Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 2.COM 9

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/07/2.COM/CONF.208/9;
  2. Recalling Articles 4 and 7 (c) of the Convention;
  3. Recommends to the General Assembly, for possible adoption, the draft guidelines for the use of the resources of the Intangible Heritage Special Account, as annexed to this decision.

ANNEX: Draft guidelines for the use of the resources of the Intangible Heritage Special Account


The resources of the Intangible Heritage Special Account shall be used primarily for granting international assistance as described in Chapter V of the Convention.


The resources may further be used:

a.    for the replenishment of the Reserve Fund mentioned in Article 6 of the Financial Regulations;

b.    to support other functions of the Committee as described in Article 7 including, inter alia,
       proposals under Article 18 of the Convention;

c.    for the costs of participation in the sessions of the Committee of representatives of developing
       States Members of the Committee, but only for persons who are experts
       in intangible cultural heritage;and, if the budget allows, for the costs of participation of
       representatives who are experts in intangible cultural heritage, from developing countries that are
       Parties to the Convention but not Members of the Committee;

d.    for the costs of participation of public or private bodies, as well as private persons, notably
       members of communities and groups, that have been invited by the Committee to its meetings to
       be consulted on specific matters;

e.    for the costs of advisory services to be provided, at the request of the Committee, by non-
       governmental and non-profit-making organizations, public or private bodies and private persons.

