
Regional workshop on periodic reporting for focal points in Asia and the Pacific region

La Visión de Seúl: trazando el futuro de la salvaguardia del patrimonio vivo

Celebración del 20º aniversario de la Convención de 2003 en Seúl

20th anniversary of the Living Heritage Convention celebration in Seoul

Results published of a survey on ICH and Education in Asia and the Pacific: tools and case-studies

Join the online seminar ‘Diversity and Distinctiveness: Looking into Shared ICH in the Asia-Pacific’ starting tomorrow!

Take part in our webinar Tuesday 26 January to understand better the relationship between living heritage and education!
ICH Webinar Series Session III to Focus on Regional Networks for the Teaching of Living Heritage in Higher Education
Taller de fortalecimiento de las capacidades sobre el plan de salvaguardia del PCI para el desarrollo sostenible en la República de Corea

Traditional Korean wrestling listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage following unprecedented merged application from both Koreas

Strengthening networking on ICH and education in Northeast Asia
Intangible cultural heritage and tertiary education

Apertura en Jeju (República de Corea) de la reunión del Comité intergubernamental de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial

NGO Capacity Building Workshop

12.COM documents now online!

Less than eight weeks to go until the 12th session of the Committee!