Second Session of the Intergovernmental Committee (2COM) - Tokyo, 3 to 7 September 2007
At its first session (Algiers, 18 and 19 November 2006), the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage accepted the generous invitation of Japan to host its second session (Decision 1.COM 8).
Committee Members during the second session
Algeria, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bulgaria, Central African Republic, China, Estonia, France, Gabon, Hungary, India, Japan, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Romania, Senegal, Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates and Viet Nam
Members of the Bureau of the second session of the Committee
- Chairperson: H.E. Mr Seiichi KONDO (Japan)
- Vice-Chairs: Bolivia, Estonia, France and the Syrian Arab Republic
- Rapporteur: Mr Ousmane BLONDIN DIOP (Senegal)
- H.E. Mr Musa Bin Jaafar Bin Hassan, President of the General Conference of UNESCO (in English|French)
- Mr Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO (in English)
- H.E. Mr Bunmei Ibuki, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (in English)
- H.E. Mr Mohammed Bedjaoui, Chairman of the General Assembly of States Parties to the 2003 Convention (in English|French)
Oral report:
Decisions and Summary records
- Decisions adopted: English|French
- Summary records: English|French (approved during the second extraordinary session in Sofia)
Working documents
- General Information
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/INF.1: English|French - Provisional list of NGOs and non-profit making institutions
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/INF.2 Rev.2: English-French - List of participants
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/INF.3: soon available - Comments by States Parties on the implementation of Articles 18 and 31 of the Convention
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/INF.4 Rev.1: English-French - Provisional Agenda
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/2 Rev.: English|French - Draft Summary Records of the first extraordinary session of the Committee
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/3+Add.: English|French - Amendment of the Rules of Procedure
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/4: English|French - Admission of observers
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/5 Rev.: English|French - Draft Operational Directives for the inscription of intangible cultural heritage on the lists of the Convention
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/6 Rev.: English|French - Draft Operational Directives concerning the criteria and modalities for the accreditation of non-governmental organizations
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/7: English|French - Involvement of communities or their representatives, practitioners, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/8: English|French - Draft Guidelines for the use of the resources of the Intangible Heritage Fund
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/9: English|French - Draft Plan for the use of the resources of the Intangible Heritage Fund
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/10: English|French - Draft Operational Directives for international assistance
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/11+Corr.: English|French - Draft Operational Directives for implementing Article 18 of the Convention
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/12: English|French - Creation of an emblem of the Convention
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/13: English|French - Incorporation of the Masterpieces into the Representative List
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/14: English|French - Date and venue of the next session of the Committee
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/15: English|French - Election of the Bureau of the 3rd session of the Committee
ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/16: English|French