During its second session held in September 2007, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage accepted the offer from the Republic of Turkey to host the third session of the Committee (Decision 2.COM 15). This third session took place in Istanbul, Turkey, from 4 to 8 November 2008.
The working languages are English and French. In addition, interpretation is be made available in:
- Arabic, thanks to the Fund of the Project of Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz for the support of the Arabic language at UNESCO and upon the positive response from the Permanent Delegation of Saudi Arabia to UNESCO,
- Spanish, thanks to the generous support of the Government of Spain, and
- Turkish, thanks to the generous support of the Turkish authorities.

© UNESCO / D.Stehl
Members of the Committee during the third session
Belarus, Central African Republic, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Estonia, Gabon, Hungary, India, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Mali, Mexico, Niger, Oman, Paraguay, Peru, Republic of Korea, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe
Elected Members of the Bureau of the third session of the Committee (Decision 2.COM 16)
- Chairperson: H.E. Mr O. Faruk Loğoğlu (Turkey)
- Vice-Chairs: Hungary, Mexico, India and the United Arab Emirates
- Rapporteur: Ms Hortense Nguema Okome (Gabon)
- H.E. Mr Ertuğrul Günay, Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey: English|Turkish
- H.E. Mr O. Faruk Loğoğlu, Chairperson of the Intergovernmental Committee: English
- Mr Chérif Khaznadar , Chairman of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the 2003 Convention: French
- Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO: English
Oral report:
Summary records and decisions
- Summary records (adopted during the fourth session): English|French
- Decisions adopted: English|French
Working documents
- General information
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/INF.1 Rev.: English|French - Provisional timetable
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/INF.2 Rev.: English|French - Provisional list of Participants
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/INF.3: soon available - Provisional list of NGOs, non-profit making institutions and experts
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/INF.4: English-French - Report by the Chairperson of the Bureau meeting of 20 October 2008
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/INF.5: English|French - Incorporation of items proclaimed Masterpieces in the Representative List
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/1: English|French - Adoption of the agenda
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/2: English|French - Replacement of the Rapporteur
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/3: English|French - Admission of observers to the present session
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/4: English|French - Adoption of the Summary Records of the second extraordinary and the third extraordinary sessions of the Committee
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/5: English|French - Draft Operational Directives for the use of the emblem of the Convention
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/6: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on visibility
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/7: English|French - Draft Operational Directives on the means to increase the resources of the Intangible Heritage Fund
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/8: English|French - Accreditation of non-governmental organizations
To consult all of the accreditation requests from NGOs that were completed by 25 September 2008 and are being presented to the Committee, please see: NGO requests
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/9: English|French - Procedure for the examination of nomination files for the Urgent Safeguarding List and international assistance requests
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/10: English|French - Establishment of the subsidiary body for the examination of nominations for the Representative List
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/11: English|French - Issue of admission of observers
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/12: English|French - Date and venue of the next session of the Committee
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/13: English|French - Election of the members of the Bureau of the fourth session of the Committee
ITH/08/3.COM/CONF.203/14: English|French
Comments from States Parties on draft directives governing the use of the emblem
During an initial discussion of draft directives governing the use of the emblem at its second extraordinary session (ITH/08/2.EXT.COM/CONF.201/13: English|French), the Committee encouraged written comments from States Parties. The comments received by the Secretariat concerning the previous draft are presented here in the language and format in which they were submitted: Burkina Faso, Cyprus, Estonia, Japan, Oman, Romania and Turkey.