Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 17/19-10-2023 Riyadh (Arabia Saudita)
International Conference “Dwelling on Space: representation and safeguarding of its tangible and intangible heritage” 17-10-2023 Naples (Italia)
"Living Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean" photo exhibition 17-10-2023/31-01-2024 Havana (Cuba)
Workshop ‘Tuskegee, Alabama: The Unsung Epicenter of Black Excellence’ 15-10-2023 Tuskegee (Estados Unidos de America (los))
UNESCO Week 2023 "From Generation to Generation" dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the 2003 Convention 14/21-10-2023 Online (Letonia)
Lancement du webdocumentaire «Les Routes de la Transe» en version kibushi 13-10-2023 Online - Mayotte (Francia)