Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 15.COM 8

The Committee,
  1. Having examined documents LHE/20/15.COM/8, LHE/20/15.COM/8.a, LHE/20/15.COM/8.b Rev. Add.4, LHE/20/15.COM/8.c Add. and LHE/20/15.COM/8.d, as well as the files submitted by the respective States Parties,
  2. Recalling Chapter I of the Operational Directives and Resolution 8.GA 10,

  3. Expresses its satisfaction with the work of the Evaluation Body and the assistance of the Secretariat to facilitate the work of the Evaluation Body;

  4. Takes note of the unprecedented circumstances arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and appreciates the measures taken by the Evaluation Body and the Secretariat to ensure the timely evaluation of nominations as part of the 2020 cycle;

  5. Welcomes the first full implementation of the dialogue process in the evaluation of nominations, notes that the Evaluation Body initiated a dialogue process for eleven files and further appreciates the positive results from this process;

  6. Congratulates, in particular, those submitting States that presented nominations that could serve as good examples for future nominations;

  7. Further takes note of the observations and recommendations made by the Evaluation Body concerning the progress made and the challenges identified in the 2020 cycle, recognizes that many of the issues raised in its previous decisions continue to prevail in the 2020 cycle, as summarized in paragraphs 76 and 77 of document LHE/20/15.COM/8 and reiterates its invitation to States Parties to address these issues when submitting future nominations;

  8. Also appreciates the high increase in the number of multinational nominations examined in the 2020 cycle, stresses that multinational files should strike a balance in terms of the quantity and quality of information provided by the different States Parties concerned, underlines that such files should demonstrate collaboration between States Parties and between communities, in particular in the development of joint safeguarding measures and invites the Secretariat to prepare guidance notes for the preparation of multinational files in order to improve their quality, taking into account the global reflection on the listing mechanisms;

  9. Welcomes the increased number of elements highlighting the links between intangible cultural heritage and environmental sustainability, further underlines the importance of including more systematically the contributions of the elements to sustainability according to the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals in the nomination files and requests the Secretariat to conduct a reflection on this subject in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms and to present it to the Committee for consideration at its sixteenth session;

  10. Recommends that relevant issues, concerns and recommendations raised by the Evaluation Body in the 2020 cycle be taken into consideration, as appropriate, in the ongoing global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention.
