Examination of nominations for inscription in 2022 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (item 7.b on the agenda)

Below are the nominations to be examined by the Committee for possible inscription in 2022 on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, in accordance with the procedures established in the Operational Directives for the implementation of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Each nomination file includes (i) a nomination form ICH-02, (ii) evidence of consent from the communities concerned, (iii) ten photos and (iv) a short video.

The recommendations of the Evaluation Body are included in document LHE/22/17.COM/7.b.

The designations employed in the texts and documents of the nomination presented by the submitting State Party or States Parties do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Committee nor UNESCO concerning a) the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, b) the legal status of its authorities or c) the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Files (46)

7.b.1 - 7.b.2 - 7.b.3 - 7.b.4 - 7.b.5 - 7.b.6 - 7.b.7 - 7.b.8 - 7.b.9 - 7.b.10 - 7.b.11 - 7.b.12 - 7.b.13 - 7.b.14 - 7.b.15 - 7.b.16 - 7.b.17 - 7.b.18 - 7.b.19 - 7.b.20 - 7.b.21 - 7.b.22 - 7.b.23 - 7.b.24 - 7.b.25 - 7.b.26 - 7.b.27 - 7.b.28 - 7.b.29 - 7.b.30 - 7.b.31 - 7.b.32 - 7.b.33 - 7.b.34 - 7.b.35 - 7.b.36 - 7.b.37 - 7.b.38 - 7.b.39 - 7.b.40 - 7.b.41 - 7.b.42 - 7.b.43 - 7.b.44 - 7.b.45 - 7.b.46
State(s)Title as submittedDocuments
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EN: Kun Lbokator, traditional martial arts in Cambodia

FR: Le kun lbokator, un art martial traditionnel au Cambodge

Representative List

File reference: 1868

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:English/Khmer

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English/Khmer

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kun Lbokator, nomination for inscription on the Representative List, Kingdom of Cambodia’ (09:54):English

30 Mar 2021
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EN: Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China

FR: Les techniques traditionnelles de transformation du thé et les pratiques sociales associées en Chine

Representative List

File reference: 1884

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:Enlish/Chinese

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English/Chinese

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices in China’ (09:57):English

31 Mar 2021
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EN: Ancestral system of knowledge of the four indigenous peoples, Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogui and Wiwa of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

FR: Le système ancestral de connaissances des quatre peuples autochtones arhuaco, kankuamo, kogi et wiwa de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Representative List

File reference: 1886

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Oct 2021
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Ancestral system of knowledge of the four indigenous people, Arhuaco, Kankuamo, Kogui and Wiwa of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta’ (10:07):Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
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EN: Festivity of Saint Tryphon and the Kolo (chain dance) of Saint Tryphon, traditions of Croats from Boka Kotorska (Bay of Kotor) who live in the Republic of Croatia

FR: Les fêtes de la Saint-Tryphon et le kolo (danse en cercle) de la Saint-Tryphon, traditions des Croates de la Boka Kotorska (baie de Kotor) vivant en République de Croatie

Representative List

File reference: 1891

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:Croatian/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Croatian/English

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Festivity of Saint Tryphon and the Kolo (chain dance) of Saint Tryphon – Traditions of Croats from Boka Kotorska (Bay of Kotor) who live in the Republic of Croatia’ (09:20):English

23 Nov 2021
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EN: Knowledge of the light rum masters

FR: Le savoir-faire des maîtres du rhum léger

Representative List

File reference: 1724

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2020
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The knowledge of the light rum masters’ (08:10):Spanish/English

30 Mar 2020
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Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

EN: Pyongyang Raengmyon custom

FR: La coutume du raengmyon de Pyongyang

Representative List

File reference: 1695

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Oct 2021
Consent of communities:English/Korean

29 Oct 2021
ICH inventory:English/Korean

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Pyongyang Raengmyon custom’ (06:45):English

29 Oct 2021
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EN: Festivals related to the Journey of the Holy family in Egypt

FR: Les festivités associées au voyage de la Sainte Famille en Égypte

Representative List

File reference: 1700

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

28 Oct 2021
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

19 Oct 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Festivals related to the Journey of the Holy Family in Egypt’ (08:51):Arabic/English

28 Oct 2021
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EN: Artisanal know-how and culture of baguette bread

FR: Les savoir-faire artisanaux et la culture de la baguette de pain

Representative List

File reference: 1883

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:French

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:French

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les savoir-faire artisanaux et la culture de la baguette de pain’ (09:58):French

