Resolution of the General Assembly: 10.GA 9 ADD.

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/10.GA/9 Add.,
  2. Recalling Resolutions 8.GA 12 and 9.GA 7, as well as Decisions 12.COM 13, 12.COM 17, 14.COM 15 and 18.COM 15,
  3. Takes note of the proposed plan for ensuring geographical balance amongst accredited NGOs under the 2003 Convention, including relevant financial resources identified on an experimental basis, and expresses its appreciation to States Parties, the ICH NGO Forum, Category 2 Centres and other stakeholders for contributing their views through the consultation process;
  4. Encourages the Secretariat, the ICH NGO Forum, Category 2 Centres and other stakeholders to implement the above-mentioned plan;
  5. Requests the Secretariat to report on the results of the actions taken for examination by the twentieth session of the Committee in 2025 and the eleventh session of the General Assembly in 2026.
