In 2021, States Parties to the 2003 Convention and observers were invited to participate in Parts I and II meetings of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the 2003 Convention, as follows:

  • Part I (online, 8 and 9 July 2021): the working group discussed the recommendations of the Category VI meeting of experts in order to decide on a general direction to take for the reform of the listing system of the Convention (recordings available).
In the island found in lake Zeway, the tabot (replicas of the Ark of the Covenant) of the parish chruch is accompanied with boats. Read more on the element
© Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (ARCCH), Ethiopia, 2018
  • Part II (online, 9 and 10 September 2021): on the basis of Part I of the meeting, the working group agreed to recommend specific changes to be made in line with the general direction chosen in Part I, and adopted Recommendations to submit to the sixteenth session of the Committee (recordings available).

At the sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, 13 to 18 December 2021), the Committee examined draft amendments to the Operational Directives and submitted them to the ninth session of the General Assembly for its approval in July 2022 (Decision 16.COM 14 ).

At the same time, the Committee decided to extend the mandate of the working group by convening a Part III meeting in April 2022 in order to discuss and conclude on other issues raised during the Parts I and II meeting as well as during the sixteenth session of the Committee. It further decided to convene an extraordinary session of the Committee to examine any further proposals of the extended working group for potential presentation to the ninth session of the General Assembly in mid-2022.

Bureau Members
Chairperson: H.E. Mr Atsuyuki Oike (Japan)
Vice-Chairpersons: Germany, Poland, Peru, Côte d’Ivoire, Kuwait

The working documents for Part I (8 and 9 July 2021), Part II (9 and 10 September 2021) as well as for Part III (25 and 26 April 2022) can be found below.


  • Recommendations of Part I of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group: English|French
  • Recommendations of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group (2021) : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/Recommendations)
  • Recommendations of Part III of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group (2022) : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/Recommendations)


Part III - 25 and 26 April 2022

Consult the recordings

  • Agenda, objectives and working methodology (Part III) : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/9)
  • Towards a reformed listing system (Part III): Issues linked to the annual number of files : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/10)
  • Other issues requiring further reflection (Part III) : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/11)
  • Report to the Intergovernmental Committee : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/12)
  • General information : English|French (LHE/22/17.COM WG/INF.9)

Part II - 9 and 10 September 2021

Consult the recordings

  • Agenda and Timetable (Part II) : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/4)
  • Summary of Part I and meeting objectives for Part II : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/5)
  • Towards a reformed listing system (Part II): Transfer, removal and extension of elements inscribed on the Lists : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/6)
  • Other issues requiring further reflection : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/7)
  • Report to the Intergovernmental Committee : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/8)
  • Ways forward : English/French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/8-Ways forward)
  • Summary Records of Part II : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM/INF.14)

Part I - 8 and 9 July 2021

Consult the recordings

  • Agenda and Timetable (Part I) : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/1)
  • Progress to date and meeting objectives : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/2)
  • Towards a reformed listing system : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/3)
  • Report of the experts meeting (Category VI): English|French (LHE/21/EXP/7)
  • General information : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM WG/INF.1)
  • Summary Records of Part I : English|French (LHE/21/16.COM/INF.14)