30 Mar 2021
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EN: Traditional equestrian games in Georgia (Tskhenburti, Isindi, Kabakhi, Marula)

FR: Les jeux équestres traditionnels en Géorgie (tskhenburti, isindi, kabakhi, marula)

Representative List

File reference: 1862

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Sep 2021
Consent of communities:Georgian/English

08 Sep 2021
ICH inventory:Georgian/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional equestrian games in Georgia’ (08:18):Georgian/English

29 Mar 2021
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EN: The practice of Modern Dance in Germany

FR: La pratique de la danse moderne en Allemagne

Representative List

File reference: 1858

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:German/English

26 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:German/English

26 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Modern dance in Germany’ (09:54):English

26 Mar 2021
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EN: August 15th (Dekapentavgoustos) festivities in two Highland Communities of Northern Greece: Tranos Choros (Grand Dance) in Vlasti and Syrrako Festival

FR: Les fêtes du 15 août (Dekapentavgoustos) dans deux communautés montagnardes du nord de la Grèce : Tranos Choros (la grande danse) à Vlásti et le Festival de Syrráko

Representative List

File reference: 1726

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

04 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:Greek/English

19 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Greek/English

04 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘August 15th (Dekapentavgoustos) festivities in two Highland Communities of Northern Greece: Tranos Choros (Grand Dance) in Vlasti and Syrrako Festival’ (11:35):Greek/English

19 Mar 2021
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EN: Shakespeare Mas', a traditional component of Carnival unique to Carriacou

FR: La Shakespeare Mas’, une composante traditionnelle du Carnaval propre à Carriacou

Representative List

File reference: 1903

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Nomination process (audio materials) :English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Interviews:English

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Shakespeare Mas, a traditional component of Carnival unique to Carriacou’ (09:03):English

31 Mar 2021
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EN: Holy Week in Guatemala

FR: La Semaine sainte au Guatemala

Representative List

File reference: 1854

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

25 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

09 Dec 2021
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

25 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Holy Week in Guatemala’ (10:13):Spanish/English

25 Mar 2021
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EN: Hungarian string band tradition

FR: La tradition de l’ensemble à cordes hongrois

Representative List

File reference: 1730

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:Hungarian/English

31 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:Hungarian/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Hungarian string band tradition’ (11:00):Hungarian/English

29 Mar 2021
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Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Afghanistan

EN: Yaldā/Chella

FR: Yaldā/Chella

Representative List

File reference: 1877

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

Consent of communities - Afghanistan:English/Dari

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Afghanistan:English/Dari

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
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Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Syrian Arab Republic

EN: Crafting and playing the Oud

FR: La fabrication et la pratique de l’oud

Representative List

File reference: 1867

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Oct 2021
Consent of communities - Islamique Republic of Iran:English/Persian

20 Oct 2021
Consent of communities - filmed - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

30 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Syrian Arab Republic:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Syrian Arab Republic:English/Arabic

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Crafting and playing the Oud’ (09:59):English

30 Mar 2021
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Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Tajikistan - Uzbekistan

EN: Art of crafting and playing Robāb/Rubāb/Rubob

FR: L’art de la fabrication et de la pratique du robāb/rubāb/rubob

Representative List

File reference: 1714

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

24 Nov 2021
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

29 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

29 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - filmed consent - Iran:Persian/English

29 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Iran:English/Persian

29 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:English/Uzbek

29 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:English/Tajik

29 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Iran:English/Persian

29 Mar 2020
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Crafting, transmission of and playing Robāb/Rubāb/Rubob in Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan’ (09:59):English

29 Mar 2020
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EN: Furyu-odori, ritual dances imbued with people’s hopes and prayers

FR: Les Furyu-odori, danses rituelles imprégnées des espoirs et prières de la population

Representative List

File reference: 1701

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:English/Japanese

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English/Japanese

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Furyu-odori’ (10:00):English

29 Mar 2021
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EN: Al-Mansaf in Jordan, a festive banquet and its social and cultural meanings

FR: Al-Mansaf en Jordanie, un banquet festif et ses significations sociales et culturelles

Representative List

File reference: 1849

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

13 Sep 2021
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

18 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

18 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Al-Mansaf in Jordan, a festive banquet and its social and cultural meanings ’ (10:32):English

