Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 8.COM 9.B

The Committee,

  1. Having examined Document ITH/13/8.COM/9.b,
  2. Recalling chapters I.2, I.7, I.9 and I.15 of the Operational Directives related to the inscription of intangible cultural heritage elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,
  3. Establishes a subsidiary body for the evaluation of nominations for possible inscription on the Representative List in 2014 and adopts the terms of reference as presented in the Annex to this decision, in accordance with Rule 21 of its Rules of Procedure;
  4. Decides that the Subsidiary Body shall consist of Greece (Group I), Latvia (Group II), Peru (Group III), Kyrgyzstan (Group IV), Nigeria (Group V(a)) and Tunisia (Group V(b)).


Terms of Reference of the Subsidiary Body

The Subsidiary Body


shall be composed of a State Member of each electoral group;


shall elect its Chairperson and, if necessary, its Vice-Chairperson(s) and its Rapporteur;


shall hold private meetings in accordance with Rule 19 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee;


shall be responsible for the evaluation of nominations for inscription on the Representative List in 2014 in conformity with the related paragraphs of the Operational Directives for the Implementation of the Convention. It shall, in particular, include in its evaluation:



an assessment of any nomination’s conformity with the inscription criteria as provided in paragraph 2 of the Operational Directives;



a recommendation to inscribe or not to inscribe the element submitted to the Committee, or a referral of the nomination to the submitting State for additional information;


shall provide the Committee with a report on its evaluation and its recommendations;


shall cease to exist following submission to the ninth session of the Committee of the report on its evaluation.
