 426 Note: Referred | |
 | China | EN: Craftsmanship of making Chinese Oolong tea FR: La fabrication artisanale du thé oolong chinois Representative List Referencia del expediente: 428 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | China | EN: Raosanling, a ritualized cultural space of the Bai people in Dali FR: Le Raosanling, un espace culturel ritualisé du peuple Bai à Dali Representative List Referencia del expediente: 427 Note: Referred | |
 | China | EN: Sacrificial rite in the Confucian Temple FR: Le rite sacrificiel du Temple confucéen Representative List Referencia del expediente: 423 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | China | EN: Shaolin Kung Fu, martial arts of Buddhist monks FR: Le Kung Fu Shaolin, art martial des moines bouddhistes Representative List Referencia del expediente: 420 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Colombia | EN: Traditional knowledge of the jaguar shamans of Yuruparí FR: Le savoir traditionnel des chamanes jaguars de Yuruparí Representative List Referencia del expediente: 574 Note: Inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 21 Aug 2010 |
Consent of communities - minutes of meetings: | Spanish | 09 Sep 2010 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Hee Yaia Keti Oka, Traditional Knowledge of the Jaguar Shamans of Yuruparí’ (10:26): | | 09 Sep 2010 |
6.COM 13.9: | ICHDOC: |
 | Croatia | EN: Bećarac singing and playing from Eastern Croatia FR: La pratique du chant et de la musique bećarac de Croatie orientale Representative List Referencia del expediente: 358 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Croatia | EN: Nijemo Kolo, silent circle dance of the Dalmatian hinterland FR: Le Nijemo Kolo, ronde dansée silencieuse de l’arrière-pays dalmate Representative List Referencia del expediente: 359 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Cyprus | EN: Tsiattista poetic duelling FR: Les Tsiattista, joutes poétiques Representative List Referencia del expediente: 536 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Czechia | EN: Ride of the Kings in the south-east of the Czech Republic FR: La Chevauchée des Rois dans le sud-est de la République tchèque Representative List Referencia del expediente: 564 Note: Inscribed | |
 | France | EN: Equitation in the French tradition FR: L’équitation de tradition française Representative List Referencia del expediente: 440 Note: Inscribed | |
 | France | EN: Limoges china FR: La porcelaine de Limoges Representative List Referencia del expediente: 439 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | India | EN: Buddhist chanting of Ladakh: recitation of sacred Buddhist texts in the trans-Himalayan Ladakh region, Jammu and Kashmir, India FR: Chant bouddhique du Ladakh : récitation de textes sacrés bouddhiques dans la région transhimalayenne du Ladakh, Jammu-et-Cachemire, Inde Representative List Referencia del expediente: 335 Note: Referred | |
 | India | EN: Chaar Bayt, a Muslim tradition in lyrical oral poetry, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan, India FR: Le Chaar Bayt, une tradition musulmane de poésie orale lyrique de l’Uttar Pradesh, du Madhya Pradesh et du Rajasthan, Inde Representative List Referencia del expediente: 336 Note: Referred | |
 | India | EN: Kolam, ritualistic threshold drawings and designs of Tamil Nadu, India FR: Le Kolam, dessins et motifs rituels ornant les seuils des maisons au Tamil Nadu, Inde Representative List Referencia del expediente: 341 Note: Referred | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Aug 2009 |
Consent of communities: | English | 31 Aug 2009 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Kolam, Ritualistic Threshold Drawings and Designs’ (10:00): | | 31 Aug 2009 |
6.COM 13.18: | ICHDOC: |
 | India | EN: Music and knowledge of the Veena stringed instrument FR: La musique et la connaissance de l'instrument à cordes Veena Representative List Referencia del expediente: 353 Note: Referred | |
 | India | EN: Sankirtan, ritual singing, drumming and dancing of Manipur FR: Le Sankirtan, chants rituels, tambours et danses du Manipur Representative List Referencia del expediente: 349 Note: Referred | |
 | India | EN: Traditional brass and copper craft of utensil making among the Thatheras of Jandiala Guru, Punjab, India FR: La fabrication artisanale traditionnelle d’ustensiles en laiton et en cuivre des Thatheras de Jandiala Guru, Penjab, Inde Representative List Referencia del expediente: 354 Note: Referred | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Aug 2009 |
Consent of communities: | English | 31 Aug 2009 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Traditional Craft of the Thatheras of Jandiala Guru, Punjab’ (10:29): | | 31 Aug 2009 |
6.COM 13.21: | ICHDOC: |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Music of the Iranian ethnic groups FR: La musique des groupes ethniques iraniens Representative List Referencia del expediente: 589 Note: Referred | |
 | Japan | EN: Chichibu Matsuri no Yatai-gyoji to Kagura, Chichibu autumn festival of floats and kagura FR: Le Chichibu Matsuri no Yatai-gyoji to Kagura, festival d'automne de chars et kagura à Chichibu Representative List Referencia del expediente: 408 Note: Referred | |
 | Japan | EN: Hon-minoshi, papermaking in the Mino region of Gifu Prefecture FR: Le Hon-minoshi, fabrication de papier dans la région de Mino, préfecture de Gifu Representative List Referencia del expediente: 407 Note: Referred | |