18 Mar 2021
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EN: Orteke, traditional performing art in Kazakhstan: dance, puppet and music

FR: L’ortéké, un art du spectacle traditionnel au Kazakhstan : danse, marionnettes et musique

Representative List

File reference: 1878

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:English/Kazakh

03 Apr 2018
ICH inventory:English/Kazakh

30 Sep 2019
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Orteke - Kazakh traditional puppet musical performing art’ (09:18):English

16 Apr 2018
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EN: Al-Khanjar, craft skills and social practices

FR: Al-Khanjar, compétences artisanales et pratiques sociales

Representative List

File reference: 1844

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

03 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

11 Oct 2021
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

03 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The Omani Khanjar’ (09:18):English

03 Mar 2021
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Republic of Korea

EN: Talchum, mask dance drama in the Republic of Korea

FR: Le talchum, danse théâtrale masquée en République de Corée

Representative List

File reference: 1742

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

24 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:English/Korean

31 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:English/Korean

24 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Talchum, mask dance drama in the Republic of Korea’ (09:23):English

24 Nov 2021
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Romania - Republic of Moldova

EN: The art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiţă) — an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova

FR: L’art de la blouse traditionnelle avec broderie sur l'épaule (altiţă), élément de l’identité culturelle en Roumanie et en République de Moldova

Representative List

File reference: 1861

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Romania:Romanian/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Romania:Romanian/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Republic of Moldova:Romanian/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The art of the traditional blouse with embroidery on the shoulder (altiță) — an element of cultural identity in Romania and the Republic of Moldova’ (09:57):English

29 Mar 2021
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Saudi Arabia

EN: Knowledge and practices related to cultivating Khawlani coffee beans

FR: Les connaissances et les pratiques liées à la culture du café Khawlani

Representative List

File reference: 1863

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Sep 2021
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

29 Sep 2021
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘The knowledge and skils related to planting Khawlani coffee beans’ (09:42):English

29 Mar 2021
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Saudi Arabia - Oman - United Arab Emirates

EN: Alheda'a, oral traditions of calling camel flocks

FR: Alheda’a, traditions orales de l’appel des troupeaux de dromadaires

Representative List

File reference: 1717

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Dec 2021
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

17 Dec 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Heda'a Al Ebel / Camel Hidaa, traditional call and communication skills’ (06:03):English

31 Mar 2021
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EN: Social practices and knowledge related to the preparation and use of the traditional plum spirit – šljivovica

FR: Les pratiques sociales et les connaissances liées à la préparation et à l’utilisation de l’eau-de-vie traditionnelle de prunes (šljivovica)

Representative List

File reference: 1882

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

21 Oct 2021
Consent of communities:Serbian/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Serbian/English

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Social practices and knowledge related to the preparation and use of the traditional plum spirit – šljivovica’ (06:11):Serbian/English

30 Mar 2021
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EN: Beekeeping in Slovenia, a way of life

FR: La culture apicole en Slovénie, un mode de vie

Representative List

File reference: 1857

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Mar 2021
Consent of communities:Slovenian/Bosinan/Croatian/English

26 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Slovenian/English

26 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Beekeeping in Slovenia, a way of life’ (09:57):English

26 Mar 2021
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EN: Manual bell ringing

FR: La sonnerie manuelle des cloches

Representative List

File reference: 1873

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Spanish/English

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Manual bell ringing’ (10:35):Spanish/English

16 Sep 2021
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Tajikistan - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Ceremony of Mehergan

FR: La cérémonie du mehregân

Representative List

File reference: 1859

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

20 Nov 2021
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

26 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Islamic Republic of Iran:Persian/English

ICH inventory - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

26 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:Persian/English

26 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Ceremony of Mehrgan’ (10:00):English

26 Mar 2021
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EN: Harissa, knowledge, skills and culinary and social practices

FR: La harissa, savoirs, savoir-faire et pratiques culinaires et sociales

Representative List

File reference: 1710

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:French/Arabic

27 Mar 2020
ICH inventory:French/Arabic

27 Mar 2020
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La harissa, savoirs, savoir-faire, et pratiques culinaires et sociales’ (08:57):French

29 Nov 2021
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Turkmenistan - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

EN: Turkmen-style needlework art

FR: L’art des travaux d’aiguille de style turkmène

Representative List

File reference: 1876

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Turkmenistan:English/Turkmen

