During its second session in September 2007, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage accepted the offer from the Republic of Bulgaria to host the second extraordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee (Decision 2.COM 15).
This second extraordinary session was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 18 to 22 february 2008, under High Patronage of H.E. Mr Georgi Părvanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Committee Members during the second extraordinary session
Algeria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bulgaria, Central African Republic, China, Estonia, France, Gabon, Hungary, India, Japan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Senegal, Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates and Viet Nam
Members of the Bureau of the second extraordinary session of the Committee
- Chairperson: H.E. Ms Irina Bokova (Bulgaria)
- Vice-Chairs: India, Mexico, Turkey and United Arab Emirates
- Rapporteur: Ms Hortense Nguema Okome (Gabon)
- H.E. Mr Georgi Părvanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria: English|French|Bulgarian
- Message of Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO: English|French
- H.E. Professor Stefan Danaïlov , Minister of Culture, Republic of Bulgaria: English
- Acad. Nikola Sabotinov, Vice-President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: English|Bulgarian
- H.E. Mr Mohammed Bedjaoui , President of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the 2003 Convention: English|French
- H.E. Mr Olabiyi Babalola Joseph Yaï, President of the Executive Board of UNESCO: English|French
- Ms Françoise Rivière, Representative of the Director-General of UNESCO, Assistant Director-General for Culture: English|French
Oral report
Decisions and Summary records
- Decisions adopted: English|French
- Summary records: English|French (approved during the third session in Istanbul)
Working documents of the second extraordinary session
- General Information
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/INF.1: English|French - Provisional list of participants
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/INF.2: English-French - Provisional list of NGOs and non-profit making institutions
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/INF.3 Rev.: English-French - Report of the Rapporteur of the subsidiary body on the modalities for the participation of communities or their representatives, practitioners, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes in the implementation of the Convention
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/INF.4: English|French - Election of the members of the Bureau of the second extraordinary session of the Committee
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/2: English|French - Adoption of the Agenda
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/3: English|French - Adoption of the draft Summary Record of the second session of the Committee
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/4: English|French - Admission of observers
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/5: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on the involvement of communities and their representatives, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes in the implementation of the Convention - Prepared by a subsidiary body of the Committee
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/6: English|French - Formal and procedural conditions concerning the incorporation of items proclaimed “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” in the Representative List, notably the Masterpieces present in the territories of States non party to the Convention
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/7(+Corr. in English): English|French - Accreditation of non-governmental organizations and transitional provisions for their involvement in examinations at the request of the Committee (draft decision 2.EXT.COM 8 Rev.: English|French)
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/8: English|French - Draft budget proposal for the use of resources of the Intangible Heritage Fund
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/9: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on the means to increase the resources of the Intangible Heritage Fund
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/10: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on reporting to the Committee by the States Parties
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/11: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on visibility
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/12: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on the principles governing the use of the emblem of the Convention
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/13: English|French - Amendment to the Rules of Procedure regarding the functions of the Bureau
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/14: English|French - Examination of the issue of admission of non-governmental organizations and non-profit-making institutions as observers
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/15: English|French - Compilation of the chapters of the Operational Directives
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/16: English|French - Report by the Committee to the General Assembly on its activities
ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/17: English|French
Comments of States Parties on the participation of communities, etc.
During its meeting in Tokyo, the Committee decided (Decision 2.COM 8 : English - French) to consult the States Parties on the possible modalities for the participation of communities or their representatives, practitioners, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes in the implementation of the Convention.
The comments received by the Secretariat are presented here in the language and format in which they were submitted: Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Niger, Norway, Peru, Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey.