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No. de proyecto de decisión | Estado(s) | Título presentado | Documentos |
 | Armenia | EN: Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars FR: L’art des croix de pierre arméniennes. Symbolisme et savoir-faire des Khachkars Representative List Referencia del expediente: 434 | |
 | Azerbaijan | EN: Traditional art of Azerbaijani carpet weaving in the Republic of Azerbaijan FR: L’art traditionnel du tissage du tapis azerbaïdjanais en République d’Azerbaïdjan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 389 | |
 | Belgium | EN: Aalst carnival FR: Le carnaval d’Alost Representative List Referencia del expediente: 402 | |
 | Belgium | EN: Houtem Jaarmarkt, annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem FR: Houtem Jaarmarkt, foire annuelle d’hiver et marché aux bestiaux à Hautem-Saint-Liévin Representative List Referencia del expediente: 403 | |
 | Belgium | EN: Krakelingen and Tonnekensbrand, end-of-winter bread and fire feast at Geraardsbergen FR: Les Krakelingen et le Tonnekensbrand, fête du feu et du pain de la fin de l’hiver à Grammont Representative List Referencia del expediente: 401 | |
 | China | EN: Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine FR: L’acupuncture et la moxibustion de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise Representative List Referencia del expediente: 425 | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 14 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities: | Chinese/English | 01 Dec 2009 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘French version’ (08:47): | pronto disponible | 26 Mar 2025 |
Film ‘Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine (中医针灸)’ (08:47): | || | 01 Dec 2009 |
Draft recommendation: | English/French | 07 Apr 2010 |
 | China | EN: Peking opera FR: L’opéra de Pékin Representative List Referencia del expediente: 418 | |
 | Colombia | EN: Marimba music and traditional chants from Colombia’s South Pacific region FR: La musique Marimba et les chants traditionnels de la région sud du Pacifique colombien Representative List Referencia del expediente: 436 | |
 | Colombia | EN: Wayuu normative system, applied by the Pütchipü’üi (palabrero) FR: Le système normatif Wayuu, appliqué par le Pütchipü’üi (palabrero) Representative List Referencia del expediente: 435 | |
 | Croatia | EN: Gingerbread craft from Northern Croatia FR: L’art du pain d’épices en Croatie du Nord Representative List Referencia del expediente: 356 | |
 | Czechia | EN: Shrovetide door-to-door processions and masks in the villages of the Hlinecko area FR: Les défilés de porte-à-porte et masques des Jours gras dans les villages de la région de Hlinecko Representative List Referencia del expediente: 397 | |
 | France | EN: Compagnonnage, network for on-the-job transmission of knowledge and identities FR: Le compagnonnage, réseau de transmission des savoirs et des identités par le métier Representative List Referencia del expediente: 441 | |
 | France | EN: Craftsmanship of Alençon needle lace-making FR: Le savoir-faire de la dentelle au point d’Alençon Representative List Referencia del expediente: 438 | |
 | France | EN: Gastronomic meal of the French FR: Le repas gastronomique des Français Representative List Referencia del expediente: 437 | |
 | India | EN: Chhau dance FR: La danse Chhau Representative List Referencia del expediente: 337 | |
 | India | EN: Kalbelia folk songs and dances of Rajasthan FR: Les chants et danses populaires Kalbelia du Rajasthan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 340 | |
 | India | EN: Mudiyettu, ritual theatre and dance drama of Kerala FR: Le Mudiyettu, théâtre rituel et drame dansé du Kerala Representative List Referencia del expediente: 345 | |
 | Indonesia | EN: Indonesian Angklung FR: L’Angklung indonésien Representative List Referencia del expediente: 393 | |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Music of the Bakhshis of Khorasan FR: La musique des Bakhshis du Khorasan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 381 | |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Pahlevani and Zoorkhanei rituals FR: Les rituels du Pahlevani et du Zoorkhanei Representative List Referencia del expediente: 378 | |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Ritual dramatic art of Ta‘zīye FR: L’art dramatique rituel du Ta‘zīye Representative List Referencia del expediente: 377 | |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Fars FR: Les savoir-faire traditionnels du tissage des tapis du Fars Representative List Referencia del expediente: 382 | |
 | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | EN: Traditional skills of carpet weaving in Kashan FR: Les savoir-faire traditionnels du tissage des tapis à Kashan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 383 | |
 | Japan | EN: Kumiodori, traditional Okinawan musical theatre FR: Le Kumiodori, théâtre traditionnel musical d’Okinawa Representative List Referencia del expediente: 405 | |
 | Japan | EN: Yuki-tsumugi, silk fabric production technique FR: Le Yuki-tsumugi, technique de production de soierie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 406 | |
 | Lithuania | EN: Sutartinės, Lithuanian multipart songs FR: Les Sutartinės, chants lituaniens à plusieurs voix Representative List Referencia del expediente: 433 | |
 | Luxembourg | EN: Hopping procession of Echternach FR: La procession dansante d’Echternach Representative List Referencia del expediente: 392 | |
 | Mexico | EN: Parachicos in the traditional January feast of Chiapa de Corzo FR: Les Parachicos dans la fête traditionnelle de janvier à Chiapa de Corzo Representative List Referencia del expediente: 399 | |
 | Mexico | EN: Pirekua, traditional song of the P’urhépecha FR: La Pirekua, chant traditionnel des P’urhépecha Representative List Referencia del expediente: 398 | |
