Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 8.COM 12

The Committee,

  1. Having examined Document ITH/13/8.COM/12,
  2. Recalling Article 25.5 of the Convention and Chapter II of the Operational Directives,
  3. Commends Brazil for its generous offer of a voluntary supplementary contribution to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support a capacity-building programme benefitting Paraguay;
  4. Accepts with gratitude the generous contribution of Brazil, approves the specific capacity-building programme proposed in that document and requests the Secretariat to move forward with its implementation;
  5. Recognizes the significant and diverse needs in many countries to strengthen their capacities for implementation of the Convention at both the national and international levels;
  6. Further commends Viet Nam for its generous offer of a voluntary supplementary contribution to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund to support an expert meeting on intangible cultural heritage and climate change;
  7. Accepts with gratitude the generous contribution of Viet Nam, approves the expert meeting proposed in that document and requests the Secretariat to move forward with its implementation;
  8. Takes note that States have made use of different forms of support, financial or in-kind, such as earmarked or unrestricted supplementary voluntary contributions to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund or the sub-fund for enhancing the human capacities of the Secretariat, Funds-in-Trust, appropriations to the Regular Programme or loaned personnel;
  9. Thanks all the contributors that have supported the Convention and its Secretariat, since its last session, namely Azerbaijan, China, Italy, Japan, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates;
  10. Encourages other States to consider the possibility of supporting the Convention through the modality of their choice.
