Decision of the Intergovernmental Committee: 10.COM 14.b

The Committee,

  1. Having examined document ITH/15/10.COM/14.b,
  2. Recalling Resolution 4.GA 5 and Decisions 7.COM 13.a, 8.COM 13.b and 9.COM 13.c,
  3. Recommends to the General Assembly to approve the amendments to the Operational Directives, as annexed to this decision.



The Evaluation Body shall submit to the Committee an evaluation report that includes a recommendation:

-               to inscribe or not to inscribe the nominated element on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding or the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, or to refer the nomination to the submitting State(s) for additional information;

-               to select or not to select the proposed programme, project or activity as a best safeguarding practice, or to refer the proposal to the submitting State(s) for additional information; or

-               to approve or not to approve the international assistance request greater than US$25,000, or to refer the request to the submitting State(s) for additional information.

[31 to 34]

No change.


After examination, the Committee decides:

-               whether or not an element shall be inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding or on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity or whether the nomination shall be referred to the submitting State for additional information;

-               whether or not a programme, project or activity shall be selected as a best safeguarding practice, or whether the proposal shall be referred to the submitting State for additional information;

-               or whether or not an international assistance request greater than US$25,000 shall be approved, or whether the proposal shall be referred to the submitting State for additional information.


Nominations, proposals or requests that the Committee decides not to inscribe, select, or approve, or to refer to the submitting State for additional information, may be resubmitted to the Committee for examination during a following cycle, after having been updated and supplemented.


A decision by the Committee to refer a nomination, proposal or request to the submitting State for additional information does not imply or guarantee that the element will be inscribed, the proposal selected or the request approved in the future. Any subsequent resubmission must fully demonstrate that the criteria for inscription, selection or approval are satisfied.
