Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 15.COM 6

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/20/15.COM/6 and its annex,

  2. Recalling Decision COM 17 and Decision 14.COM 15 as well as Resolution 8.GA 12,

  3. Takes note of the first report of the ICH NGO Forum, in particular:

    a. the Forum’s mission, activities and organizational development,

    b. its programme and initiatives during 2019–2020,

    c. its views on the role of accredited non-governmental organizations and that of the Forum under the Convention;

  4. Acknowledges the recent effort by the ICH NGO Forum to strengthen its governance, the participatory approach privileged for its operations, as well as the services it renders to communities and to civil society at large, in line with the principles and objectives of the Convention;

  5. Appreciates the activities of the ICH NGO Forum at the international level that are associated with the work of the Committee, including symposia and capacity building, amongst others, in addition to the timely contributions it has made to accompany the Committee in its topics of reflection;

  6. Further takes notes of the request by the ICH NGO Forum to enhance the participation of accredited non-governmental organizations in the global capacity-building programme of the Convention as well as of its readiness to assume an enhanced advisory role to the Committee, especially with regards to specific thematic issues, the sharing of experiences of good safeguarding practices, the follow-up of inscribed elements, the assessment of periodic reporting and the identification of new non-governmental organizations to be accredited in under-represented regions;

  7. Expresses its appreciation to governmental entities, notably Singapore, which took an active part in the activities of the Forum and provided generous support with their realization, and encourages States Parties to consider the possibility of providing financial support for the work of the ICH NGO Forum through the modality of their choice;

  8. Decides to include a separate item on the ‘Report of the non-governmental organisations forum’ on the provisional agenda of its sixteenth session.
