Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 7.COM 13.a

The Committee,

  1. Having examined Document ITH/12/7.COM/13.a,
  2. Recalling paragraphs 35 to 37 of the Operational Directives,
  3. Further recalling Resolution 4.GA 5,
  4. Noting the experience gained since 2010 in implementing the referral option for nominations to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity,
  5. Decides to continue at its eighth session its reflection on the experience gained in implementing the referral option in conformity with paragraph 8 of Decision 7.COM 11 and invites the Subsidiary Body to address this topic in its 2013 report to the Committee;
  6. Further decides to examine draft amendments to the Operational Directives on this topic at its eighth session and requests the Secretariat to propose such draft amendments for its consideration, reflecting its debates during the present session.
