Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 4.COM 20

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/09/4.COM/CONF.209/20;
  2. Recalling Article 29 of the Convention;
  3. Also recalling Chapter IV of the Operational Directives, and in particular its paragraphs 97 and 105;
  4. Decides to adopt the guidelines and formats for the submission of reports on the implementation of the Convention and on the status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and reports on the status of elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, as annexed to this decision, it being understood that they shall be subject to further revision to reflect the debate of the Committee;
  5. Requests the Secretariat to inform States concerned at least twelve months prior to the respective deadline for submission of such reports.


Reporting to the Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage on the implementation of the Convention and on the elements inscribed on the Lists

Forms ICH-10 and ICH-11

This document is available at the following web address:

Overview of the reporting obligations

  1. States Parties shall periodically submit to the Committee:
    1. A report on the measures taken for the implementation of the Convention at the national level, which shall include reports on the current status of all elements of intangible cultural heritage present in its territory that have been inscribed on the Representative List;
    2. Reports on the status of elements of intangible cultural heritage present in its territory that have been inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List.
  2. Reports to the Committee on the measures taken for the implementation of the Convention at the national level (Form ICH-10) must be received by UNESCO on or before 15 December of the sixth year following the year in which the State Party deposited its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, and every sixth year thereafter.
  3. Reports to the Committee on the status of elements of intangible cultural heritage present in its territory that have been inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List (Form ICH-11) should normally be received by UNESCO on or before 15 December of the fourth year following the year in which the element was inscribed, and every fourth year thereafter. However, the Committee may on a case-by-case basis establish a specific timetable for reporting on these elements that will take precedence over the normal four-year cycle. If such a timetable is established, the report must be received by UNESCO at least three months before the session in which the Committee will discuss the requested report, as indicated in the timetable.
  4. States non party to the Convention that have in their territories items proclaimed Masterpieces incorporated in the Representative List and that have consented to accept the rights and obligations attendant thereon shall report to the Committee on those elements in 2014 and every sixth year thereafter. They shall use sections A, C and D of Form ICH-10 for this purpose.

Receipt and processing of reports

  1. States shall submit the reports in English or French, the working languages of the Committee, using Forms ICH-10 and ICH-11 prepared to that effect. States are encouraged, whenever possible, to submit their reports in both languages. The original signed copy(ies) shall be sent to the following address:

UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Section
Culture Sector
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15

Tel: +33 (0) 1 45 68 43 95
Fax: +33 (0) 1 45 68 57 52 (for correspondence only, not reports)

Reports, whenever possible, shall also be transmitted in electronic format, on CD-ROM or through Internet. They shall be prepared in standard .rtf, or .doc format, using a font size of 10 or larger.

  1. The report shall conclude with the original signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State.
  2. When reports are received from States, the Secretariat registers them, acknowledges receipt to States and checks for completeness. If reports are not complete (i.e. if they do not include sufficient information to allow the Committee to consider them), the Secretariat will advise the State Party on how to complete them.
  3. The Secretariat transmits to the Committee, before each of its regular sessions, an overview of all reports received. The overview and the reports are also made available to States Parties for information.
  4. Following the session at which they are considered by the Committee, reports are made available to the public for information, unless decided otherwise by the Committee in exceptional cases.
  5. In the reports, States Parties should describe, explain or demonstrate, as appropriate to each part of the form, rather than simply declaring or asserting. Declarative statements should be solidly supported by evidence and explanations.
  6. When providing information under each item, in case no information is available for a specific item, the initiatives taken to find the information and the difficulties encountered should be specified and described.

Form ICH-10
Report on the implementation of the Convention
and on the status of elements inscribed
on the Representative List of the
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

Form ICH-10 has four parts: A. Cover sheet; B. Measures taken to implement the Convention at the national level; C. Status of elements inscribed on the Representative List; and D. Signature on behalf of the State.

States Parties should complete all four parts. States non party to the Convention reporting on the status of elements of intangible cultural heritage inscribed on the Representative List in 2008 should complete parts A, C and D, but may also report on the measures referred to in part B.

A.           Cover Sheet

1.         State submitting this report

States non party to the Convention reporting on an element incorporated on the Representative List should indicate the name of the State and mention ‘State non party to the Convention’.