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Turkmenistan:English/Turkmen

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:English/Persian

17 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Turkmen-style needlework art’ (09:58):English

31 Mar 2021
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United Arab Emirates

EN: Al Talli, traditional embroidery skills in the United Arab Emirates

FR: Al talli, savoir-faire traditionnels de la broderie aux Émirats arabes unis

Representative List

File reference: 1712

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

12 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:English/Arabic

12 Nov 2021
ICH inventory:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Al Talli, traditional embroidery skills in the United Arab Emirates’ (09:54):English

31 Mar 2021
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United Arab Emirates - Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - Palestine - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Sudan - Tunisia - Yemen

EN: Date palm, knowledge, skills, traditions and practices

FR: Les connaissances, savoir-faire, traditions et pratiques associés au palmier dattier

Representative List

File reference: 1902

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

06 Dec 2021
Consent of communities - Yemen:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Tunisia:French/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Sudan:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Qatar:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Palestine:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Oman:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Morocco:French/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Mauritania:French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Kuwait:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Jordan:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Iraq:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Egypt:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Bahrain:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Yemen:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Tunisia:French/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Saudi Arabia:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Qatar:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Palestine:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Oman:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Morocco:French

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Mauritania:French/English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Kuwait:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Jordan:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Iraq:English/Arabic

06 Dec 2021
ICH inventory - Egypt:English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Bahrain:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Sudan:English/Arabic

06 Dec 2021
ICH inventory - United Arab Emirates:English/Arabic

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Date palm, knowledge, skills, traditions and practices’ (20:11):English

17 Jan 2022
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Uzbekistan - Tajikistan - Kazakhstan

EN: Traditional embroidery in Central Asia

FR: La broderie traditionnelle en Asie centrale

Representative List

File reference: 1733

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Dec 2021
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

31 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

31 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:Kazakh/English

08 Dec 2021
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

31 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Kazakhstan:Russian/English

21 Jan 2022
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

24 Jan 2022
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Traditional embroidery of Central Asia’ (10:54):English

31 Mar 2020
Return to top

EN: Kalela dance

FR: La danse kalela

Representative List

File reference: 1698

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

26 Oct 2021
Consent of communities:English/Bemba

26 Oct 2021
ICH inventory:English

26 Mar 2020
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Kalela dance, video captioned in Copperbelt, Luapula and Northern Province of Zambia’ (09:55):English

26 Oct 2021
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EN: Behzad's style of miniature art

FR: Le style Behzad de l’art de la miniature

Representative List

File reference: 1851

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

04 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:English/Dari

22 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:French/English/Dari

04 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
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Afghanistan - Azerbaijan - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Türkiye - Tajikistan - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan

EN: Sericulture and traditional production of silk for weaving

FR: La sériciculture et la production traditionnelle de soie pour tissage

Representative List

File reference: 1890

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

08 Apr 2022
Consent of communities - Islamic Republic of Iran:Persian/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Türkiye:Turkish/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Turkmenistan:Turkmen/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Afghanistan:Dari/English

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Afghanistan:Dari/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Islamic Republic of Iran:Persian/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Türkiye:Turkish/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Turkmenistan:Turkmen/English

31 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
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EN: Raï, popular folk song of Algeria

FR: Le raï, chant populaire d'Algérie

Representative List

File reference: 1894

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

31 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - filmed:Arabic/French

02 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:French

02 Nov 2021
ICH inventory:French

31 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Raï’ (10:25):French

31 Mar 2021
Return to top
Andorra - France

EN: Bear festivities in the Pyrenees

FR: Les fêtes de l’Ours dans les Pyrénées

Representative List

File reference: 1846

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

17 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Andorra:Catalan/French

17 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - France:French

17 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - France:French

17 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Andorra:Catalan/French

04 Oct 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Les fêtes de l´Ours dans les Pyrénées’ (10:00):French

04 Oct 2021
Return to top
Austria - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Hungary - Italy - Romania - Slovakia - Slovenia

EN: Lipizzan horse breeding traditions

FR: Les traditions d’élevage des chevaux Lipizzan

Representative List

File reference: 1687

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

14 Dec 2021
Consent of communities - Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia:German/Serbian/Croatian/Hungarian/Italian/Romanian/Slovakian/Slovenian/English

