Resultados : 180 actividades correspondiendo a 6 regiones

“La Festa di Sant’Antuono e le Battuglie di Pastellessa” Photo Exhibition
14-12-2023 Macerata Campania (Italia)
Célébration du 20e anniversaire pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’Humanité
14-12-2023 Cognac (Francia)
Publication 'Performing Arts and Intercultural Dialogue'
13/14-12-2023 (Italia)
Conference "Twenty years of UNESCO intangible cultural heritage"
13/14-12-2023 Bologna (Italia)
Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage: connect ocean topics to intangible cultural heritage in your school / Webinar for teachers and educators
13-12-2023 Online (-)
Muestra audiovisual 'Tejiendo Patrimonio' / Audiovisual exhibition 'Weaving Heritage'
07/29-12-2023 (Ecuador)
Las canciones que me cantan mi abuela y mi abuelo. “The songs that my grandparents sing me”
07/31-12-2023 (Chile)
Virtual Students Conference: The Transmission of Cultural Craft Knowledge
06-12-2023 Online (Canadá)
Publication ‘20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage: strategies and experiences from Latin America and the Caribbean’
06-12-2023 Latin America and the Caribbean countries (Brasil)
Présentation de l’affiche de l’ADACO relative à la célébration du 20ème anniversaire de la Convention sur le Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel
04/05-12-2023 Libreville (Gabón)