Nomination files for inscription in 2011 on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding (item 8 on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be evaluated by the Committee for possible inscription in 2011 on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Each nomination includes (i) a nomination form ICH-01 with the narrative elements of the nomination file, (ii) a demonstration of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a short video.

The recommendations of the Consultative Body for the inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2011 are available in document ITH/11/6.COM/CONF.206/8 (inglés|francés).

Expedientes (23)

8.1 - 8.2 - 8.3 - 8.4 - 8.5 - 8.6 - 8.7 - 8.8 - 8.9 - 8.10 - 8.11 - 8.12 - 8.13 - 8.14 - 8.15 - 8.16 - 8.17 - 8.18 - 8.19 - 8.20 - 8.21 - 8.22 - 8.23
No. de
proyecto de
Estado(s)Título presentadoDocumentos
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EN: Ashoogh love romance: performance, music and text of the Armenian bard tradition

FR: L’épopée lyrique des achoughs : pratiques, musiques et textes de la tradition des bardes arméniens

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 529

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

13 May 2011
Consent of communities:English/Armenian

18 Apr 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Video featuring "Sayat-Nova" Ashoogh song's Ensemble’ (10:22):Armenian

18 Apr 2011
6.COM 8.1:


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EN: Vardavar, Armenian summertime water festival

FR: Vardavar, fête arménienne de l’eau

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 528

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

19 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Armenian

18 Apr 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Video featuring fragments from Vardavar’ (08:04):Armenian

13 May 2011
6.COM 8.2:


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EN: Yaokwa, the Enawene Nawe people's ritual for the maintenance of social and cosmic order

FR: Le Yaokwa, rituel du peuple Enawene Nawe pour le maintien de l’ordre social et cosmique

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 521

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

25 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English|Portuguese

02 Apr 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Yaokwa’ (09:56):Portuguese (subtitled in English)

02 Apr 2010
6.COM 8.3:


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EN: Long-necked lute and epic singing in Cambodia

FR: Le chant épique accompagné du luth chapey au Cambodge

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 519

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

07 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English

20 May 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Chapey Dang Veng performance of Cambodia’ (09:44):Khmer

01 Feb 2011
6.COM 8.4:


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Central African Republic

EN: Traditional Ango-Broto fanfare in Ouaka Prefecture

FR: La fanfare traditionnelle Ango-Broto dans la Préfecture de la Ouaka

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 492

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

30 May 2011
Consent of communities:French

30 May 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Fanfare traditionnelle Ango Broto’ (10:56):French

10 May 2011
6.COM 8.5:


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EN: Hezhen Yimakan storytelling

FR: Le Yimakan, les récits oraux des Hezhen

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 530

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

21 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Hezhen Yimakan Storytelling’ (08:47):English

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.6:


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EN: Paach ceremony

FR: La cérémonie de la Paach

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 516

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

16 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English|Spanish

05 Jan 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Ceremonial Video of 'La Paach'’ (09:59):English

21 Mar 2011
6.COM 8.7:


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EN: Saman dance

FR: La danse Saman

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 509

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

10 Jan 2011
Consent of communities:English/Indonesian

30 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Saman Dance’ (10:00):English

30 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.8:


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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Naqqāli, Iranian dramatic story-telling

FR: Le Naqqāli, narration dramatique iranienne

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 535

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

04 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Persian

29 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Naqaali Iranian Dramatic Story-telling’ (09:38):English

29 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.9:


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Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Traditional skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj boats in the Persian Gulf

FR: Les compétences traditionnelles de construction et de navigation des bateaux iraniens Lenj dans le golfe Persique

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 534

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

28 Mar 2011
Consent of communities:English/Persian

28 Apr 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Traditional skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj boats in the Persian Gulf’ (10:00):English

29 Apr 2011
6.COM 8.10:


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EN: Enkipaata, Eunoto and Olngesherr: three male rites of passage of the Maasai community

FR: Enkipaata, Eunoto et Olngesherr : trois rites de passage masculins de la communauté masaï