25 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Slovakia (video):Slovakian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Austria:German/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Bosnia and Herzegovina:Serbian/Bosnian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Croatia:Croatian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Hungary:Hungarian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Italy:Italian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Romania:Romanian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Slovakia:Slovakian/English

25 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Slovenia:Slovenian/English

25 Mar 2020
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Lipizzan horses breedings traditions’ (19:49):English

25 Mar 2020
Return to top
Austria - Czechia - Germany - Latvia - Poland - Spain

EN: Timber rafting

FR: Le radelage

Representative List

File reference: 1866

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

09 Nov 2021
Consent of communities - Czechia:Czech/English

09 Nov 2021
Consent of communities - Spain:Spanish/Catalan/Basque/Valencian/French/English

09 Nov 2021
Consent of communities - Austria:German/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Germany:German/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Latvia:Latvian/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Poland:Polish/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Spain_Catalonia (video):Catalan/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - International Association of Timber Raftsmen:English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Spain:Spanish/Catalan/Valencian/English

09 Nov 2021
ICH inventory - Austria:German/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Czechia:Czech/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Germany:German/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Latvia:Latvian/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Poland:Polish/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Timber rafting’ (14:27):English

29 Mar 2021
Return to top

EN: Pehlevanliq culture: traditional zorkhana games, sports and wrestling

FR: La culture du pehlevanliq : jeux, sports et lutte traditionnels de zorkhana

Representative List

File reference: 1703

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

04 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:Azerbaijani/English

04 Nov 2021
ICH inventory:Azerbaijani/English

04 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Pehlevanliq, traditional zorkhana games and sports’ (09:59):Azerbaijani/English

04 Nov 2021
Return to top
Azerbaijan - Kazakhstan - Kyrgyzstan - Tajikistan - Türkiye - Turkmenistan - Uzbekistan

EN: Telling tradition of Nasreddin Hodja/ Molla Nesreddin/ Molla Ependi/ Apendi/ Afendi Kozhanasyr Anecdotes

FR: La tradition du récit des anecdotes de Nasreddin Hodja / Molla Nesreddin / Molla Ependi / Apendi / Afendi Kozhanasyr / Nasriddin Afandi

Representative List

File reference: 1705

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Kazakhstan:Kazakh/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Kyrgyzstan:Kyrgyz/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Turkey:Turkish/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Turkmenistan:Turkmen/English

26 Mar 2020
Consent of communities - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Turkmenistan:Turkmen/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Uzbekistan:Uzbek/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Kazakhstan:Kazakh/Russian/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Kyrgyzstan:Kyrgyz/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Tajikistan:Tajik/English

26 Mar 2020
ICH inventory - Turkey:Turkish/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Telling tradition of Nasreddin Hodja/ Molla Nesreddin/ Molla Ependi/ Apendi/ Afendi Kozhanasyr Anecdotes’ (20:01):English

12 Nov 2021
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Azerbaijan - Türkiye

EN: Culture of Çay (tea), a symbol of identity, hospitality and social interaction

FR: La culture du çay (thé) : un symbole d'identité, d’hospitalité et d’interaction sociale

Representative List

File reference: 1685

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

29 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Turkey:Turkish/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Azerbaijan:Azerbaijani/English

29 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Turkey:Turkish/English

29 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Culture of Çay (tea), a symbol of identity, hospitality and social interaction’ (10:28):English

29 Mar 2021
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EN: Straw weaving in Belarus, art, craft and skills

FR: Le tressage de la paille au Bélarus : art, artisanat et savoir-faire

Representative List

File reference: 1889

Note: inscribed

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

02 Nov 2021
Consent of communities:Belarusian/English

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory:Belarusian/English

02 Nov 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘Straw weaving of Belarus’ (10:05):Belarusian/English

31 Mar 2021
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Belgium - France

EN: Living fairground culture and showmen’s art

FR: La culture vivante de la fête foraine et l’art des forains

Representative List

File reference: 1869

Nomination form ICH-02:English|French

30 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - Belgium:Dutch/English/French

23 Sep 2021
Consent of communities - France:French

30 Mar 2021
Consent of communities - European Community:French/English/Dutch

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - Belgium:Dutch/French

30 Mar 2021
ICH inventory - France:French

30 Mar 2021
Mandatory photographs:Slideshow
Film ‘La culture vivante de la fête foraine et l’art des forains’ (10:00):French/English

30 Mar 2021