The request and background documents (intial requests and additional information letters) are presented in the table below.
N° | Estado(s) | Título presentado | Documentos | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1153 | Botswana | EN: Promotion of earthen ware pottery-making skills in Kgatleng district FR: La valorisation du savoir-faire de la poterie en terre cuite dans le district de Kgatleng Monto (US$): 68.261 Assistance Request (BUR) |
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1249 | El Salvador | EN: Titajtakezakan. Speaking across time, oral tradition and use of information and communication technologies FR: Titajtakezakan, parler à travers le temps : tradition orale et utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) Monto (US$): 24.995 Assistance Request (BUR) |
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1158 | Seychelles | EN: Strengthening capacity in Seychelles for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for sustainable development FR: Renforcement des capacités en matière de sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel pour un développement durable aux Seychelles Monto (US$): 90.000 Assistance Request (BUR) |