
Nuevas inscripciones en la Lista Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad

Cross-border cooperation for the safeguarding of intangible heritage in Italy and Switzerland

Intergovernmental Copyright Committee; 7th session; Geneva; 1987

Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 5th session; Geneva; 1983. International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Executive Committee; 22nd session; Paris; 1983

Committee of Governmental Experts on the intellectual property aspects of the protection of expressions of Folklore

International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works. Executive Committee; 19th session; Geneva; 1981. Intergovernmental Committee of the Universal Copyright Convention as Revised at Paris on 24 July 1971; 4th session; Geneva; 1981