2.    Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

This information is available online at


3.    Elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if any

Please list all the elements from your country inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, together with the year of inscription; for multinational elements, please indicate the other States concerned.


4.    Elements inscribed on the Representative List, if any

Please list all the elements from your country inscribed on the Representative List, together with the year of inscription; for multinational elements, please indicate the other States concerned.


5.         Programmes, projects or activities selected as best reflecting the principles and objectives of the Convention, if any

Please list all the programmes, projects or activities from your country selected by the Committee for promotion under Article 18, together with the year of selection; for multinational programmes, please indicate the other States concerned.


A.6.   Executive summary of the report

Please provide an executive summary of the report that will allow general readers to understand the overall status of measures taken at the national level to implement the Convention.

Not to exceed 500 words.


B.        Measures taken to implement the Convention

Throughout part B below, ‘measures’ refers to the appropriate legal, technical, administrative and financial measures undertaken by the State, or fostered by the State and undertaken by civil society, including communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals. The State should describe, wherever relevant, its efforts to ensure the widest possible participation of communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit intangible cultural heritage, and to involve them actively in its management (Article 15 of the Convention).

B.1.   Institutional capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

Report on the measures to strengthen institutional capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, as described in Article 13 of the Convention and paragraph 99 of the Operational Directives.

B.1.a. Competent bodies for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage

Each State shall ‘designate or establish one or more competent bodies for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory’ (Article 13). Please identify such a body or bodies and provide complete contact information.


B.1.b. Institutions for training in intangible cultural heritage management

Identify any such institutions created, fostered or strengthened by the State and provide complete contact information.


B.1.c. Documentation institutions for intangible cultural heritage

Identify any such institutions established by the State and provide complete contact information; describe any measures taken by the State to facilitate access to them.


B.2.  Inventories

Please report on the inventory or inventories of the intangible cultural heritage present in your State’s territory, as referred to in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention and paragraph 98 of the Operational Directives. You may include information on:

a.         the name of each inventory and the entity responsible for it;

b.         the ordering principles used for structuring your inventory(ies). For example: according to communities/groups of tradition bearers; domains of intangible cultural heritage; territorial principles (national, regional, local), etc.;

c.         the criteria used for inclusion of intangible cultural heritage elements in your inventory(ies);

d.         whether your inventory(ies) take(s) into account the viability of intangible cultural heritage (for example, intangible cultural heritage threatened by disappearance, in need of urgent safeguarding, etc.);

e.         the format/approach of your inventory(ies);

f.          the method and frequency for updating inventory(ies);

g.         the ways in which communities are involved in identifying and defining intangible cultural heritage to be included in the inventory(ies), and in their preparation and updating;

h.         the participation of relevant non-governmental organizations in identifying and defining intangible cultural heritage.


B.3.   Other safeguarding measures

Describe other safeguarding measures, including those referred to in Article 13 of the Convention and paragraph 98 of the Operational Directives, aimed at:

a.         promoting the function of intangible cultural heritage in society and integrating its safeguarding into planning programmes;

b.         fostering scientific, technical and artistic studies with a view to effective safeguarding;

c.         facilitating, to the extent possible, access to information relating to intangible cultural heritage while respecting customary practices governing access to specific aspects of it.


B.4.   Measures to ensure recognition of, respect for and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage

Describe measures to ensure greater recognition of, respect for and enhancement of intangible cultural heritage, in particular those referred to in Article 14 of the Convention and paragraph 101 of the Operational Directives:

a.         educational, awareness-raising and information programmes aimed at the general public, in particular to young people (you may for example specify whether intangible cultural heritage is integrated, and how, in school curricula);

b.         educational and training programmes within the communities and groups concerned;

c.         capacity-building activities for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage;

d.         non-formal means of transmitting knowledge (you may address, for example, how non-formal ways of transmission are perceived and recognized by the general public and at national level);

e.         education for the protection of natural spaces and places of memory whose existence is necessary for expressing the intangible cultural heritage.


