24/08/2013 - 31/08/2013

This training workshop is aimed at enhancing the national capacities in the field for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH), in particular ICH inventorying under the 2003 Convention including the practical technical skills in inventory-making.

Experts from Kyrgyzstan will be trained in identifying, defining, inventorying and documenting the ICH. They are in charge of implementing concrete safeguarding activities and conducting training in the management and appropriate transmission of ICH, while undertaking and/or coordinating ICH-related scientific, technical, legal, economic and other studies. The purpose of this session is to raise awareness about the value and diversity of the ICH and ensure community participation and consent in all activities concerning their ICH.

Participants will be from governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), communities, institutions and individual experts. The preference will be given to local communities. During the training the participants will be provided with text materials developed by UNESCO. The materials are translated into the Russian language and partially into Kyrgyz.
