Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 4.COM 18

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/18 Rev. and its Annex;
  2. Recalling Resolution 2.GA 6 and Decision 3.COM 10;
  3. Adopts the guidelines for selection of examiners with relevant competence to examine nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List and International Assistance requests greater than US$25,000, as annexed to this decision;
  4. Delegates to the Bureau of the Committee the authority to designate examiners for International Assistance requests greater than US$25,000 and for Urgent Safeguarding List nominations for the 2011 inscription cycle, in accordance with those guidelines;
  5. Takes note of the experience of examiners during the 2009 cycle and the numerous suggestions from examiners and Committee members to improve the quality and effectiveness of the examiners’ work and the equitable geographical distribution;
  6. Requests the Secretariat, to the extent possible within the budget approved by the General Assembly, to reinforce the capacities of examiners and, if appropriate, permit them to conduct site visits.



Guidelines for selection of examiners with relevant competence to examine nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List and International Assistance requests
greater than US$25,000


Examiners shall be appointed by the Committee or its Bureau, as provided by the Decisions of the Committee.


For each Urgent Safeguarding List nomination or International Assistance request, the Secretariat shall propose to the appointing body the names of at least four candidate examiners.


Candidate examiners shall be identified by the Secretariat with an eye to:

a)    their relevant competence (in terms of domains, regions, language, safeguarding measures, etc.);

b)    regional particularities and specificities;

c)    the need for geographical balance;

d)    their eligibility (i.e., not a national of the submitting State);

e)    their satisfactory completion of prior examinations, if any.


Candidate examiners shall be drawn from the following categories:

a)    NGOs accredited by the General Assembly or recommended by the Committee for accreditation;

b)    NGOs recommended by States Parties (on the provisional list) but not yet accredited or recommended for accreditation;

c)    NGOs identified by UNESCO (not on the provisional list);

d)    Experts or centres of expertise and research institutes recommended by States Parties (on the provisional list);

e)    Experts or centres of expertise and research institutes identified by UNESCO (not on the provisional list).


Prior to presenting names of candidate examiners to the appointing body, the Secretariat shall contact the candidates to inform them of the nature of the task, the subject of the nomination or assistance request and submitting State, the time schedule and the terms of reference for their examination. The Secretariat shall confirm whether they are available in principle to carry out the required work, if the appointing body should decide to appoint them, and verify that they have no conflict of interest or other reason for disqualification (e.g. being a national of the submitting State).


The Secretariat shall provide the appointing body with the name and brief identifying information on each of the four candidate examiners associated with a particular nomination file. The Secretariat shall also provide a general statistical overview of the candidate examiners proposed, including:

a)    regional distribution of the nomination files;

b)    domain distribution of the nomination files;

c)    regional distribution of the examiners;

d)    status of the examiners (NGOs recommended, NGOs on provisional list, centres of expertise on provisional list, experts recommended by States Parties, etc.).


The appointing body will appoint preferably more than one examiner and at least one alternate for each nomination file for the Urgent Safeguarding List or assistance request.


Examiners shall be appointed with an eye to:

a)    their relevant competence (in terms of domains, regions, language, safeguarding measures, etc.);

b)    regional particularities and specificities;

c)    the need for geographical balance;

d)    their eligibility (i.e., not a national of the submitting State);

e)    their satisfactory completion of prior examinations, if any.
