![Three new International Assistance (IA) requests approved by the Bureau of the 17.COM, including the first multinational request](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/11756-BIG.jpg)
![Three new International Assistance (IA) requests approved by the Bureau of the 17.COM, including the first multinational request](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/11756-BIG.jpg)
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Safeguarding practices and rituals in sacred sites in Kyrgyzstan
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21 March: the International Day of Nowruz
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La cuarta edición de la Capacitación Subregional para Capacitadores en Asia Central se lleva a cabo en línea
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Asia Central fortalece la cooperación intersectorial en materia de patrimonio vivo y educación
![Sub-regional meeting: Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through formal and non-formal education in Central Asia](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/13841-BIG.jpg)
Sub-regional meeting: Safeguarding intangible cultural heritage through formal and non-formal education in Central Asia
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Intangible cultural heritage of the Silk Roads: Identification and Inventorying in Kyrgyzstan
![First training workshop on safeguarding living heritage targeting youth organized in Kyrgyzstan](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/12507-BIG.jpg)
First training workshop on safeguarding living heritage targeting youth organized in Kyrgyzstan
![Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage with Young People in Kyrgyzstan](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/00001-BIG.png)
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage with Young People in Kyrgyzstan
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Strengthening the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: sub-regional training workshop for facilitators from Central Asia
![New momentum to enhance ICH safeguarding capacities in Central Asia](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/11928-BIG.jpg)
New momentum to enhance ICH safeguarding capacities in Central Asia
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Nuevas inscripciones en la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad
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Veinte nuevas inscripciones en la Lista representativa del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la humanidad
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Diecisiete nuevos elementos inscritos en las listas de la Convención
![Taller sobre la preparación de los inventarios del patrimonio cultural inmaterial](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/00001-BIG.png)
Taller sobre la preparación de los inventarios del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
![Kirguistán en vías de preparar las candidaturas para ser sometidas a la Convención de 2003](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/00001-BIG.png)
Kirguistán en vías de preparar las candidaturas para ser sometidas a la Convención de 2003
![Kirguistán en camino hacia la preparación de candidaturas para la Convención de 2003](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/05904-BIG.jpg)
Kirguistán en camino hacia la preparación de candidaturas para la Convención de 2003
![Implementacción de la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Kirguistán](https://ich.unesco.org/img/photo/thumb/00001-BIG.png)