B.5.   Bilateral, sub-regional, regional and international cooperation

Report on measures taken at the bilateral, subregional, regional and international levels for the implementation of the Convention, including measures of international cooperation such as the exchange of information and experience, and other joint initiatives, as referred to in Article 19 of the Convention and paragraph 102 of the Operational Directives. You may, for example, consider the following issues:

a.         sharing documentation concerning an element of intangible cultural heritage present on the territory of another State Party (paragraph 84 of the Operational Directives);

b.         participating in activities pertaining to regional cooperation including for example those of category 2 centres for intangible cultural heritage that are or will be established under the auspices of UNESCO (paragraph 85 of the Operational Directives);

c.         development of networks of communities, experts, centres of expertise and research institutes at sub-regional and regional levels to develop joint and interdisciplinary approaches concerning the elements of intangible cultural heritage they have in common (paragraph 83 of the Operational Directives).


C.      Status of elements inscribed on the Representative List

Please complete all points below for each element of intangible cultural heritage present in the State’s territory that has been inscribed on the Representative List. Refer to the nomination file as the basis for reporting on the current status of the element and report only on relevant changes since the date of inscription on the List or since the last report. Nomination files and earlier reports are available at or on request at the Secretariat.

The State Party shall endeavour to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned during the process of preparation of each report, and is asked in point C.7 below to describe how it has done so.

Name of element:


Inscribed in:


C.1.   Social and cultural functions

Explain the social and cultural functions and meanings of the element today, within and for its community, the characteristics of the bearers and practitioners, and any specific roles or categories of persons with special responsibilities towards the element, among others. Attention should be given to any relevant changes related to inscription criterion R.1 (‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention’).


C.2.   Assessment of its viability and current risks

Describe the current level of viability of the element, particularly the frequency and extent of its practice, the strength of traditional modes of transmission, the demographics of practitioners and audiences and its sustainability. Please also identify and describe the threats, if any, to the element’s continued transmission and enactment and describe the severity and immediacy of such threats.


C.3.   Contribution to the goals of the List

Describe how the inscription of the element has contributed to ensuring visibility of the intangible cultural heritage and raising awareness at the local, national and international levels of its importance. Explain how its inscription has contributed to promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity, and mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals.


C.4.   Efforts to promote or reinforce the element

Describe the measures that have been implemented to promote and reinforce the element, particularly detailing any measures that might have been necessary as a consequence of its inscription.


C.5.   Community participation

Describe the participation of communities, groups and individuals in safeguarding the element and their commitment to its further safeguarding.


C.6.   Institutional context

Report on the institutional context for the element inscribed on the Representative List, including:

a.         the competent body(ies) involved in its management and/or safeguarding;

b.         the organization(s) of the community or group concerned with the element and its safeguarding.


C.7.   Participation of communities in preparing this report

Describe the measures taken to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned during the process of preparation of this report.


D.      Signature on behalf of the State

The report should conclude with the original signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State, together with his or her name, title and the date of submission.







Form ICH-11
Report on the status of an element inscribed on the
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage
in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

A.           Cover Sheet

1.            State Party


2.            Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession

This information is available online at


3.            Element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List that is the subject of this report

Please list all the elements from your country inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, together with the year of inscription; for multinational elements, please indicate the other States concerned.

Name of element:


Inscribed in:


4.            Reporting period covered by this report

Please indicate the period covered by this report.

Beginning date:


Ending date:


5.            Other elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if any

Please list all other elements from your country inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, together with the year of inscription; for multinational elemarticle

ents, please indicate the other States concerned.


6.            Executive summary of the report

Please provide an executive summary of the report that will allow general readers to understand the current status of the element, any positive or negative impacts of inscription, and the implementation of safeguarding measures during the reporting period.

Not to exceed 250 words.


B.        Status of element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List

This report is normally submitted to the Secretariat by 15 December of the fourth year following the year of inscription, and each fourth year thereafter. At the time of inscription, the Committee may have established a specific timetable for reporting that takes precedence over the normal four-year cycle. Refer therefore to the nomination file as basis for reporting on the current status of the element and report only on relevant changes since the date of inscription on the List or since the last previous report. Nomination files, specific timetables and earlier reports, if any, are available at or on request from the Secretariat.

The State Party shall endeavour to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned during the process of preparation of each report, and is asked in point B.7 below to describe how it has done so.

B.1.     Social and cultural functions

Please explain the social and cultural functions and meanings of the element today, within and for its community, the characteristics of the bearers and practitioners, and any specific roles or categories of persons with special responsibilities towards the element, among others. Attention should be given to any relevant changes related to inscription criterion U.1 (‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention’).


