Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 16.COM 15

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/21/16.COM/15, the requests for accreditation and the quadrennial reports submitted by the non-governmental organizations accredited by the General Assembly at its fourth and sixth sessions in 2012 and 2016, respectively,
  2. Recalling Article 9 of the Convention and Chapter III.2.2 of the Operational Directives,
  3. Further recalling Resolution GA 6, Resolution 6.GA 8 and Decision 12.COM 17,
  4. Considers that the thirty-two organizations listed in Annex I below satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 91 of the Operational Directives and recommends to the General Assembly that they be accredited to act in an advisory capacity to the Committee;
  5. Further considers that information is lacking to determine whether or not the two organizations listed in Annex I bis below satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 91 of the Operational Directives and recommends to the General Assembly that it examines the accreditation request of these two cases based on the additional information to be provided prior to its ninth session;
  6. Also considers that the twelve organizations listed in Annex II below do not satisfy the criteria set out in paragraph 91 of the Operational Directives;
  7. Considers furthermore that fifty-seven organizations listed in Annex III of document LHE/21/16.COM/15 satisfy the criteria set out in the Operational Directives and decides to maintain their accreditation to perform advisory functions for the Committee;
  8. Further decides that the accreditation of the one organization listed in Annex IV a) and of the seven organizations listed in Annex IV b) of document LHE/21/16.COM/15be terminated since their contribution and commitment to the work of the Committee are deemed insufficient in relation to paragraphs 94 and 95 of the Operational Directives, or since they have not submitted a quadrennial report illustrating their contribution and commitment to the Committee’s work;
  9. Also decides that the accreditation of the one organization listed in Annex IV c) of document LHE/21/16.COM/15 be terminated since it ceased to exist in its original form pursuant to its merger with another entity not accredited under the 2003 Convention;
  10. Considers that the geographical distribution of the accredited NGOs still needs to be improved and invites States Parties from under-represented Electoral Groups to encourage NGOs operating within their territories and meeting the criteria for accreditation to submit requests for accreditation at the earliest opportunity;
  11. Requests the Secretariat to put in place a clear communication mechanism with the States Parties that allows it to obtain as much information as possible on requests for accreditation of NGOs, to achieve the fulfilment of the objectives, ethical principles and cooperation spirit of the 2003 Convention.
Annex I: Non-governmental organizations recommended for accreditation

Organization name Country of registered office Application number
Association pour le Devenir des Autochtones et de leur Connaissance Originelle (A.D.A.C.O) Gabon NGO-90479
Al Sadu Handcraft Cooperative Society Kuwait NGO-90480
Fondation Princesse Momafon Rabiatou NJOYA Cameroon NGO-90482
Art for Refugees in Transition United States of America NGO-90484
Mundo Espiral Foundation Colombia NGO-90485
Stuppa Indonesia Foundation Indonesia NGO-90486
Indonesian Batik Foundation Indonesia NGO-90487
Embodying Reconciliation Colombia NGO-90488
Société québécoise d’ethnologie Canada NGO-90490
Norwegian Youth Association Norway NGO-90491
Konstelacio France NGO-90492
Academy of the Fair Courtesy Italy NGO-90494
Research Centre for Greek Singing (R.C.Gr.S.) Greece NGO-90495
Institut National des Métiers d’Art (INMA) France NGO-90499
Karama Foundation for Social and Cultural Development Egypt NGO-90500
Cultural Survival United States of America NGO-90501
Portobelo Bay Foundation Panama NGO-90502
PARCUM VZW Belgium NGO-90503
National Union of Folk-Art Masters of Ukraine (NSMNMU) Ukraine NGO-90504
Fédération des coopératives des Pays de Mayoko ‘Fecopam’ Republic of Congo NGO-90505
The Archers Foundation Turkey NGO-90508
France PCI - Association française des éléments inscrits sur les listes du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’Unesco France NGO-90509
Uganda Community Museums Association (UCOMA) Uganda NGO-90510
Cross Arts Cultural Association Lebanon NGO-90512
Arrayán Network of Culture, Heritage and Environment Spain NGO-90513
Anatolian Handicrafts Conservation and Development Association Turkey NGO-90514
Doostdaran and Hafezane Kheshte Kham Association (DHKKA) Iran NGO-90516
ELLINIKI ETAIRIA - Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage Greece NGO-90517
Association Ankraké France NGO-90520
Society for Digitization of Traditional Cultural Heritage (Society for DTCH) Bosnia and Herzegovina NGO-90521
Fundación INDICRI Panama NGO-90522
Femmes et traditions Canada NGO-90523

Annex I bis: Non-governmental organizations for whom the Committee deferred the decision to the ninth session of the General Assembly

Organization name Country of registered office Application number
Direct Gradual Development, Civil Association Mexico NGO-90481
Institue for Intangible Cultural Heritage (IPACIM) Spain NGO-90493

Annex II: Non-governmental organizations not recommended for accreditation

Organization name Country of registered office Application number Comment
Social Advancement Group, Inc United States of America NGO-90483 “Request incomplete ; not possible to ascertain if OD 91(e)(ii) (iii) are satisfied”
Gloire à Dieu Democratic Republic of the Congo NGO-90489 OD 91(a) not satisfied
Football World Heritage United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland NGO-90496 OD 91(a) and OD 91(e)(iii) not satisfied
Syrian Youth Council Syrian Arab Republic NGO-90497 OD 91(a) not satisfied
EXARC The Netherlands NGO-90498 OD 91(a) not satisfied
Association de la jeunesse Congolaise pour le Développement Republic of Congo NGO-90506 OD 91(a) not satisfied
World Ethnosport Confederation Turkey NGO-90507 OD 91(e)(iii) not satisfied
Tajikistan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs (TAJFUCA) Tajikistan NGO-90511 OD 91(a) not satisfied
Arts Pars Association Iran NGO-90515 OD 91(e)(iii) not satisfied
Global Peace and Development Association Kenya NGO-90518 OD 91(a) not satisfied
Association des Jeunes pour le Développement de Vekky (AJEDV) Benin NGO-90519 OD 91(a) not satisfied
Women & Child Welfare Society India NGO-90524 OD 91(a) not satisfied

