Resolución de la Asamblea General: 10.GA 6

The General Assembly,

  1. Having examined document LHE/24/10.GA/6 and its annexes,
  2. Recalling Resolution 9.GA 6, as well as Decisions 17.COM 15 and 18.COM 7.c,
  3. Further recalling 42 C/Resolution 81 of the General Conference and 219 EX/Decision 13 of the Executive Board of UNESCO, as well as the 2021 IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s action in the framework of the 2003 Convention and the 2024 IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s periodic reporting on the Culture Sector’s Conventions and Recommendations,
  4. Commends the Secretariat for the continued support provided for the sound governance of the Convention, through the efficient organization of statutory meetings and management of international cooperation mechanisms;
  5. Further commends the Secretariat for the implementation of the revised Operational Directives following the completion of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention, including its support to the Evaluation Body, and takes note of the progress made and all the challenges remaining in the reflection on a broader implementation on Article 18;
  6. Acknowledges the further systemization of the International Assistance mechanism, and welcomes its expansion to a wider group of countries which have received assistance;
  7. Notes with satisfaction the substantially improved submission rates of periodic reports from Europe, the Arab States and Africa;
  8. Appreciates the continued implementation of the global capacity-building programme and its reorientation to a multi-modal and intersectoral approach, and encourages the Secretariat to continue enhancing its synergies within UNESCO and the wider UN system, with the aim of integrating living heritage in the post-2030 international development agenda;
  9. Further appreciates the progress made under the thematic initiatives of the Convention, particularly in relation to its economic dimensions, climate change and urban contexts, and invites the Secretariat to continue pursuing these efforts, and in other domains the Committee may request in line with the areas of action highlighted in the Seoul Vision for the Future of Safeguarding Living Heritage for Sustainable Development and Peace;
  10. Acknowledges the progress accomplished as regards the twelve recommendations made by the 2021 IOS evaluation on UNESCO’s action in the framework of the 2003 Convention;
  11. Takes note of the following as regards the further development of the Convention:
    1. The Seoul Vision for the Future of Safeguarding Living Heritage for Sustainable Development and Peace as well as the inputs provided by States Parties through the survey, and calls upon the stakeholders of the Convention to take into account the proposed main areas of action in their safeguarding efforts for the further development of the Convention;
    2. The ‘Spirit of Naples’ Call for Action launched at the UNESCO Conference on Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century, and encourages all UNESCO Member States and stakeholders to enact public policies and strategies anchored in the Call for Action’s principles and to promote holistic approaches to safeguard both tangible and intangible heritage;
    3. The final declaration of the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022, as well as the 2024 IOS Evaluation of UNESCO’s periodic reporting on the Culture Sector’s Conventions and Recommendations, and encourages the transitional measures to rationalize the periodic reporting towards the single global submission system, including in preparation for the UNESCO Global Report on Cultural Policies, as endorsed by the eighteenth session of the Committee;
    4. An invitation extended by the General Conference of UNESCO to contribute to the process of the strategic reflection on future programmatic directions and priorities for the quadrennium 2026-2029, affirms the strategic importance of living heritage for sustainable human development in the fields of competence of the Organization, and requests that the Secretariat reflect the discussions undertaken during the present session as well as contributions to be received in writing after the session in the Culture Sector’s contribution to the Director-General’s preliminary proposals on the draft 43 C/5;
  12. Further requests that the Secretariat report on its activities for the period between January 2024 and December 2025 for examination by the General Assembly at its eleventh session.
