Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 14.COM 15

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/19/14.COM/15,
  2. Recalling Resolution 7.GA 11, as well as Decisions 12.COM 17 and 13.COM 13,
  3. Further recalling documents ITH/17/12.COM/17 and ITH/18/13.COM/13, as well as documents LHE/19/NGO/2 and LHE/19/NGO/3 developed during the reflection process on the advisory functions to be performed by accredited non-governmental organizations,
  4. Thanks the Secretariat, accredited non-governmental organizations, the ICH NGO Forum, the informal ad hoc open-ended working group and States Parties for carrying out a reflection on the advisory functions to be fulfilled by accredited non-governmental organizations;
  5. Acknowledges the important role and untapped potential of the ICH NGO Forum and accredited non-governmental organizations in providing support to the implementation of the Convention;
  6. Requests that the Secretariat gather relevant information from accredited non-governmental organizations in order to develop a mapping of their domains of competence, taking into consideration their capacities;
  7. Encourages States Parties, the ICH NGO Forum, accredited non-governmental organizations, category 2 centres and UNESCO Chairs to organize capacity-building activities for newly accredited non-governmental organizations and for non-governmental organizations that may be interested in seeking accreditation in the future, with a particular focus on non-governmental organizations based in under-represented regions;
  8. Further requests that the Secretariat report on the outcomes of the consultation process to the eighth session of the General Assembly in 2020;
  9. Decides to include a separate item on ‘Report of the Non-Governmental Organizations Forum’, on an experimental basis, at its fifteenth session.
