Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 1.COM 6

The Committee,
  1. Having examined document ITH/06/1.COM/CONF.204/6;
  2. Recalling articles 8 and 9 of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage;
  3. Considering that it wishes to be assisted by practitioners of intangible cultural heritage, non-governmental organizations, experts and centers of expertise with recognized competence in the field of intangible cultural heritage that assume functions such as presented in paragraph 5 of document ITH/06/1.COM/CONF.204/6;
  4. Decides to continue the consideration, enriched by the debates at its present session, with regard to the need to establish or not to establish an advisory body as stated in paragraph 4 of document ITH/06/1.COM/CONF.204/6;
  5. Requests the Director-General to submit a proposal on the criteria that would determine the accreditation of practitioners of intangible cultural heritage, non-governmental organizations, experts and centers of expertise with recognized competence in the field of intangible cultural heritage, at its second session;
  6. Invites the States Parties to the Convention to submit proposals before 31 January 2007 regarding the accreditation and representativeness criteria of practitioners of intangible cultural heritage, non-governmental organizations, experts and centers of expertise with recognized competence in the field of intangible cultural heritage to be considered at its next session.