B.2.     Assessment of its viability and current risks

Please describe the current level of viability of the element, particularly the frequency and extent of its practice, the strength of traditional modes of transmission, the demographics of practitioners and audiences and its sustainability. Please also identify and describe the threats, if any, to the element’s continued transmission and enactment and describe the severity and immediacy of such threats, giving particular attention to any strengthening or weakening of the element’s viability subsequent to inscription.


B.3.     Implementation of safeguarding measures

Please report on the safeguarding measures that were described in the nomination file. Describe how they have been implemented and how they have contributed substantially to the safeguarding of the element during the reporting period, taking note of external or internal constraints such as limited resources. Include, in particular, information on the measures taken aiming to ensure the viability of the element by enabling the community to continue its practice and transmission. Include the following detailed information concerning the implementation of the set of safeguarding measures or safeguarding plan:

B.3.a. Objectives and results

Indicate what primary objective(s) were addressed and what concrete results were attained during the reporting period.


B.3.b. Safeguarding activities

List the key activities that were carried out during this reporting period in order to achieve these expected results. Please describe the activities in detail and make note of their effectiveness or any problems encountered in implementing them.


B.3.c. Participation of communities, groups or individuals in the safeguarding activities

Describe how communities, groups or, if appropriate, individuals have effectively participated in the safeguarding measures. Describe the role of the implementing organization or body (name, background, etc.) and the human resources that were available for implementing the project.


B.3.d. Timetable and budget

Indicate in a timetable when each activity was implemented and the funds that were used for its implementation, identifying the source of funding for each (governmental sources, in-kind community inputs, etc.).


B.3.e. Overall effectiveness of the safeguarding activities

Provide an overall assessment of the effectiveness of the activities taken to achieve the expected result and of the efficiency of use of funds for implementing the activities. Please indicate how the activities contributed to achieving the results and whether other activities could have contributed better to achieving the same results. Also indicate whether the same results could have been achieved with less funding, whether the human resources available were appropriate and whether communities, groups and individuals could have been better involved.


B.4.     Community participation

Please describe the participation of communities, groups and individuals in safeguarding the element and their commitment to its further safeguarding.


B.5.     Institutional context

Please report on the institutional context for the element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, including:

a.         the competent body(ies) involved in its management and/or safeguarding;

b.                 the organization(s) of the community or group concerned with the element and its safeguarding.


B.6.     Participation of communities in preparing this report

Describe the measures taken to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned during the process of preparation of this report.


C.        Signature on behalf of the State Party

The report should conclude with the original signature of the official empowered to sign it on behalf of the State Party, together with his or her name, title and the date of submission.







Technical specifications for submission of photographic, audiovisual and sound documentation as annexes to Form ICH-10 and Form ICH-11

Documentary materials submitted as annexes to Form ICH-10 or Form ICH-11 should be accompanied by a non-exclusive cession of rights document granting the use of worldwide rights in any format to UNESCO (Form ICH-07). The materials should meet the following technical specifications.

  1. Photos

Digital format (preferred):

  • Support: CD or DVD
  • Resolution: horizontal and vertical dimension >= 1800 pixels or printing resolution 300dpi, minimum size 15x20cm or 6x8 inch
  • Format: RAW, TIFF, JPEG (minimal compression) or PNG (minimal compression)

Photo prints:

  • Support: photographic paper, not ordinary paper
  • Resolution: Printing resolution no less than 300 dpi, minimum size 15x20 cm or 6x8 inch


  • Support: DVD, DV, MiniDV, DVCAM, digital betacam, DVCPRO
  • Resolution: minimum size = 720 x 576 pixels (PAL) or 720 x 480 pixels (NTSC)
  • Format: DVD, .dv, Mpeg1, Mpeg 2, theora
  1. Sound
  • Support: CD or DVD
  • Resolution: 16 bits, 44.1 Khz, stereo
  • Format: CD Audio (hi-fi compatible), wav, ogg vorbis
  1. Maps
  • Support: CD or DVD
  • Format: Only electronic versions of maps will be accepted. Possible formats: SHP (Shapefile), PDF, PSD, EPS, GIF, PNG
  1. Books
  • Books or text collections are welcome (no more than three total) but should be directly related to the inscribed ICH element.
