Nomination files for inscription in 2010 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (agenda item 6)

The documents below are the nomination files for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010 examined by the Subsidiary Body, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Each nomination file includes:

  • (i) the narrative part of the nomination file,
  • (ii) a demonstration of consent from the communities concerned,
  • (iii) ten photos,
  • (iv) a short video (optional) and
  • (v) the link to the relevant draft decision proposed by the Subsidiary Body.

The report and recommendations of the Subsidiary Body for the inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity 2010 are available in document ITH/10/5.COM/CONF.202/6 (inglés|francés).

Expedientes (47)

6.1 - 6.2 - 6.3 - 6.4 - 6.5 - 6.6 - 6.7 - 6.8 - 6.9 - 6.10 - 6.11 - 6.12 - 6.13 - 6.14 - 6.15 - 6.16 - 6.17 - 6.18 - 6.19 - 6.20 - 6.21 - 6.22 - 6.23 - 6.24 - 6.25 - 6.26 - 6.27 - 6.28 - 6.29 - 6.30 - 6.31 - 6.32 - 6.33 - 6.34 - 6.35 - 6.36 - 6.37 - 6.38 - 6.39 - 6.40 - 6.41 - 6.42 - 6.43 - 6.44 - 6.45 - 6.46 - 6.47
No. de
proyecto de
Estado(s)Título presentadoDocumentos
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EN: Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars

FR: L’art des croix de pierre arméniennes. Symbolisme et savoir-faire des Khachkars

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 434

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

18 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English/Armenian

18 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Video about Masters Varazdat Hambartsumyan and Ruben Nalbandvan’ (09:47):English

28 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan

FR: L’art traditionnel du tissage du tapis azerbaïdjanais en République d’Azerbaïdjan

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 389

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

03 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:Azerbaijani/English

25 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:English/Azerbaijani

17 May 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Azerbaijani Carpet’ (10:40):English

25 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Aalst carnival

FR: Le carnaval d’Alost

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 402

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Aug 2009
Consent of communities:English/Dutch

31 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:Dutch

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Aalst carnival ’ (09:37):English

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Houtem Jaarmarkt, annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem

FR: Houtem Jaarmarkt, foire annuelle d’hiver et marché aux bestiaux à Hautem-Saint-Liévin

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 403

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English

31 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:Dutch

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘"The Houtem winter fair"’ (08:50):English

31 Aug 2009
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EN: Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand, end-of-winter bread and fire feast at Geraardsbergen

FR: Les Krakelingen et le Tonnekensbrand, fête du feu et du pain de la fin de l’hiver à Grammont

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 401

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Dutch/English

31 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:Dutch

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Krakelingen & Tonnekensbrand’ (09:51):English

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine

FR: L’acupuncture et la moxibustion de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 425

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Chinese/English

01 Dec 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘French version’ (08:47):pronto disponible

26 Mar 2025
Film ‘Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine (中医针灸)’ (08:47):English|French| Chinese

01 Dec 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Peking opera

FR: L’opéra de Pékin

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 418

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Dec 2009
Consent of communities:Chinese/English

05 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Performance of the Peking Opera’ (09:08):English

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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EN: Marimba music and traditional chants from Colombia’s South Pacific region

FR: La musique Marimba et les chants traditionnels de la région sud du Pacifique colombien

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 436

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English/Spanish

22 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Marimba music and the traditional chants from the Colombian South Pacific’ (09:33):English

03 Sep 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

30 Apr 2010
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EN: Wayuu normative system, applied by the Pütchipü’üi (palabrero)

FR: Le système normatif Wayuu, appliqué par le Pütchipü’üi (palabrero)

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 435

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Spanish/French

22 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (10:04):Spanish

22 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 Apr 2010
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EN: Gingerbread craft from Northern Croatia

FR: L’art du pain d’épices en Croatie du Nord

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 356

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Croatian/English

13 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Gingerbread Craft from Northern Croatia’ (10:14):English

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Shrovetide door-to-door processions and masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area

FR: Les défilés de porte-à-porte et masques des Jours gras dans les villages de la région de Hlinecko

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 397

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

07 May 2010
Consent of communities:English/Czech

04 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Shrovetide door-to-door processions and masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area’ (09:44):English

20 Jul 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 May 2010
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EN: Compagnonnage, network for on-the-job transmission of knowledge and identities

FR: Le compagnonnage, réseau de transmission des savoirs et des identités par le métier

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 441

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:French

31 Aug 2009
Consent of communities - video:French (film)

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:02):French

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

30 Apr 2010
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EN: Craftsmanship of Alençon needle lace-making

FR: Le savoir-faire de la dentelle au point d’Alençon

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 438

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:French

31 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:French

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:59):French

08 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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EN: Gastronomic meal of the French