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 523

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

08 Mar 2011
Consent of communities - video:English

07 Apr 2010
Consent of communities:English

07 Apr 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Rich heritage of the Maasai’ (08:48):English

07 Apr 2010
6.COM 8.11:


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EN: Secret society of the Kôrêdugaw, the rite of wisdom in Mali

FR: La société secrète des Kôrêdugaw, rite de sagesse du Mali

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 520

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

21 Mar 2011
Consent of communities:French

31 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘’ (09:31):French

01 Mar 2011
6.COM 8.12:


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EN: Moorish epic T’heydinn

FR: L’épopée maure T’heydinne

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 524

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

12 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:French

26 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘T'heydinne’ (10:33):Arabic (subtitled in French)

26 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.13:


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EN: Coaxing ritual for camel calves

FR: Le rituel pour amadouer les chamelons

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 548

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

15 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

27 May 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘The Mongolian Traditional Coaxing Rituals for Baby Animals: Special case of the Baby Camels (calves)’ (09:50):English

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.14:


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EN: Folk long song performance technique of Limbe performances - circular breathing

FR: La technique d’interprétation du chant long des joueurs de flûte limbe – la respiration circulaire

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 543

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

11 Mar 2011
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

26 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Circular Breathing Performance of the Limbe’ (10:02):English

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.15:


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EN: Mongolian calligraphy

FR: La calligraphie mongole

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 545

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

13 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

19 Apr 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongolian calligraphy’ (10:00):English

30 Mar 2011
6.COM 8.16:


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EN: Mongolian traditional Cham dance

FR: La danse traditionnelle Tsam de Mongolie

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 542

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

13 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

26 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongolian Traditional Cham Dance’ (10:13):English

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.17:


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EN: Mongolian traditional practices of the worshipping of sacred sites

FR: Les pratiques traditionnelles mongoles de vénération de sites sacrés

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 544

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

08 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English/Mongolian

26 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongolian traditional practices for the worshipping of sacred sites’ (10:16):English

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.18:


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EN: Performance of the Mongolian epic of Jangar

FR: Le chant de l’épopée mongole de Jangar

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 541

Note: Withdrawn at the request of submitting State

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

13 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English|Mongolian

26 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Mongol Jangar’ (10:02):English|Mongolian

31 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.19:


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EN: Esuwa, Harakbut sung prayers of Peru’s Wachiperi people

FR: Esuwa, prières chantées en Harakbut des Wachiperi du Pérou

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 531

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

16 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English/Spanish

30 Mar 2010
Consent of communities - Material (arrow):English

30 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Eshuva songs’ (07:39):Spanish

30 Mar 2010

13 Dec 2021
6.COM 8.20:


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United Arab Emirates

EN: Al Sadu, traditional weaving skills in the United Arab Emirates

FR: Al Sadu, tissage traditionnel dans les Émirats arabes unis

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 517

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

07 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

07 Feb 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Al Sadu: traditional weaving skills in the UAE’ (10:06):English

07 Feb 2011
Decision - 6.COM 8.21:English|French

25 Nov 2011
6.COM 8.21:


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United Arab Emirates

EN: Children's traditional games in the United Arab Emirates

FR: Les jeux traditionnels pour enfants des Émirats arabes unis

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 518

Note: not inscribed

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

14 Feb 2011
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

14 Feb 2011
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Urgent Safeguarding of 11 Children's Traditional Games in the United Arab Emirates’ (09:51):English

14 Feb 2011
6.COM 8.22:


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Viet Nam

EN: Xoan singing of Phú Thọ Province, Viet Nam

FR: Le chant Xoan de la Province de Phú Thọ (Viet Nam)

Urgent Safeguarding List

Referencia del expediente: 538

Note: inscribed - later transfered to RL

Nomination form ICH-01:English|French

13 Apr 2011
Consent of communities:English/Vietnamese

29 Mar 2010
Fotografías obligatorias:Presentación de diapositivas
Film ‘Xoan singing – the Cultural Heritage of Phú Thọ province, Vietnam’ (09:59):English

29 Mar 2010
6.COM 8.23:

