Latest news and events
Periodic reporting
On the implementation of the Convention
On Urgent Safeguarding List elements
Rituals and practices associated with Kit Mikayi shrine
Enkipaata, Eunoto and Olng'esherr, three male rites of passage of the Maasai community
Isukuti dance of Isukha and Idakho communities of Western Kenya
Traditions and practices associated with the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda
Strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and contributing to sustainable development in Kenya
1 July 2022 – 1 June 2025Amount (US$) 75,938
Strengthening capacities for periodic reporting under the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa
1 July 2023 – 1 July 2024Amount (US$) 250,000
Strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa
29 March 2025 – 29 March 2025Amount (US$) 59,571
Safeguarding of Enkipaata, Eunoto and Olng'esherr, three male rites of passage of the Maasai community
17 February 2017 – 12 February 2020Amount (US$) 144,430
Promotion of traditional pottery making practices in Eastern Kenya
14 September 2016 – 11 December 2017Amount (US$) 23,388
Documenting and inventorying intangible cultural heritage of the pastoralist Samburu community in northern Kenya: a focus on the region of Mount Kulal biosphere reserve
4 December 2015 – 31 May 2016Amount (US$) 24,038
Rituals and practices associated with Kit Mikayi Shrine of the Luo community in Kenya
23 December 2013 – 31 March 2015Amount (US$) 17,668
Traditions and practices associated with the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda
1 July 2011 – 19 December 2014Amount (US$) 126,580
Safeguarding traditional foodways of two communities in Kenya
1 September 2009 – 1 March 2013Amount (US$) 68,930
Traditions and practices associated to the Kayas
19 December 2008 – 30 April 2009Amount (US$) 6,000
Safeguarding traditional Somali performing arts
1 April 2008 – 1 March 2009Amount (US$) 40,000