FR: Le repas gastronomique des Français

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 437

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:French

15 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:40):English|French

15 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Chhau dance

FR: La danse Chhau

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 337

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English

01 Sep 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Chhau Dance’ (09:53):English

01 Sep 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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EN: Kalbelia folk songs and dances of Rajasthan

FR: Les chants et danses populaires Kalbelia du Rajasthan

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 340

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English

12 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Kalbelia dance’ (09:38):English

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Mudiyettu, ritual theatre and dance drama of Kerala

FR: Le Mudiyettu, théâtre rituel et drame dansé du Kerala

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 345

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English

12 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mudiyettu’ (10:13):English

01 Sep 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Indonesian Angklung

FR: L’Angklung indonésien

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 393

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

05 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English/Indonesian

28 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Indonesian Angklung’ (09:59):English (communities consent included)

05 Jan 2010
Additional information request - Email correspondence about pictures resolution:English

23 Dec 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Music of the Bakhshis of Khorasan

FR: La musique des Bakhshis du Khorasan

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 381

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Persian

01 Feb 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Music of Bakhshis of Khorassan’ (10:06):English/Persian

26 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Pahlevani and Zoorkhanei rituals

FR: Les rituels du Pahlevani et du Zoorkhanei

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 378

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English

15 Jan 2010
ICH inventory - National inventory:Persian/English

26 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Heroic (Pahlevani) and Palestra (Zoorkhanei) Rituals’ (10:05):English/Persian

26 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Ritual dramatic art of Ta‘zīye

FR: L’art dramatique rituel du Ta‘zīye

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 377

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Persian

26 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Ta'aziye’ (10:02):English

26 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Fars

FR: Les savoir-faire traditionnels du tissage des tapis du Fars

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 382

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Persian

15 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Fars’ (09:59):English

12 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Kashan

FR: Les savoir-faire traditionnels du tissage des tapis à Kashan

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 383

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English/Persian

15 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Kashan’ (09:59):English

26 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 May 2010
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EN: Kumiodori, traditional Okinawan musical theatre

FR: Le Kumiodori, théâtre traditionnel musical d’Okinawa

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 405

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English

09 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The origin of Kumiodori’ (07:17):English

09 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Yuki-tsumugi, silk fabric production technique

FR: Le Yuki-tsumugi, technique de production de soierie

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 406

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Japanese/English

28 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Yuki-tsumugi - Its History and Technique’ (08:47):English

28 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Sutartinės, Lithuanian multipart songs

FR: Les Sutartinės, chants lituaniens à plusieurs voix

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 433

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

01 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Lithuanian

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Lithuanian Multipart Songs -Sutartinès’ (10:00):English

12 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

30 Apr 2010
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EN: Hopping procession of Echternach

FR: La procession dansante d’Echternach

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 392

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

07 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:French

19 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:French

19 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (05:19):French

19 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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EN: Parachicos in the traditional January feast of Chiapa de Corzo

FR: Les Parachicos dans la fête traditionnelle de janvier à Chiapa de Corzo

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 399

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Spanish/English/French

25 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:59):English/Spanish

18 Mar 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Pirekua, traditional song of the P’urhépecha

FR: La Pirekua, chant traditionnel des P’urhépecha

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 398

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Spanish

13 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Pirekua, the P'urhépecha sings to life’ (07:38):English|Spanish

12 Feb 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Traditional Mexican cuisine - ancestral, ongoing community culture, the Michoacán paradigm

FR: La cuisine traditionnelle mexicaine - culture communautaire, vivante et ancestrale, le paradigme de Michoacán

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 400

Nomination form ICH-02:English en preparación|French

02 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

13 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mexican cuisine an enduring culture’ (09:52):English

02 Feb 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Mongolian traditional art of Khöömei

FR: L’art traditionnel du Khöömei mongol

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 396

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

03 Feb 2010
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

15 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongolian traditional art of Khöömei’ (10:01:00):English

15 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

23 Apr 2010
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EN: Naadam, Mongolian traditional festival

FR: Le Naadam, festival traditionnel mongol

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 395

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

27 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Mongolian/English

28 Aug 2009
Consent of communities - video:English/Mongolian (film)

28 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongol Naadam: Mongolian traditional festival’ (10:04):English

28 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Al-Bar’ah, music and dance of Oman Dhofari valleys

FR: Al-Bar’ah, musique et danse des vallées du Dhofar d’Oman

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 372

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Arabic/English

14 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Al Baraa’ (06:30):Arabic/English

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

08 Apr 2010
Answer from State on title/description - E-mail revision short description:English

20 Jul 2010
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EN: Huaconada, ritual dance of Mito

FR: La Huaconada, danse rituelle de Mito

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 390

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

06 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

27 Aug 2009
ICH inventory - National inventory:Spanish

27 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:01):Spanish

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Scissors dance

FR: La danse des ciseaux

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 391

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

Consent of communities:Spanish/English

27 Aug 2009
ICH inventory:Spanish

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
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Republic of Korea

EN: Daemokjang, traditional wooden architecture

FR: Le Daemokjang, architecture traditionnelle en bois

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 461

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Korean/English

20 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Daemokjang’ (10:40):English/Korean

17 Sep 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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Republic of Korea

EN: Gagok, lyric song cycles accompanied by an orchestra

FR: Le Gagok, cycles de chant lyrique accompagnés d’un orchestre

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 444

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English/Korean

20 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Gagok’ (10:06):English/Korean

17 Sep 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Chant of the Sybil on Majorca

FR: Le chant de la Sibylle de Majorque

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 360

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

15 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities (selection among more than 100 documents received):Catalan/Spanish/English

15 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘La, una tradició que batega’ (06:42):Catalan

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

23 Apr 2010
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EN: Flamenco

FR: Le Flamenco

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 363

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - extract, ~300pp:English / Spanish

27 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Flamenco’ (10:06):English|French| Spanish

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Human towers

FR: Les tours humaines

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 364

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Castells: human towers from Catalonia’ (09:56):English|French| Spanish|Catalan

28 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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Spain - Greece - Italy - Morocco

EN: Mediterranean diet

FR: La diète méditerranéenne

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 394

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

16 Feb 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of Chefchaouen community, Morocco:French/Arabic

04 Feb 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of Cilento community, Italy:Italian/French/English

04 Feb 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of Coron community, Greece:Greek/French/English

04 Feb 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of Soria community, Spain:French/Spanish

04 Feb 2010
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Spain:Spanish

04 Feb 2010
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Italy:Italian

04 Feb 2010
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Morocco:French

04 Feb 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mediterranean Diet’ (08:53):English|French

04 Feb 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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EN: Kırkpınar oil wrestling festival

FR: Le festival de lutte à l’huile de Kırkpınar

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 386

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Turkish/English

21 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Festival’ (08:56):Turkish/English

21 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
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EN: Semah, Alevi-Bektaşi ritual

FR: Le Semah, rituel Alevi-Bektaşi

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 384

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Turkish/English

21 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Anatolian Alawi Semahs’ (09:57):Turkish

21 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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EN: Traditional Sohbet meetings

FR: Les rencontres traditionnelles Sohbet

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 385

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Turkish/English

21 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Traditional Sohbet Meetings’ (09:26):Turkish

21 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

07 Apr 2010
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United Arab Emirates - Belgium - Czechia - France - Republic of Korea - Mongolia - Morocco - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic

EN: Falconry, a living human heritage

FR: La fauconnerie, un patrimoine humain vivant

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 442

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

22 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:Arabic/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Belgium:Dutch/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Czech Republic:Czech/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - France:French

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Republic of Korea:Korean/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Mongolia:Mongolian/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Qatar:Arabic/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Morocco:English/French

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:Arabic/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Syrian Arab Republic:Arabic/English

08 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Spain:English/Spanish

08 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Falconry our intangible cultural heritage’ (10:52):English

08 Jan 2010
Draft recommendation:English/French

06 May 2010
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Viet Nam

EN: Gióng festival of Phù Ðông and Sóc temples

FR: Les fêtes de Gióng des temples de Phù Ðông et de Sóc

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 443

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - Consent of communities (extract from 300pp):English/Vietnamese

12 Jan 2010
Consent of communities - video (consent beings at 45'39"):English

31 Aug 2009
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Gióng Festival (Phù Đổng abd Sóc Temples) ’ (09:58):English|French

31 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

22 Apr 2010
Answer from State on title/description - E-mail revision short description:English

27 Jul 2010
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EN: Sinjska Alka, a knights’ tournament in Sinj

FR: Le Sinjska Alka, un tournoi de chevalerie à Sinj

Representative List

Referencia del expediente: 357

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Jan 2010
Consent of communities:Croatian/English

13 Jan 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Sinjska alka, a knights' tournament in Sinj’ (09:14):English

15 Jun 2011
Film ‘Sinjska Alka - a Knights' Tournament in the city of Sinj’ (09:37):English en preparación

27 Aug 2009
Draft recommendation:English/French

30 Apr 2010