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Sharing the spirit of Ramadan online

Friede Institut für Dialog

European Muslims with a divers background have been affected by the pandemic especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Sharing, getting together for Iftar was not possible in the traditional ways, we have been used to. So we developed alternative ways to share and show our care and commitment for our fellow humans.

As the Friede Institut für Dialog, a Gülen-inspired Dialogue institute, promoting peaceful coexistence and diversity, we started the project #GemeinsamRamadan - Füreinander Da, trotz Distanz ! (Together Ramadan, bring there for each other despite distance)

We encouraged our members and all Muslims to find innovative ways of sharing the spirit of Ramadan in this difficult time. You can find the innovative ways on twitter by searching #GemeinsamRamadan.

@derfriedeAT on Twitter, #GemeinsamRamadan

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