International Assistance Requests - 13.COM 2.BUR, June 2018

The request and background documents (intial requests and additional information letters) are presented in the table below.

Files to be evaluated (9)

State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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EN: National Folk Festival of Gjirokastra (NFFoGj), 50 years of best practice in safeguarding Albanian intangible heritage

FR: Le Festival folklorique national de Gjirokastra (NFFoGj), 50 ans de meilleures pratiques de sauvegarde du patrimoine immatériel albanais

Amount (US$):  9,800

Register of good practices - preparatory assistance

Core documents
Budget and timetable:English|French

05 Apr 2018
Request form ICH-06:English|French

25 Apr 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 6:English|French

12 Jun 2018
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EN: Intangible cultural heritage as a basis for resilience, reconciliation and construction of peace environments in Colombia's post-agreements

FR: Le patrimoine culturel immatériel comme socle de résilience, de réconciliation et de création d’un environnement pacifique dans la Colombie post- accords

Amount (US$):  99,400

Emergency IA request

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

16 Apr 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

16 Apr 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 5:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Budget and timetable - with proposed adjustments:English

24 May 2019
Budget and timetable - adjusted:English

11 Jul 2018
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EN: Inventorying intangible cultural heritage in nine regions of Chad in view of its safeguarding

FR: Projet d'inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel au Tchad dans neuf régions du pays en vue de sa sauvegarde

Amount (US$):  98,544

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

03 May 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

03 May 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.1:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:French

08 Feb 2018
Budget and timetable:French

10 Nov 2017
Request form ICH-04:French

04 Oct 2017
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EN: Programme in support of the education system for the transmission of intangible cultural heritage (PASS-TPCI)

FR: Programme d'appui au système scolaire pour la transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel (PASS-TPCI)

Amount (US$):  98,970

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

06 Apr 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

25 Apr 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.2:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:French

13 Feb 2018
Request form ICH-04:French

08 Jan 2018
Budget and timetable:French

08 Jan 2018
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EN: Safeguarding of practices and rare rituals related to sacred sites in Kyrgyzstan: preparation of an inventory and safeguarding measures

FR: La sauvegarde des pratiques et des rituels rares liés aux sites sacrés au Kirghizistan: préparation d'un inventaire et de mesures de sauvegarde

Amount (US$):  99,950

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

08 Jan 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

08 Jan 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.3:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:English

04 Oct 2017
Request form ICH-04 - revised (post approval):English

19 Sep 2019
Budget and timetable - revised (post approval):English

19 Sep 2018
Request form ICH-04:English

01 Jun 2017
Budget and timetable:English

01 Jun 2017
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EN: Okuruuo, Holy Fire and the associated rituals

FR: L’okuruuo, feu sacré et ses rituels

Amount (US$):  100,000

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

01 Nov 2017
Budget and timetable:English|French

01 Nov 2017
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.4:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:English

05 Feb 2018
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EN: Safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage of Tajik traditional embroidery

FR: La sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel de la broderie traditionnelle tadjike

Amount (US$):  44,500

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

13 Apr 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

13 Apr 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.5:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:English

08 Feb 2018
Request form ICH-04:English

27 Apr 2017
Budget and timetable:English

27 Apr 2017
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EN: Community-based inventorying and transmission of intangible cultural heritage in the island of Tongatapu in Tonga

FR: La réalisation d'un inventaire avec la participation des communautés et transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel dans l'île de Tongatapu aux Tonga

Amount (US$):  85,913

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

10 May 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

22 Mar 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.6:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:English

31 Oct 2017
Request form ICH-04:English

31 Aug 2017
Budget and timetable:English

31 Aug 2017
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EN: Strengthening the capacity of community museums to promote inscribed intangible cultural heritage elements

FR: Le renforcement de la capacité des musées communautaires à promouvoir des éléments inscrits au patrimoine culturel immatériel

Amount (US$):  64,750

Assistance Request (BUR)

Core documents
Request form ICH-04:English|French

27 Mar 2018
Budget and timetable:English|French

27 Mar 2018
Background documents
Decision - Decision 13.COM 2.BUR 4.7:English|French

12 Jun 2018
Additional information request:English

06 Feb 2018
Request form ICH-04:English

21 Dec 2017
Budget and timetable:English

21 Dec 2017