 | Japan | EN: Mibu no Hana Taue, ritual of transplanting rice in Mibu, Hiroshima FR: Le Mibu no Hana Taue, rituel du repiquage du riz à Mibu, Hiroshima Representative List Referencia del expediente: 411 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Japan | EN: Oga no Namahage, New Year visiting of masked deities in Oga, Akita FR: L’Oga no Namahage, visite du Nouvel An de divinités masquées à Oga, Akita Representative List Referencia del expediente: 410 Note: Referred | |
 | Japan | EN: Sada Shin Noh, sacred dancing at Sada shrine, Shimane FR: Le Sada Shin Noh, danse sacrée au sanctuaire de Sada, Shimane Representative List Referencia del expediente: 412 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Japan | EN: Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, Takayama spring and autumn float festivals FR: Le Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, festivals de printemps et d'automne de chars à Takayama Representative List Referencia del expediente: 409 Note: Referred | |
 | Mali - Burkina Faso | EN: Cultural practices and expressions linked to the balafon of the Senufo communities of Mali and Burkina Faso FR: Pratiques et expressions culturelles liées au balafon des communautés Sénoufo du Mali et du Burkina Faso Representative List Referencia del expediente: 568 Note: Inscribed (referred for Côte d'Ivoire) | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 29 Jun 2011 |
Consent of communities: | French | 20 Sep 2010 |
Consent of communities - Mali: | French | 31 Aug 2010 |
ICH inventory - Côte d'Ivoire ICH Inventory Project: | French | 15 Jul 2011 |
ICH inventory - Decrees supporting classification on National Cultural Heritage of Mali: | French | 15 Jul 2011 |
ICH inventory - Inscription in the inventory of Burkina Faso: | French | 31 Aug 2010 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘’ (17:44): | | 06 Sep 2010 |
6.COM 13.29: | ICHDOC: |
 | Mexico | EN: Mariachi, string music, song and trumpet FR: Le Mariachi, musique à cordes, chant et trompette Representative List Referencia del expediente: 575 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Culture of the Mongol Deel FR: La culture de la Deel mongole Representative List Referencia del expediente: 540 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Mongolian shamanism FR: Le chamanisme mongol Representative List Referencia del expediente: 572 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Mongolian traditional contortion FR: La contorsion traditionnelle mongole Representative List Referencia del expediente: 546 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Traditional craftsmanship of Mongol Ger and its associated customs FR: L’artisanat traditionnel du Ger mongol et les coutumes associées Representative List Referencia del expediente: 539 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Tsagaan Sar, celebration of the Mongolian New Year FR: Le Tsagaan Sar, célébration du Nouvel An mongol Representative List Referencia del expediente: 573 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Oman | EN: Al ‘azi, elegy, processional march and poetry FR: Al ‘azi, élégie, marche processionnelle et poésie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 371 Note: Referred | |
 | Oman | EN: Al-Maydaan FR: Al-Maydaan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 366 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |
 | Peru | EN: Pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Lord of Qoyllurit’i FR: Le pèlerinage au sanctuaire du seigneur de Qoyllurit’i Representative List Referencia del expediente: 567 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Portugal | EN: Fado, urban popular song of Portugal FR: Le Fado, chant populaire urbain du Portugal Representative List Referencia del expediente: 563 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Craftsmanship of Najeon, mother-of-pearl inlay FR: L’artisanat du Najeon, incrustation de nacre Representative List Referencia del expediente: 459 Note: Referred | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Jultagi, tightrope walking FR: Le Jultagi, marche sur corde raide Representative List Referencia del expediente: 448 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Royal cuisine of the Joseon dynasty FR: La cuisine royale de la dynastie Joseon Representative List Referencia del expediente: 476 Note: Referred | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Seokjeon Daeje, ceremony in honour of great Confucian scholars FR: Le Seokjeon Daeje, cérémonie en l’honneur des grands érudits confucéens Representative List Referencia del expediente: 449 Note: Referred | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Taekkyeon, a traditional Korean martial art FR: Le Taekkyeon, un art martial traditionnel coréen Representative List Referencia del expediente: 452 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Weaving of Mosi (fine ramie) in the Hansan region FR: Le tissage du Mosi (ramie fine) dans la région de Hansan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 453 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Spain | EN: Festivity of ‘la Mare de Déu de la Salut’ of Algemesí FR: La fête de « la Mare de Déu de la Salut » d’Algemesí Representative List Referencia del expediente: 576 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Spain | EN: Fiesta of the patios in Cordova FR: La fête des patios de Cordoue Representative List Referencia del expediente: 362 Note: Referred | |
 | Türkiye | EN: Ceremonial Keşkek tradition FR: La tradition cérémonielle du Keşkek Representative List Referencia del expediente: 388 Note: Inscribed | |
 | Türkiye | EN: Craftsmanship, practices and beliefs of Nazar Boncuğu charms FR: L'artisanat, les pratiques et les croyances des amulettes Nazar Boncuğu Representative List Referencia del expediente: 387 Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State | |