Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 13.COM 17

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/18/13.COM/17 including its annex,
  2. Recalling documents ITH/18/7.GA/12 and ITH/18/7.GA/13, Decisions 12.COM 13 and 12.COM 16 and Resolutions 7.GA 12, 7.GA 13 and 6.GA 11,
  3. Further recalling 39 C/Resolution 87,
  4. Takes note of the status of the recommendations on governance based on the work of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Governance, Procedures and Working Methods of the Governing Bodies of UNESCO, which are relevant to the governing bodies of the 2003 Convention;
  5. Thanks the Secretariat for publishing the 2018 edition of the Basic Texts of the Convention in a timely manner while ensuring the use of gender-neutral language throughout that publication;
  6. Takes further note of the ongoing efforts of the Culture Sector to harmonize the rules of procedure of the governing bodies of the six culture conventions in compliance with Resolution 7.GA 13 with a view to presenting the matrix containing consolidated amendments to the aforementioned bodies;
  7. Decides to inscribe an item on the agenda of its fourteenth session in 2019 on the follow-up of the 39 C/Resolution 87 of the General Conference.
