Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 16.COM 7.A

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document LHE/21/16.COM/7.a,
  2. Recalling Articles 7, 29 and 30 of the Convention concerning reports by States Parties and Chapter V of the Operational Directives,
  3. Underlining the importance of periodic reporting on the status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, which serves as a key monitoring tool for the States Parties concerned and for the Committee to assess the viability of elements at risk,
  4. Thanks the States Parties that submitted their reports on time, welcomes the enhanced viability of several elements in this reporting cycle, and invites them to continue their efforts to safeguard and transmit these elements as a matter of priority;
  5. Appreciates the efforts of the States Parties that have submitted their overdue reports, at the same time takes note that several of these reports did not provide up-to-date information on the implementation of the safeguarding plan due to their belated submission, making it difficult for the Committee to make an accurate and informed assessment of the current viability of the element, and therefore requests States Parties to ensure the timely submission of their reports;
  6. Acknowledges that it examined during the current session a high number of second reports on twelve inscribed elements, underlines the importance of successive reports respecting the recommendations of the Committee on the same element from previous cycles, and further acknowledges that, in this reporting cycle, certain elements will have to be reported on by the deadline of 15 December 2021, without the possibility of taking into account the recommendations made by the Committee at the current session;
  7. Further takes note that the International Assistance granted under the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund has contributed to the implementation of the safeguarding plan for several elements and encourages those States in need of financial resources to implement their safeguarding plans to request International Assistance from the Fund;
  8. Reiterates the primary importance of the active engagement of the communities, groups and individuals concerned, including indigenous communities, throughout all stages of safeguarding, including updating the safeguarding plans and preparing the report;
  9. Also takes note of the changing gender roles for safeguarding certain intangible cultural heritage elements, which have contributed to enhancing their viability, and further welcomes the evolving dynamic character of intangible cultural heritage and its constant recreation, as defined in Article 2 of the Convention;
  10. Notes with concern the persistent difficulty in enhancing intergenerational transmission, as reported by many States, and further invites States Parties to focus on raising the awareness and interest of youth as a priority safeguarding area, including through formal and informal education;
  11. Observes the increasing number of economic activities generated through elements, which also contribute to enhancing the livelihoods of communities, requests the States Parties to ensure that the bearers are the primary beneficiaries of these economic activities, and encourages States Parties to take heed of the potential risk of over-commercialization and decontextualization of elements;
  12. Also acknowledges the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of many of the proposed safeguarding plans and further appreciates the prompt actions and adjustments that were undertaken by several States as a response to the numerous challenges encountered due to the pandemic;
  13. Decides to submit to the General Assembly at its ninth session a summary of the reports of States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding examined during the current session.
