El sistema de información de la Convención de 2003 accessible en árabe
30 de mayo de 2018

The Intangible Cultural Heritage website of UNESCO serves as a clearing house and key entry point to all the official information related to the 2003 Convention and its mechanisms, from inscriptions on the Lists to periodic reporting and capacity-building resources. It is essential to make these resources available as broadly as possible, bridging linguistic gaps and reaching out directly to the day-to-day actors on the ground who need these resources to implement safeguarding activities.

When the Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud programme to strengthen the presence of the Arabic Language (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) was launched, in 2017, the 2003 Convention Secretariat seized the opportunity to request funds for the translation of capacity-building materials into Arabic and to make its clearing house accessible in Arabic. It is thus thanks to the generous contribution of the Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Foundation (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) that, today, the key pages of the clearing house can be accessed in Arabic. This launch will also be announced during the upcoming session of the General Assembly of States Parties.

The translation of in-depth content is under process and new content will be released weekly. The page is still being adjusted technically, so please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to report glitches or errors (ICH-websupport@unesco.org).
