Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 6.COM 13.28

The Committee

  1. Takes note that Japan has nominated Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, Takayama spring and autumn float festivals for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, described as follows:

Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji is a festive event celebrated twice yearly by inhabitants of the centre of Takayama City, Japan. The Spring Festival is celebrated by the Sanno Festival section in April to mark the annual ritual of the Hie Shrine, at which the indigenous deity of Takayama is worshipped. The Autumn Festival is celebrated in October by the Hachiman Festival section to mark the ritual of the Hachiman Shrine, a tutelary shrine. Both events feature elegantly decorated floats, some of which are equipped with marionettes operated from below through an ingenious system of strings. These are towed through the parish to the shrines by the respective communities. A group of parishioners proudly maintain the floats and marionettes using a range of woodworking techniques and skills in making lacquer and fine metal ornaments. Another group is responsible for carrying a portable shrine upon a palanquin. The float-makers administer the event and undertake to preserve the traditions and train successors through associations created to preserve the two shrine festivals. The festival preserves the bonds of daily life and reinforces mutual respect among people living in the local communities of this region.

  1. Decides that, from the information provided in nomination file 00409, Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, Takayama spring and autumn float festivals satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List, as follows:

R.1    Constantly recreated by its community, the festival of Takayama demonstrates widespread social inclusion, and provides the community with a sense of identity and continuity;

R.3:   The ongoing and proposed efforts of the communities and the State authorities aim at awareness raising, training sessions and the procurement of materials necessary to practise the element;

R.4:   The communities have participated in defining the proposed and ongoing safeguarding activities, and the nomination demonstrates their free, prior and informed consent;

R.5:   With the participation and consent of the concerned associations, Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji was inscribed in 1979 as an Important Intangible Cultural Property on the national inventory maintained by the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

  1. Further decides that the information provided in nomination file 00409, Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, Takayama spring and autumn float festivals, is not sufficient to allow the Committee to determine whether the criterion for inscription on the Representative List is satisfied, as follows:

R.2:   Since the element closely resembles, both formally and symbolically, both Yamahoko, the float ceremony of the Kyoto Gion festival and Hitachi Furyumono that are already inscribed on the Representative List, the State should explain how its inscription will contribute to promoting greater added awareness of the significance of the intangible cultural heritage.

  1. Decides to refer the nomination of Takayama Matsuri no Yatai Gyoji, Takayama spring and autumn float festivals to the submitting State Party and invites it to resubmit the nomination in a subsequent cycle, providing the additional information specified with regard to criterion R.2.
