O'di performance by women showing the sliding dancing style and gettle waist wriggling during interviews
© Idro Williams Jean, 2014
30 de noviembre de 2016

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) — The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage today inscribed elements from Portugal, Uganda and Ukraine on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. The Committee will continue reviewing nominations for inscription on this List and on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Wednesday and Thursday. The current session of the Committee will end on 2 December.

The List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding helps States mobilize international cooperation and assistance to ensure the transmission of inscribed cultural practices with the participation of the communities concerned.

The following elements were inscribed today:

Portugal - Bisalhães black pottery manufacturing process

Bisalhães in Portugal is known as ‘the land of pot and pan producers’ or more specifically, where black pottery is made. Designed for decorative and cooking purposes, it features on the village’s coat of arms and has been an important part of the community’s identity with old methods still used today. Transmitted almost exclusively through kinship ties, its future is under threat due to a diminishing number of bearers, waning interest from younger generations and popular demand for industrial alternatives.

Uganda - Ma’di bowl lyre music and dance

The Ma’di Bowl Lyre music and dance is one of the oldest cultural practices of the Madi people of Uganda. The traditional songs and dances, performed for various occasions, including weddings and to celebrate harvests, are a tool for strengthening family ties and learning about community culture. Rituals are also involved. Transmitted by senior bearers, the future of the practice is at risk due to it being considered old-fashioned by younger generations and materials used coming from species now endangered.

Ukraine - Cossack’s songs of Dnipropetrovsk Region

Cossack songs are sung by communities of the Dnipropetrovsk region, which tell stories about the tragedy of war and personal relationships of Cossack soldiers. The songs are sung for pleasure and to connect to the past. Three groups of singers of Cossack songs exist: Krynycya, Boguslavochka, and Pershocvit, which involve men and women. Transmission of the tradition occurs within families, but its continuity is in question due to an aging bearer population and few other knowledge sources for new generations.