 | Mexico | EN: Traditional Mexican cuisine - ancestral, ongoing community culture, the Michoacán paradigm FR: La cuisine traditionnelle mexicaine - culture communautaire, vivante et ancestrale, le paradigme de Michoacán Representative List Referencia del expediente: 400 | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Mongolian traditional art of Khöömei FR: L’art traditionnel du Khöömei mongol Representative List Referencia del expediente: 396 | |
 | Mongolia | EN: Naadam, Mongolian traditional festival FR: Le Naadam, festival traditionnel mongol Representative List Referencia del expediente: 395 | |
 | Oman | EN: Al-Bar’ah, music and dance of Oman Dhofari valleys FR: Al-Bar’ah, musique et danse des vallées du Dhofar d’Oman Representative List Referencia del expediente: 372 | |
 | Peru | EN: Huaconada, ritual dance of Mito FR: La Huaconada, danse rituelle de Mito Representative List Referencia del expediente: 390 | |
 | Peru | EN: Scissors dance FR: La danse des ciseaux Representative List Referencia del expediente: 391 | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Daemokjang, traditional wooden architecture FR: Le Daemokjang, architecture traditionnelle en bois Representative List Referencia del expediente: 461 | |
 | Republic of Korea | EN: Gagok, lyric song cycles accompanied by an orchestra FR: Le Gagok, cycles de chant lyrique accompagnés d’un orchestre Representative List Referencia del expediente: 444 | |
 | Spain | EN: Chant of the Sybil on Majorca FR: Le chant de la Sibylle de Majorque Representative List Referencia del expediente: 360 | |
 | Spain | EN: Flamenco FR: Le Flamenco Representative List Referencia del expediente: 363 | |
 | Spain | EN: Human towers FR: Les tours humaines Representative List Referencia del expediente: 364 | |
 | Spain - Greece - Italy - Morocco | EN: Mediterranean diet FR: La diète méditerranéenne Representative List Referencia del expediente: 394 | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 16 Feb 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of Chefchaouen community, Morocco: | French/Arabic | 04 Feb 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of Cilento community, Italy: | Italian/French/English | 04 Feb 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of Coron community, Greece: | Greek/French/English | 04 Feb 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of Soria community, Spain: | French/Spanish | 04 Feb 2010 |
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Spain: | Spanish | 04 Feb 2010 |
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Italy: | Italian | 04 Feb 2010 |
ICH inventory - ICH inventory - Morocco: | French | 04 Feb 2010 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Mediterranean Diet’ (08:53): | | | 04 Feb 2010 |
Draft recommendation: | English/French | 06 May 2010 |
 | Türkiye | EN: Kırkpınar oil wrestling festival FR: Le festival de lutte à l’huile de Kırkpınar Representative List Referencia del expediente: 386 | |
 | Türkiye | EN: Semah, Alevi-Bektaşi ritual FR: Le Semah, rituel Alevi-Bektaşi Representative List Referencia del expediente: 384 | |
 | Türkiye | EN: Traditional Sohbet meetings FR: Les rencontres traditionnelles Sohbet Representative List Referencia del expediente: 385 | |
 | United Arab Emirates - Belgium - Czechia - France - Republic of Korea - Mongolia - Morocco - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic | EN: Falconry, a living human heritage FR: La fauconnerie, un patrimoine humain vivant Representative List Referencia del expediente: 442 | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 22 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates: | Arabic/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Belgium: | Dutch/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Czech Republic: | Czech/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - France: | French | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Republic of Korea: | Korean/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Mongolia: | Mongolian/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Qatar: | Arabic/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Morocco: | English/French | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia: | Arabic/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Syrian Arab Republic: | Arabic/English | 08 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities - Spain: | English/Spanish | 08 Jan 2010 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Falconry our intangible cultural heritage’ (10:52): | | 08 Jan 2010 |
Draft recommendation: | English/French | 06 May 2010 |
 | Viet Nam | EN: Gióng festival of Phù Ðông and Sóc temples FR: Les fêtes de Gióng des temples de Phù Ðông et de Sóc Representative List Referencia del expediente: 443 | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 12 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - Consent of communities (extract from 300pp): | English/Vietnamese | 12 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities - video (consent beings at 45'39"): | | 31 Aug 2009 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Gióng Festival (Phù Đổng abd Sóc Temples)
’ (09:58): | | | 31 Aug 2009 |
Draft recommendation: | English/French | 22 Apr 2010 |
Answer from State on title/description - E-mail revision short description: | English | 27 Jul 2010 |
 | Croatia | EN: Sinjska Alka, a knights’ tournament in Sinj FR: Le Sinjska Alka, un tournoi de chevalerie à Sinj Representative List Referencia del expediente: 357 | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 13 Jan 2010 |
Consent of communities: | Croatian/English | 13 Jan 2010 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘The Sinjska alka, a knights' tournament in Sinj’ (09:14): | | 15 Jun 2011 |
Film ‘Sinjska Alka - a Knights' Tournament in the city of Sinj’ (09:37): | English en preparación | 27 Aug 2009 |
Draft recommendation: | English/French | 30 Apr 2010 |