Participants of the 
training on implementation of the 2003 Convention kicks off in Saudi Arabia
7 de julio de 2023

UNESCO Regional Office for the Gulf States and Yemen held a training on the implementation of the 2003 Convention in Saudi Arabia in collaboration with the Heritage Commission from 11 to 15 June 2023 in Riyadh.
The workshop brought together a very dynamic group of participants from all over Saudi Arabia, who had the opportunity to learn about UNESCO’s methodology in implementing the 2003 Convention at the national level.

Facilitated by UNESCO-trained experts, Dr Annie Tabet and Dr Ebtisam Alwehaibi, the five-day training was the occasion to discuss the role of intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development, the importance of empowering communities for safeguarding their living heritage, and for raising awareness of relevant stakeholders about community-based approaches in developing programs and policies such as methodologies of inventorying and safeguarding of ICH.

To learn more:

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